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Build Your High Concurrency App With PHP and Sw...

Albert Chen
December 20, 2022

Build Your High Concurrency App With PHP and Swoole

Jomlaunch Asia 2021

Albert Chen

December 20, 2022

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  1. About Me { "data": { "human": { "name": "Albert Chen",

    "occupation": "Software Architect", "website": "https://albert-chen.com", "interests": [ "traveling", "programming", "cooking" ] }, "tags": [ "Laravel Artisan", "Swoole Enthusiast", "Open Source Contributor" ] } }
  2. Outline • Introduction of Swoole • PHP’s Internal Lifecycle •

    Blocking I/O in PHP • Server Structure of Swoole • Benchmark of Swoole • Coroutine in Swoole • Some Facts about Swoole • Q&A
  3. What is Swoole? • Since 2012 • Open source based

    on Apache-2.0 License • 17k stars until July 2021 • More than 100 contributors • Adopted by many enterprises in China • O ffi cially supported by Laravel Octane
  4. What is Swoole? • A C extension for PHP •

    An asynchronous network engine for PHP • Features: • Event-driven non-blocking I/O • HTTP / HTTP2 / Websocket / TCP / UDP • Coroutine (CSP Model) • Excellent performance for high concurrency
  5. What is Swoole? • Not a new language, but an

    extension for PHP • Provides many new features for traditional PHP • New lifecycle in Swoole • Server patterns, coroutine, async I/O, Process Management, etc. • It's still under active development • Stable for production environment • High performance
  6. How many files are required for one request in Laravel?

    426 get_included_files() In Laravel 8.52
  7. Stateless PHP • How do we serve PHP today? •

    PHP-FPM • mod_php for Apache
 • Both patterns are all stateless
  8. Stateless PHP • Pros • Easy scaling • Simple, less

    risk causing memory leaks • Cons • States can't be shared between requests • States must rely on external storages • Resources can't be reused e ffi ciently • Connection cost is expensive (like database) • Not good for high performance
  9. Blocking I/O in PHP • PHP is originally created as

    glue layer to call C functions • The I/O model is blocking by default • Almost all client-side libraries involving I/O are blocking • Multiple process for handling blocking I/O • I/O bound concurrency depends on process number • Cost for context switch in processes is expensive
  10. Blocking I/O in PHP • Resource can't be reused •

    I/O requests are blocking • 80% time cost on blocking I/O
  11. Concurrency Problem • 100 requests at the same time need

    100 processes • 100 connections will be established as well • Scale to increase concurrency
  12. Server Structure in Swoole • Code Is Persistent in Memory

    • Swoole Server Takes Lifecycle Over PHP • Reduce Initialization Steps • Reduce Response Latency • Event-driven Non-blocking I/O for Requests
  13. Coroutine in Swoole • Non-Blocking I/Os are scheduled by coroutine

    automatically. PHP is the best Swoole is awesome! Hello world!
  14. Coroutine in Swoole … Hello Swoole!

    • Non-Blocking I/Os are scheduled by coroutine automatically.
  15. Coroutine in Swoole Hello Swoole! …

    • Non-Blocking I/Os are scheduled by coroutine automatically.
  16. Some Facts about Swoole • Most of traditional PHP projects

    needs to be refactored. • Convert requests and responses
  17. Some Facts about Swoole • Global states in PHP needs

    to be used more carefully. (eg. $_GET, $_POST, static, global)
  18. Some Facts about Swoole • Global states in PHP needs

    to be used more carefully. (eg. $_GET, $_POST, static, global)
  19. Some Facts about Swoole • You can try Hyperf framework

    for your new projects. Hyperf = Hyperspeed + Flexibility https://www.hyperf.io
  20. Some Facts about Swoole • Swoole is now o ffi

    cially supported by Laravel team. • Laravel will become friendly in long-running server • Some Octane features rely on Swoole • No coroutine features are supported yet
  21. Q&A