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apidays Paris 2022 - A day in the life of BPCE ...

January 07, 2023

apidays Paris 2022 - A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable IT referent/evangelist, Lucile Vannier, INR

apidays Paris 2022 - APIs the next 10 years: Software, Society, Sovereignty, Sustainability
December 14, 15 & 16, 2022

A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable IT referent/evangelist
Lucile Vannier, Sustainable Digital Expert at BPCE SI & Groupe BPCE & Strategy Deputy Director at INR

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January 07, 2023

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  1. A day in the life O F B P C

    E S U S T A I N A B L E I T E X P E R T Lucile Vannier, Sustainable Digital Expert at BPCE SI & Groupe BPCE + Strategy Deputy Director at INR (Institute of Sustainable IT)
  2. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert Lucile VANNIER A day in the life O F B P C E S U S T A I N A B L E I T R E F E R E N T
  3. 2023 SERIES OF EVENT New York May 16&17 Australia October

    11&12 Singapore April 12&13 Helsinki & North June 5&6 Paris SEPTEMBER London November 15&16 June 28-30 SILICON VALLEY March 14&15 Dubai & Middle East February 22&23
  4. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert 01 Why ? How to help ? 02 Who can lead a sustainable digital sector ? 03
  5. Baotou toxic lake in Inner Mongolia, the world's biggest supplier

    of rare earth minerals « Disasters, stronger, more often » Tristan Nitot
  6. IPCC “Climate change: a threat to human wellbeing and health

