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Father Michael's House Call

January 21, 2025

Father Michael's House Call

A possession peeks past the public domain.


January 21, 2025


  1. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 64 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    Ms. DUCK: Father Michael, father michael housecall Page 64/436
  2. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 65 Duration 01:00 Dialog M

    Dialog Ms. Duck: Thank God You're father michael housecall Page 65/436
  3. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 66 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    Ms. Duck, Here father michael housecall Page 66/436
  4. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 71 Duration 01:00 Dialog M

    Dialog Ms. Duck: Things have been- father michael housecall Page 71/436
  5. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 72 Duration 01:00 Dialog FAther

    MICHAEL: Dialog FAther MICHAEL: You left the window open. father michael housecall Page 72/436
  6. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 73 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    Ms. Duck: I'm Sorry, I- father michael housecall Page 73/436
  7. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 74 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: I told you earlier, w Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: I told you earlier, we can’t risk this spreading father michael housecall Page 74/436
  8. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 75 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: before we kno Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: before we know what we’re dealing with. father michael housecall Page 75/436
  9. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 76 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: before we kno Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: before we know what we’re dealing with. father michael housecall Page 76/436
  10. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 77 Duration 01:00 Dialog MISS

    D Dialog MISS DUCK: Yes, I know, it’s just- father michael housecall Page 77/436
  11. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 78 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: I gave you express instructions on this when we spoke earlier. I Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: I gave you express instructions on this when we spoke earlier. I need you to work with me. father michael housecall Page 78/436
  12. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 86 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Has anyone else come into contact with the poss Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Has anyone else come into contact with the possessed since we last spoke? father michael housecall Page 86/436
  13. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 87 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MS. DUCK: N-No one, It's- father michael housecall Page 87/436
  14. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 88 Duration 01:00 Dialog MS.

    DU Dialog MS. DUCK: -Just been me here. I- father michael housecall Page 88/436
  15. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 89 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    FATHER MICHAEL: Good. father michael housecall Page 89/436
  16. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 105 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: I'm going to ask- father michael housecall Page 105/436
  17. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 106 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHA Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: -That you stay outside father michael housecall Page 106/436
  18. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 107 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICH Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: You're going to hear- father michael housecall Page 107/436
  19. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 108 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MIC Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: -a lot of things, but- father michael housecall Page 108/436
  20. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 109 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: -under Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: -under no circumstances are you- father michael housecall Page 109/436
  21. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 110 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: -to open Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: -to open that door until we're done. father michael housecall Page 110/436
  22. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 111 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MIC Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Do you understand? father michael housecall Page 111/436
  23. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 112 Duration 01:00 Dialog MS.

    DUCK, Ye Dialog MS. DUCK, Yes, you mentioned that ear- father michael housecall Page 112/436
  24. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 113 Duration 01:00 Dialog MS.

    DUCK, Ye Dialog MS. DUCK, Yes, you mentioned that ear- father michael housecall Page 113/436
  25. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 115 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICH Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Do you understand?! father michael housecall Page 115/436
  26. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 134 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MS. DUCK: Father Michael! father michael housecall Page 134/436
  27. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 136 Duration 01:00 Dialog MS.DUCK:

    Is it-is it true Dialog MS.DUCK: Is it-is it true what they say about you? father michael housecall Page 136/436
  28. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 138 Duration 01:00 Dialog M

    Dialog MS.DUCK: Can you help her? father michael housecall Page 138/436
  29. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 139 Duration 01:00 Dialog M

    Dialog MS. Duck: Will she be okay? father michael housecall Page 139/436
  30. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 140 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MS> DUCK: It's just- father michael housecall Page 140/436
  31. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 141 Duration 01:00 Dialog MS.

    DUCK: Ever sinc Dialog MS. DUCK: Ever since I lost my husband, she's- father michael housecall Page 141/436
  32. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 142 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    Ms. Duck: She's father michael housecall Page 142/436
  33. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 143 Duration 01:00 Dialog MS>

    DUCK ( Dialog MS> DUCK (O.S.): -She's all I have left... father michael housecall Page 143/436
  34. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 150 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: We'll do every Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: We'll do everything we can for her, dear. father michael housecall Page 150/436
  35. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 178 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Is this your first time dealing w Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Is this your first time dealing with a posession, Maxwell? father michael housecall Page 178/436
  36. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 179 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    Dialog FATHER G. MAXWELL: U-Um, yes, father michael housecall Page 179/436
  37. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 180 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATH

    Dialog FATHER G. MAXWELL: Yes, it is. father michael housecall Page 180/436
  38. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 181 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHE

