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Babashka: a native Clojure interpreter for scri...

Babashka: a native Clojure interpreter for scripting @ JPoint 2021

Michiel Borkent

April 13, 2021

More Decks by Michiel Borkent

Other Decks in Programming


  1. • CLI tools with instant startup! (< 10ms) • clj-kondo:

    a linter for Clojure that sparks joy • jet: convert between JSON, EDN and Transit • No eval: dynamic classloader not supported! +
  2. • Native Clojure scripting tool, single binary, no JVM •

    Can be used to replace “the grey areas” of bash • Installable via script, brew (macOS, linux), aur (linux), scoop (Windows) $ time bb -e '(+ 1 2 3)'
 0.00s user 0.00s system 67% cpu 0.013 total
  3. CLJ scripting Runtime Impl Startup* Interop Windows Execution Threads clojure

    JVM Java ~1048ms + + Compiled + planck JSCore CLJS / JS ~ 728ms + - Compiled - joker Native Go ~7ms - + Interpreted - babashka Native GraalVM ~10ms + + Interpreted + *) measured with multitime -n10 <cmd> -e '(+ 1 2 3)' on Ubuntu Bionic with Intel i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
  4. Scripts $ pst.clj
 04:58 #!/usr/bin/env bb (def now (java.time.ZonedDateTime/now)) (def

    LA-timezone (java.time.ZoneId/of "America/Los_Angeles")) (def LA-time (.withZoneSameInstant now LA-timezone)) (def pattern (java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "HH:mm")) (println (.format LA-time pattern))
  5. • Built-in libraries • Examples: • python -m http.server replacement

    • Pods • External libraries / projects • Docs: book.babashka.org
  6. Small Clojure Interpreter (def f (sci/eval-string "#(+ 1 2 %)"))

    (f 1) ;;=> 4 - Clojure interpreter - Works on JVM / GraalVM / JS - Sandboxing
 - Works in CLJS advanced compiled apps
  7. SCI eval • Why does sci work with GraalVM and

    clojure.core/ eval doesn't? • core eval = compile = generating classes • A native image cannot load new classes at runtime • Sci eval does not generate any new classes.
 Compilation -> interpretation.
  8. Optimizations Resolving symbols to fns, locals and classes The actual

    function calls to native and interpreted fns Text to s- expressions S-expressions to "evaluator" forms Push as much work as possible to analyzer instead of evaluator