count(*) FROM page_views t1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT url FROM page_views WHERE id > AND user_id = t1.user_id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1) AS t2 WHERE t1.url = ‘/checkout.html’ GROUP BY t1.url, t2.url;
count(*) FROM page_views t1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT url FROM page_views WHERE id < AND user_id = t1.user_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS t2 WHERE t1.url = ‘/cancel_account.html’ GROUP BY t1.url, t2.url;
action == ‘/enter_cc.html’ WITHIN 1 STEP THEN SELECT count() INTO “step1”; WHEN action == ‘/confirm.html’ WITHIN 1 STEP THEN SELECT count() INTO “step2”; END END F0!!#, Q0#r+:
Project Line Graph designed by Cris Dobbins from The Noun Project Computer designed by Olivier Guin from The Noun Project Database designed by Cees de Vries from The Noun Project Document designed by Piotrek Chuchla from The Noun Project Worker designed by Bart Laugs from The Noun Project People designed by Studio Het Mes from The Noun Project Clock designed by Infinity Kim from The Noun Project Question designed by Greg Pabst from The Noun Project Hammer designed by John Caserta from The Noun Project Rocket designed by James Fenton from The Noun Project Expand designed by Dmitry Baranovskiy from The Noun Project Rock n Roll designed by Cengiz SARI from The Noun Project Robot designed by Simon Child from The Noun Project Profanity designed by Juan Pablo Bravo from The Noun Project