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: You'll be fine. father michael housecall Page 181/436
  39. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 182 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Stay calm, follow my lead and don Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Stay calm, follow my lead and don’t act until I tell you, okay? father michael housecall Page 182/436
  40. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 183 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Stay calm, follow my lead and don Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Stay calm, follow my lead and don’t act until I tell you, okay? father michael housecall Page 183/436
  41. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 184 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Stay calm, follow my lead and don Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Stay calm, follow my lead and don’t act until I tell you, okay? father michael housecall Page 184/436
  42. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 185 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    G. MA Dialog FATHER G. MAXWELL (O.S.) :,Gulp, Okay. father michael housecall Page 185/436
  43. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 213 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: Oh! father michael housecall Page 213/436
  44. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 215 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: Well- father michael housecall Page 215/436
  45. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 217 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: -Hello there! father michael housecall Page 217/436
  46. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 219 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Good evening, Ms. Mouse! father michael housecall Page 219/436
  47. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 220 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Good evening, Ms. Mouse! father michael housecall Page 220/436
  48. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 221 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Good evening, Ms. Mouse! father michael housecall Page 221/436
  49. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 222 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: I’m Father Michael father michael housecall Page 222/436
  50. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 223 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: I’m Father Michael father michael housecall Page 223/436
  51. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 224 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: and this is y Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: and this is young man is my associate, father michael housecall Page 224/436
  52. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 225 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: this is y Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: this is young man is my associate, father michael housecall Page 225/436
  53. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 226 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Father G Maxwell. father michael housecall Page 226/436
  54. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 227 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Father G Maxwell. father michael housecall Page 227/436
  55. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 229 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHA Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Your friend, Ms. Duck - father michael housecall Page 229/436
  56. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 230 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: - was worried you’d been a b Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: - was worried you’d been a bit under the weather and- father michael housecall Page 230/436
  57. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 231 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: -thought invit Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: -thought inviting us over might do you - father michael housecall Page 231/436
  58. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 232 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: - Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: -might do you some good. father michael housecall Page 232/436
  59. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 233 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: Oh, it's- father michael housecall Page 233/436
  60. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 234 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    -A p Dialog MIN: -A pleasure to meet you both! father michael housecall Page 234/436
  61. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 235 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    MIN: -A p Dialog MIN: MIN: -A pleasure to meet you both! father michael housecall Page 235/436
  62. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 236 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    You didn’t have to come a Dialog MIN: You didn’t have to come all this way for little ol’ me! father michael housecall Page 236/436
  63. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 237 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Don't be- father michael housecall Page 237/436
  64. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 238 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Ms. Duc Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Ms. Duck is a beloved member of- father michael housecall Page 238/436
  65. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 239 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MI Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: We'd do anything- father michael housecall Page 239/436
  66. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 240 Duration 01:00 Dialog F

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: -to help. father michael housecall Page 240/436
  67. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 241 Duration 01:00 Dialog F

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: -to help. father michael housecall Page 241/436
  68. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 242 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: Oh, she's- father michael housecall Page 242/436
  69. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 243 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: -such a sweetheart! father michael housecall Page 243/436
  70. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 244 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    Poor thing’s been such a treasure, taking ca Dialog MIN: Poor thing’s been such a treasure, taking care of me ever since I fell ill. father michael housecall Page 244/436
  71. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 245 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    Lord knows Dialog MIN: Lord knows how she’s able to do it all, father michael housecall Page 245/436
  72. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 246 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    e Dialog MIN: ever since losing her fiancé. father michael housecall Page 246/436
  73. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 250 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHE

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Isn't she just? father michael housecall Page 250/436
  74. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 251 Duration 01:00 Dialog FAT

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Could you- father michael housecall Page 251/436
  75. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 252 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: -close that window, son? father michael housecall Page 252/436
  76. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 253 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: It’s a might chilly in here. father michael housecall Page 253/436
  77. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 264 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    (O.S.): O Dialog MIN: (O.S.): Oh, where are my manners? father michael housecall Page 264/436
  78. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 265 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    You b Dialog MIN: You boys come all this way and- father michael housecall Page 265/436
  79. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 266 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    -here I am sit Dialog MIN: -here I am sitting in my bed like a lump! father michael housecall Page 266/436
  80. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 267 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: -Come, let's- father michael housecall Page 267/436
  81. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 268 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN

    (O Dialog MIN (O.S.): Let's at least get you- father michael housecall Page 268/436
  82. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 269 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN

    ( Dialog MIN (O.S.): -something to drink. father michael housecall Page 269/436
  83. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 270 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Oh, don’t worry, my dear. father michael housecall Page 270/436
  84. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 279 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: AAAAIIIEEEEEEE! father michael housecall Page 279/436
  85. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 280 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: AAAAIIIEEEEEEE! father michael housecall Page 280/436
  86. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 281 Duration 01:00 Dialog FAT