    of the planet. Taking action now can secure our future”
  7. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert of French people are aware they are living a real ecological crisis 64% approve the idea we are going to have to change our ways Source: TF1 / Sociovision survey that monitor French bahaviors facing climate emergency and the role of media duringecological transition - September 2022 87% of French people didn’t know what was digital pollution 77% Source: Investigation « French people and digital ecology » for NGO Digital for the Planet, 2017 Climate change is a regular concern for half of people across a global country average 70% worry about effects already seen in other countries Source: Earth Day 2022: Global attitudes to climate change – April 2022
  8. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert Digital, a tool Both extraordinary… … & worrying
  9. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert Examining digital issues Some ecological numbers that are questionable of global electricity is consumed by Internet only If the internet was a country, it would rank tirth for electricity usage, after China and USA For the worst-case scenario, ICT could use as much as 51% of global electricity and could contribute up to 23% of the globally released greenhouse gas emissions in 2030. 7 to 10% Sources: Clicking Clean Greenpeace 2017 (This is without cryptocurrency electricity consumption) On Global Electricity Usage of Communication Technology: Trends to 2030 volume of data consumed worldwide in 2021 In 2025, global data creation is projected to grow to more than 180 zettabytes. 2142 ZB in 2030. 52% of all data is Dark Data resulting in 6.4 million tonnes of CO2 in 2020. 1 zettabyte = 1021 bytes 79 zettabytes Sources: Statista, may 2022 Veritas Technologies LLC, 2021 of raw material required to produce only one 2 kg computer The 'ecological rucksack’ or MIPS is the total quantities of natural materials (extraction, energy, water,…) moved in order to produce one product. Mining resources are limited and their extraction is polluting water, air, soil and is producing toxic wastes. 57,4 million tons of Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) are produced in France every year. Only, 17,4% is collected and recycled. Source: ADEME, 2018 800 kg tonnes of space debris in Earth orbits. The Earth, oceans and space are full of garbage ! There are billions of objects in orbit from thousands of large waste objects, such as dead satellites and spent rocket pieces, .. It poses a risk in orbit: - to vehicles and crews through the threat of collision - to the basic services like our GPS and advanced technology like Climate research are threatened Internet through satellite • Starlink – Elon Musk goal: 42,000 satellites • Amazon Jeff Bezos goal : 3,200 satellites 8,000 Sources: NASA / Starlink / Amazon
  10. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert The impact is not where we think it is ! Impact is quite user’s side! Source : GreenIT.fr DEVICES NETWORK DATACENTER 34 billion 1 billion 67 million Carbon footprint Primary energy Waste Water Abiotic resources 66% 60% 76% 50% 84% 19% 23% 16% 25% 8% 15% 17% 8% 25% 7% 4,4 bn 500:1 Source: Green-IT - 2019 (without Distribution and end-of-life equipment) GES 8 devices per person 68 bn estimated in 2025
  11. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert Examining digital issues Some societal numbers that are questionable of the French population is excluded from digital accessibility 8 million French people don’t have the means to access digital tools 500,000 people are excluded because they are living in area without network Exclusion due to lack of skills affects 20% of French people (13 million people) Only 2% of French websites are accessible to people with disabilities. However, since 2005, digital accessibility is a legal obligation for equal rights and opportunities in France. 19% Sources: INSEE, 2019 Simplon, 2022 & 9 months is the average lenhgt of possession of a mobile phone Risks of Digital Screen Time Psycho-social risks Attention deficit Addiction Burn-Out Desocialisation Cyber-bullying Obesity Blindness Many tech celebrities children, like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Evan Williams and Mark Zuckerberg, are not allowed to use screens, so as to avoid psycho-social risks. 9 years Sources: French Senate, 2022 The High Public Health Committee (HCSP, France), 2019 Médiamétrie, 2020 BBC, 2019 – The New York Times, 2014 of the people who joined extremist groups on Facebook did so because the algorithms steered them there Algorithms promote content that sparks outrage, hate, and amplifies biases within the data that we feed them. Sources: Internal Facebook Report, 2018 The Social Dilemma (Bonus Clip: The Discrimination Dilemma) 64% of women leave the Tech after 8 years of work The digital industry has only 25% women (48% in all sectors). And 15% women have technical and engineering profile. Already relatively absent, many won't stay. There are various reasons: - “Glass ceiling” ; “Broken rung” - Negative balance between professional and private life - Toxicity, abuse and “Bro” culture - Unequal pay: 19,6%. It is more than the wage gap in all sectors (15,8%) 50% Source: 50inTech & Figures, 2022 of undersea cables are MAMAA’s properties Sovereignty Source of power Vector of influence Geopolitical risks Cyber attack War & conflicts TechnoFascism Attention economy Digital is far too important: - to be left only to the interests of big business - or governments are acting without Citizen control There are already more than 450 sea-cables on the ocean floors. Source: France Stratégie Three quarters
  12. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert 01 Why ? How to help ? 02 Who can lead a sustainable digital sector ? 03
  13. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert How can I help at my level ? Primary actions I recommend Learn fundamentals THE BEST PRACTICE END OF LIFE WEEE MANUFACTURING SOURCING REDUCTION IMPROVE LIFE USES STANDBY MODE RECYCLING The device that pollutes the least is the one that is not manufactured. Improve life duration of your devices Aim to ERC Eliminate – Reduce – Contribute Aim to 3U Useful - Usable - Used
  14. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert How can I help at my level ? Some other suggestions Contribute in working group Don’t stay alone https://myimpact.isit-europe.org Calculate your digital impact Educate yourself Learning good practices Listening to some podcast Reading material Digital uses we can do in our daily lives by ADN Ouest
  15. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert customers How can I help in my organisation ? DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS & WELL-RESPECTED BRANDS employees of the French economy of financing STRATEGIC PLAN GROUPE BPCE 2024
  16. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert How can I help in my organisation ? Manufacturing Usage 40 % 26 % 3 % 16 % 1 % 14 % 44 % 56 % 1 Sources of carbon footprint Equipment manufacturing Use of devices 2 Use of datacenters Use of network 3 4 Groupe BPCE programs Sustainability software by Design Equipement lifecycle Education, training and communication Datacenter Management Sustainability software by Design Carbon footprint Sustainability software by Design Source: Green-IT - 2019 (without Distribution and end-of-life equipment) Sustainability software by Design GES Data Center 67 million Network 1 billion Devices 34 billion 4,4 billion
  17. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert How can I help in my organisation ? 2012 First group carbon footprint 2014 Creation of the Club Green IT (IT-CE co-founder member) 2020 Creation of the BPCE Group sustainable digital sector 2021 Incorporation of sustainable IT issues in strategic plan BPCE 2024 2019 Signature by Laurent Mignon of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment Dec21 Laureate for the Sustainable digital Trophy (organisation’s strategy category) Oct20 Signing of the Sustainable IT Charter by BPCE Group 2018 Creation of the INR (IT-CE co-founder member) Carbon footprint reduction-goal in strategic plan 2018-2021 2022 Sustainable IT training offer in Tech & Digital Academy June22 Winners of the EcoCode Challenge Aug22 Framework of Sustainability software by Design Oct22 Co-laureates for “Goldy Standards” (trusted digitalisation category) Dec22 A few key events
  18. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert 01 Why ? How to help ? 02 Who can lead a sustainable digital sector ? 03
  19. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert Sustainable digital management team
  20. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert My job Sustainable IT Expert Manage, lead, present or participate in working groups Raise awareness & convince Represent BPCE Group Constant learning
  21. Lucile Vannier A day in the life of BPCE Sustainable

    IT Expert My advice to someone willing to do the same as I do Particularly when you believe in something & you consider that is the most important thing to do.