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Beyond That Horizon

Beyond That Horizon

Originally uploaded January 2021.

Alexa Seidner

July 28, 2024

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  1. Scene 2 Panel 1 Dialog SIDNEY Hrmm... Let's see here...

    Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  2. Scene 5 Panel 6 Dialog SIDNEY What- NO! My map!

    Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  3. Scene 6 Panel 6 Dialog NINEVE What in the nine

    hells are you doing here? Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  4. Scene 7 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE Especially after you ditched

    my ass for being so called- Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  5. Scene 7 Panel 3 Dialog NINEVE Especially after you ditched

    my ass for being so called- Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  6. Scene 8 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE "-Bad luck" on your

    precious ship. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  7. Scene 8 Panel 3 Dialog NINEVE Well, I'm not about

    to let you get your greedy, dirty hands on MY treasure. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  8. Scene 8 Panel 4 Dialog NINEVE Well, I'm not about

    to let you get your greedy, dirty hands on MY treasure. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  9. Scene 8 Panel 5 Dialog SIDNEY You won't be finding

    any treasure without MY help! That treasure is rightfully MINE. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  10. Scene 10 Panel 1 Dialog NINEVE Aww, already can't keep

    up with me? This is going to be OH so much fun, Sidney. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  11. Scene 18 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE Well? What're you waiting

    for? Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  12. Scene 19 Panel 1 Dialog NINEVE I always thought you

    were a lazy lump after all. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  13. Scene 19 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE You always had your

    first mate do everything for you. A shame he isn't here now to help your sorry ass. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  14. Scene 22 Panel 1 Dialog NINEVE Hm. That sure looks

    pretty far down. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  15. Scene 22 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE Y'know? Someone should see

    if it's safe. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  16. Scene 24 Panel 1 Dialog NINEVE Ah. That wasn't so

    bad! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  17. Scene 27 Panel 2 Dialog SIDNEY Hey, would you mind

    slowing down?! I can't keep up with yer blasted flying ahead! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  18. Scene 28 Panel 1 Dialog SIDNEY You don't even have

    a clue where to go! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  19. Scene 28 Panel 2 Dialog SIDNEY I had the map

    after all before you came crashing in like a hurricane. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  20. Scene 29 Panel 3 Dialog NINEVE I suppose you MIGHT

    have a point with all ya whining. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  21. Scene 32 Panel 1 Dialog NINEVE -SNORTS- Having a little

    trouble there, Sidney? Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  22. Scene 32 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE -SNORTS- Having a little

    trouble there, Sidney? Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  23. Scene 32 Panel 3 Dialog NINEVE Let's get one foot

    in front of the other and get a move on. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  24. Scene 32 Panel 4 Dialog NINEVE Let's get one foot

    in front of the other and get a move on. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  25. Scene 35 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE What's the hold up?

    Don't tell me you're having second thoughts- which is fine by me. Means MORE treasure for me, myself and I. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  26. Scene 39 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE Oh. My. GODS. You

    look like such a complete IDIOT! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  27. Scene 40 Panel 2 Dialog SIDNEY WAIT! Don't step foot

    there- Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  28. Scene 42 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE -what? Action Notes -rushing

    water sfx- Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  29. Scene 44 Panel 1 Dialog SIDNEY Why couldn't you just

    LISTEN to me?! It's not that difficult of a thing to do! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  30. Scene 44 Panel 2 Dialog SIDNEY Why couldn't you just

    LISTEN to me?! It's not that difficult of a thing to do! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  31. Scene 44 Panel 3 Dialog SIDNEY Why couldn't you just

    LISTEN to me?! It's not that difficult of a thing to do! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  32. Scene 44 Panel 4 Dialog SIDNEY Now look at what

    you've done! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  33. Scene 44 Panel 5 Dialog SIDNEY Now look at what

    you've done! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  34. Scene 45 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE Oh, it's just like

    you to put the blame on someone else, isn't it? Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  35. Scene 45 Panel 3 Dialog NINEVE It was SO easy

    to use me as your scapegoat before so why not do it again, huh?! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  36. Scene 45 Panel 4 Dialog NINEVE It was SO easy

    to use me as your scapegoat before so why not do it again, huh?! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  37. Scene 45 Panel 5 Dialog SIDNEY Nineve! That was NEVER

    the case! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  38. Scene 45 Panel 6 Dialog SIDNEY Nineve! That was NEVER

    the case! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  39. Scene 45 Panel 7 Dialog SIDNEY Nineve! That was NEVER

    the case! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  40. Scene 45 Panel 8 Dialog SIDNEY Nineve! That was NEVER

    the case! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  41. Scene 46 Panel 1 Dialog SIDNEY Yes. I'll admit I

    made a mistake. I let my superstitions get the best of me. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  42. Scene 46 Panel 2 Dialog SIDNEY It cost me my

    love and my crew. I'm sorry I outcasted you. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  43. Scene 46 Panel 3 Dialog SIDNEY So, PLEASE, I am

    asking you to forgive me and just- work together. Just this ONCE. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  44. Scene 47 Panel 3 Dialog NINEVE Please? Gods, Sidney. Where

    was this change of heart back then, huh? Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  45. Scene 47 Panel 5 Dialog NINEVE You can go drown

    while I lavish in all of that treasure beyond this room. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  46. Scene 47 Panel 6 Dialog NINEVE You can go drown

    while I lavish in all of that treasure beyond this room. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  47. Scene 47 Panel 7 Dialog NINEVE You can go drown

    while I lavish in all of that treasure beyond this room. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  48. Scene 48 Panel 1 Dialog SIDNEY You do realize that

    the water will fill up to the top and you'll drown with me. Corpses don't get to make good use of gold. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  49. Scene 48 Panel 2 Dialog SIDNEY You do realize that

    the water will fill up to the top and you'll drown with me. Corpses don't get to make good use of gold. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  50. Scene 50 Panel 1 Dialog SIDNEY C'mon. Grab my hand.

    I have a plan to get us out. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  51. Scene 54 Panel 2 Dialog SIDNEY Okay, I'll need your

    pistol since it isn't fully doused in water yet. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  52. Scene 55 Panel 3 Dialog SIDNEY -we can light up

    this explosive. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  53. Scene 55 Panel 4 Dialog SIDNEY -we can light up

    this explosive. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  54. Scene 55 Panel 5 Dialog SIDNEY -we can light up

    this explosive. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  55. Scene 55 Panel 6 Dialog NINEVE You want me to

    do what now?! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  56. Scene 55 Panel 7 Dialog NINEVE You want me to

    do what now?! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  57. Scene 57 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE Oh my gods... We...

    We almost died! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  58. Scene 57 Panel 3 Dialog NINEVE Oh my gods... We...

    We almost died! Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  59. Scene 59 Panel 1 Dialog NINEVE We found it! Look

    at all that loot just ripe for the picking. Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  60. Scene 59 Panel 2 Dialog NINEVE Come on, you slowpoke!

    Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon
  61. Scene 60 Panel 1 Dialog SIDNEY See? Was that really

    so terrible? Alexa Seidner - Beyond That Horizon