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apidays Australia 2023 - No API is an island, E...

December 18, 2023

apidays Australia 2023 - No API is an island, Erik Tveitnes, REA

apidays Australia 2023 - Platforms, Products, and People: The Power of APIs
October 11 & 12, 2023

No API is an island; Driving product growth through partner ecosystem
Erik Tveitnes, API Lead at REA


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December 18, 2023

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  1. No man is an island No man is an island

    entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. ~ John Donne (1572-1631) - 1624
  2. Who is REA Group? We’re a leading global digital business

    working to change the way the world experiences property Consumer Experiences Customer Value Financial Services Global 3000+ people over 3 continents Property Data
  3. Web For office-based workflows App For work on the go

    API For integrating into our customers most used software Leads Reporting Rent connections Listings Reviews 🖥 How customers use Ignite Ignite is made up of three channels. Our direct channels Ignite web and app, and indirect Ignite API, which enables customers to integrate our data into their own systems, or through 3rd party software like CRM’s.
  4. Residential Rent Commercial Developer Customers Customers Ignite Web & App

    Ignite API Prop-tech partners Customer Channels
  5. #Lesson 3 Relationships are the key to success • Early

    adoption and feedback • Cross promotion opportunities • More opportunities to create shared experiences • Enable innovation outside your own business If partnerships work: • Little to no adoption • The blame game to customers • Poor siloed experiences for customers • You are limited to what you can create internally If partnerships fail:
  6. Integration opportunities PHASE 1 One way flow of data Data

    from REA products to CRMs. Limited APIs and data sharing. Sales and Rental requests coming June ‘23 PHASE 2 Two way flow of data PHASE 3 Integrated experiences REA & partner API integration Partners – grow adoption REA with partner components Partner with REA components REA APIs - leads Partners – 100+ Future capability Current capability Products that are deeply embedded and unlock functionality which is new to REA (Ignite) or CRMs. AVAILABLE TODAY Better sharing capability with API integration allowing better flows of information – in turn making it easier for REA, partners and customers
  7. Win-Win •Have you found the Win Win? •What's in it

    for them to integrate? Decision maker •Have you convinced the managers? •Can you excite the developers? Sell the story •Speak like a human •Pictures over specs Be transparent •Publish your outages •Publish your roadmaps Be easy to work with •Take feedback •Minimize your breaking changes
  8. #Lesson 4 Spawning a competitor or cultivating innovation? OKR: Increase

    MAU on owned experience Teams favour exclusive data in owned channels to increase views Speed to market challenges favour estimates in owned experiences Lack of partner system knowledge makes it hard to dream Difficulties measuring success in partner systems How to evolve a product once its live
  9. #Lesson 5 Platform capabilities supporting federation Customer Focused Your API

    Consumers should be at the heart of what you build 5-5-5 Rule An API Consumer should take 5 seconds to understand your API, 5 minutes to make a first request & 5 days to use your API in production Consistency All API’s should look like they were built by the same person Predictability If users know what to expect from your API, they’re a lot less likely to struggle using it Privacy & Security Privacy and security should be first class citizens in API design Ignite API supports federated delivery enabling feature teams to deliver products to customers via their channel of choice Purchasing Authenticatio n Internal Onboarding Federating Team Support Internal Documentatio n Sandbox environment 's Security Analytics External Documentation GTM function External Support External Onboarding Ignite API Capabilities API Producers API Consumers API Standards
  10. No API is an and island and interconnectability is essential

    for providing customers choice In summary Customer eyeballs in your experience are not essential, product value is Customer expectations are evolving and becoming more complex Partnerships defend market share by creating stickier customers