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Fae Warned

Fae Warned

A Changeling on the run finds reconciliation with a powerful Archfey in the woods.

Alexa Seidner

July 27, 2024

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  1. Scene 8 Panel 3 Dialog IARA (OS) Oh my darling

    Florian... Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 47/103
  2. Scene 9 Panel 1 Dialog IARA (OS) It's so lovely

    to see you. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 48/103
  3. Scene 9 Panel 2 Dialog IARA It's so lovely to

    see you. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 49/103
  4. Scene 9 Panel 3 Dialog IARA It's so lovely to

    see you. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 50/103
  5. Scene 10 Panel 1 Dialog IARA (OS) Are you alright,

    my dear? Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 51/103
  6. Scene 10 Panel 2 Dialog IARA (OS) Let me dry

    away those tears. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 52/103
  7. Scene 10 Panel 3 Dialog IARA (OS) Let me dry

    away those tears. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 53/103
  8. Scene 11 Panel 1 Dialog IARA Is my size too

    intimidating for you, my ward? Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 55/103
  9. Scene 11 Panel 2 Dialog IARA Is my size too

    intimidating for you, my ward? Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 56/103
  10. Scene 11 Panel 4 Dialog IARA I do suppose my

    most grand and beautiful form can be quite imposing. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 58/103
  11. Scene 11 Panel 5 Dialog IARA I do suppose my

    most grand and beautiful form can be quite imposing. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 59/103
  12. Scene 11 Panel 6 Dialog IARA Let me ease your

    worries. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 60/103
  13. Scene 11 Panel 7 Dialog IARA Let me ease your

    worries. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 61/103
  14. Scene 12 Panel 2 Dialog IARA Florian, whatever are you

    doing in this forest without your twin sister? Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 65/103
  15. Scene 12 Panel 3 Dialog IARA Florian, whatever are you

    doing in this forest without your twin sister? Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 66/103
  16. Scene 12 Panel 4 Dialog IARA Vivian must be worried

    sick about you! Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 67/103
  17. Scene 12 Panel 5 Dialog IARA Vivian must be worried

    sick about you! Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 68/103
  18. Scene 13 Panel 1 Dialog ARIEL You... you think I

    am Florian...? Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 69/103
  19. Scene 13 Panel 2 Dialog ARIEL I must apologize great

    Archfey... but you are mistaken. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 70/103
  20. Scene 13 Panel 3 Dialog ARIEL I... I am not

    your ward. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 71/103
  21. Scene 13 Panel 4 Dialog ARIEL I... <chokes up> Alexa

    Seidner - Fae Warned Page 72/103
  22. Scene 13 Panel 5 Dialog ARIEL I am but just

    his form... Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 73/103
  23. Scene 14 Panel 1 Dialog ARIEL (OS) ...and his sister's.

    Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 74/103
  24. Scene 14 Panel 2 Dialog ARIEL I took both of

    their forms. My father... the King... He... <chokes up again> Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 75/103
  25. Scene 14 Panel 3 Dialog ARIEL (OS) He had me...

    befriend them... and then... then... He... <their voice drowns out as Iara dissociates> Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 76/103
  26. Scene 14 Panel 4 Dialog ARIEL I took both of

    their forms. My father... the King... He... <chokes up again> Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 77/103
  27. Scene 14 Panel 5 Dialog ARIEL (OS) ... <their voice

    becomes clear once more> My father had them killed. I did not know... I did not want to take their place. I'm sorry. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 78/103
  28. Scene 14 Panel 6 Dialog ARIEL (OS) ... <their voice

    becomes clear once more> My father had them killed. I did not know... I did not want to take their place. I'm sorry. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 79/103
  29. Scene 16 Panel 1 Dialog IARA You are a Changeling.

    How could I not see one of my own. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 91/103
  30. Scene 16 Panel 2 Dialog IARA Oh dear one... do

    not apologize for such atrocities that are not yours. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 92/103
  31. Scene 16 Panel 3 Dialog IARA Allow me to protect

    you. Make a pact with me. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 93/103
  32. Scene 16 Panel 4 Dialog IARA Allow me to protect

    you. Make a pact with me. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 94/103
  33. Scene 16 Panel 6 Dialog IARA Shh... It's okay. Alexa

    Seidner - Fae Warned Page 96/103
  34. Scene 17 Panel 1 Dialog IARA Let it out. Alexa

    Seidner - Fae Warned Page 97/103
  35. Scene 17 Panel 2 Dialog IARA I bestow my permission

    for you to continue using my wards' forms... in a way to honor their lives. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 98/103
  36. Scene 17 Panel 3 Dialog IARA I bestow my permission

    for you to continue using my wards' forms... in a way to honor their lives. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 99/103
  37. Scene 18 Panel 1 Dialog IARA Your father and any

    of his followers will rue the day they have done harm to my children. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 101/103
  38. Scene 18 Panel 2 Dialog IARA I'll be sure to

    see to their downfall. Alexa Seidner - Fae Warned Page 102/103