    Dialog MIN: AAAAIIEEEEEE father michael housecall Page 281/436
  87. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 282 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: RESTRAIN HER! father michael housecall Page 283/436
  88. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 283 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: QUICKLY! father michael housecall Page 284/436
  89. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 285 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHE

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: NOW, NOW!f father michael housecall Page 286/436
  90. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 307 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MI Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska...Mooska... father michael housecall Page 308/436
  91. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 308 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: ...Mickey Mouse... father michael housecall Page 309/436
  92. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 310 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog MIN: You'll- father michael housecall Page 311/436
  93. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 312 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog MIN: Never get me out! father michael housecall Page 314/436
  94. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 316 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    Dialog MIN: The girl's mine! father michael housecall Page 319/436
  95. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 318 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MI Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska…Mooska… father michael housecall Page 322/436
  96. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 320 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey…Mouse… father michael housecall Page 324/436
  97. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 322 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska... father michael housecall Page 326/436
  98. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 323 Duration 01:00 Dialog FAT

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: ...Mooska... father michael housecall Page 327/436
  99. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 325 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey Mouse.... father michael housecall Page 329/436
  100. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 326 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska... father michael housecall Page 330/436
  101. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 327 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    FATHER MICHAEL:...Moos- father michael housecall Page 331/436
  102. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 328 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    Do you even believe those Dialog MIN: Do you even believe those words anymore, Michael? father michael housecall Page 332/436
  103. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 329 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    Did th Dialog MIN: Did they do your wife any good? father michael housecall Page 333/436
  104. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 337 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska... father michael housecall Page 341/436
  105. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 338 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mooska.... father michael housecall Page 342/436
  106. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 339 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey...Mouse... father michael housecall Page 343/436
  107. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 341 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska... father michael housecall Page 345/436
  108. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 343 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mooska.... father michael housecall Page 347/436
  109. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 345 Duration 01:00 Dialog F

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey... father michael housecall Page 349/436
  110. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 347 Duration 01:00 Dialog F

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mouse... father michael housecall Page 351/436
  111. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 350 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska... father michael housecall Page 354/436
  112. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 352 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mooska.... father michael housecall Page 356/436
  113. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 356 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey...Mouse... father michael housecall Page 360/436
  114. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 357 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey...Mouse... father michael housecall Page 361/436
  115. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 358 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey...Mouse... father michael housecall Page 362/436
  116. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 359 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska... father michael housecall Page 363/436
  117. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 361 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mooska.... father michael housecall Page 365/436
  118. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 363 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey...Mouse... father michael housecall Page 367/436
  119. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 365 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska... father michael housecall Page 369/436
  120. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 367 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mooska.... father michael housecall Page 371/436
  121. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 369 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey...Mouse... father michael housecall Page 373/436
  122. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 371 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska... father michael housecall Page 375/436
  123. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 372 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mooska.... father michael housecall Page 376/436
  124. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 373 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey...Mouse... father michael housecall Page 377/436
  125. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 375 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Meeska... father michael housecall Page 379/436
  126. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 376 Duration 01:00 Dialog FA

    Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mooska.... father michael housecall Page 380/436
  127. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 377 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    M Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Mickey...Mouse... father michael housecall Page 381/436
  128. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 380 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    SFX: BOOOOM father michael housecall Page 384/436
  129. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 396 Duration 01:00 Dialog M

    Dialog MIN: BUAHAHHAHAHAHA! father michael housecall Page 400/436
  130. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 397 Duration 01:00 Dialog M

    Dialog MIN: BUAHAHHAHAHAHA! father michael housecall Page 401/436
  131. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 403 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    You’ll have to try much Dialog MIN: You’ll have to try much harder than that, Michael. father michael housecall Page 407/436
  132. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 404 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN:

    You’ll have to try much Dialog MIN: You’ll have to try much harder than that, Michael. father michael housecall Page 408/436
  133. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 414 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: The girl's soul's- father michael housecall Page 418/436
  134. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 416 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: The girl's soul's- father michael housecall Page 420/436
  135. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 417 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: -far too cozy father michael housecall Page 421/436
  136. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 418 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: -and I don't father michael housecall Page 422/436
  137. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 419 Duration 01:00 Dialog Dialog

    MIN: -plan on going- father michael housecall Page 423/436
  138. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 420 Duration 01:00 Dialog MIN

    Dialog MIN: -Anywhere anytime soon! father michael housecall Page 424/436
  139. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 431 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: Do you know what that Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: Do you know what that means, Father G.Maxwell? father michael housecall Page 435/436
  140. Scene 1 Duration 07:12:00 Panel 432 Duration 01:00 Dialog FATHER

    MICHAEL: It looks like we’re going to need a myster Dialog FATHER MICHAEL: It looks like we’re going to need a mystery mousketool for this one. father michael housecall Page 436/436