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COTC - Locked Out Cold - Final Storyboard - Cha...

COTC - Locked Out Cold - Final Storyboard - Charmaine Verhagen

Storyboards for Craig of the Creek episode "Locked Out Cold" by Charmaine Verhagen

Written and Boarded by: Charmaine Verhagen & Lamar Abrams
Supervising Directors: Najja Porter & Dashawn Mahone
Storyboard Supervisor: David Alegre
Revisions by: Hannah Lee Stockdale, Benji Lee, J. N. Wiedle

Charmaine Verhagen

August 01, 2023

More Decks by Charmaine Verhagen

Other Decks in Storyboards


  1. Scene 001 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    of CRAIG'S HOUSE EXT. CRAIG running towards BERNARD's CAR with his PURSE and JESSICA'S BACKPACK in hand. TRUNK and BACK PASSENGER DOOR are open on CAR. BG: AFTERNOON SUN, please. B101S121_1076 (WITH ADDED CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS) Scene 001 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 1/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  2. Scene 002 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    of JESSICA arranging stuff O/S in the backseat of BERNARD'S CAR. Scene 002 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Jessica! Action Notes ACTION CONT. CRAIG comes running IN with PURSE and JESSICA'S BACKPACK. PRESENTS and BAGS are visible in open TRUNK COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 2/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  3. Scene 002 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Here's your backpack. Action

    Notes CRAIG hands PURSE and BACKPACK to JESSICA, who turns to look at CRAIG Scene 002 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA Thanks, Craiggy! Action Notes JESSICA grabs PURSE and BACKPACK from CRAIG. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 3/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  4. Scene 002 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes JESSICA turns with

    PURSE and BACKPACK, CRAIG turns to run out. Scene 002 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes JESSICA leans in to place PURSE and BACKPACK O/S. CRAIG runs OUT COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 4/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  5. Scene 003 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID

    SHOT of GRANDPARENTS PHOTO and KEYS (including BERNARD's) hanging on KEY HOOK) Scene 003 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD ENTERS holding his PHONE and a PUNCH BOWL with LID, and CAMERA PANS with BERNARD. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 5/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  6. Scene 003 Panel 3 Dialog NICOLE (O.S.) So the road

    to your grandparents were clear when we drove up this morning. Action Notes CAMERA PAN CONT. FRONT DOOR OPENS with CRAIG running IN. Scene 003 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD Watch it, Craig! Action Notes CAMERA PAN CONT. BERNARD dodges CRAIG running. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 6/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  7. Scene 003 Panel 5 Dialog BERNARD Sorry mom, Action Notes

    BERNARD settles and continues walking outside. Scene 003 Panel 6 Dialog BERNARD Craig's being a maniac. Action Notes BERNARD turns to look back at PHONE and walks OUT front door COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 7/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  8. Scene 003 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) No I'm not!

    Action Notes Scene 004 Panel 1 Dialog NICOLE Be patient with him and your sister. Action Notes CUT TO C/U of BERNARD holding PHONE in his hand, with NICOLE on video call. BG: B096BS022_578 (edited;remove hallowe'en decorations, add snow) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 8/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  9. Scene 004 Panel 2 Dialog NICOLE I'm counting on you

    to get them here. Action Notes NICOLE reacts. Scene 005 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MIDSHOT of BERNARD'S CAR and GARAGE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 9/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  10. Scene 005 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD Don't worry, mom, Action

    Notes BERNARD walks in with PHONE and PUNCH BOWL Scene 005 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD I'm the responsible one. Action Notes BERNARD reacts COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 10/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  11. Scene 005 Panel 4 Dialog NICOLE (O.S.) Wait, did you

    remember the punch?! Action Notes BERNARD settles Scene 005 Panel 5 Dialog NICOLE (O.S.) Okay, Action Notes BERNARD lifts PUNCHBOWL to show to NICOLE on video call. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 11/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  12. Scene 006 Panel 1 Dialog NICOLE you make sure the

    lid is on tight Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of GRANDPARENT'S KITCHEN. NICOLE is walking towards camera, holding her PHONE while she speaks to BERNARD on video call. Scene 006 Panel 2 Dialog NICOLE so it doesn't spill over Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 12/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  13. Scene 006 Panel 3 Dialog NICOLE and don't forget the

    candles Action Notes NICOLE STOPS and gestures. Scene 006 Panel 4 Dialog NICOLE for the centerpieces I made. Action Notes NICOLE TURNS to lean on kitchen counter, revealing EARL and JOJO standing in doorway. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 13/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  14. Scene 006 Panel 5 Dialog NICOLE And am I forgetting

    something else? Action Notes NICOLE notices EARL and JOJO listening Scene 007 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MIDSHOT of EARL and JOJO, EARL blinks adorably (cycle A&B twice), while JOJO sips from a MUG COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 14/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  15. Scene 007 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MIDSHOT

    of EARL and JOJO, EARL adorably blinks rapidly, (cycle A&B twice), while JOJO sips from a MUG Scene 007 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes JOJO lowers MUG and gives a smug face, EARL stops rapid blinking. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 15/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  16. Scene 008 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    of KITCHEN Scene 008 Panel 2 Dialog NICOLE (O.S.) –And the gifts! Action Notes NICOLE reacts COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 16/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  17. Scene 008 Panel 3 Dialog NICOLE (O.S.) Whew. Action Notes

    NICOLE turns around and closes eyes Scene 008 Panel 4 Dialog NICOLE (O.S.) Please don't forget your grandparents' gifts. Action Notes NICOLE lifts up head and opens eyes COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 17/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  18. Scene 009 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO shot

    of PRESENTS, OVERNIGHT BAGS, SUPPLIES, FOOD, and PUNCHBOWL in trunk of CAR with BERNARD standing before it. Scene 009 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD Mom, Action Notes BERNARD closes TRUNK COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 18/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  19. Scene 010 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MIDSHOT

    of BERNARD looking at PHONE, with his hand on CAR TRUNK. Scene 010 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD I got Action Notes BERNARD reacts COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 19/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  20. Scene 010 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD what Action Notes BERNARD

    TURNS, and antics Scene 010 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD you forgot. Action Notes BERNARD gestures COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 20/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  21. Scene 010 Panel 5 Dialog BERNARD We'll see you soon!

    Action Notes BERNARD grasps phone in both hands. Scene 010 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD ends call by pressing PHONE with his thumb. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 21/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  22. Scene 010 Panel 7 Dialog JESSICA (O.S.) Bernard. Action Notes

    BERNARD reacts to JESSICA O/S Scene 011 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO downshot of JESSICA jiggling the CAR DOOR HANDLE (cycle A& B twice) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 22/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  23. Scene 011 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO downshot

    of JESSICA jiggling the CAR DOOR HANDLE (cycle A& B) Scene 011 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA I accidentally locked the doors. Action Notes JESSICA settles and looks up at BERNARD O/S COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 23/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  24. Scene 011 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA Can you open them

    Action Notes JESSICA turns and points to CAR DOOR HANDLE Scene 011 Panel 5 Dialog JESSICA for me? Action Notes JESSICA looks back up at BERNARD O/S COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 24/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  25. Scene 011 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes JESSICA adorable, blinks

    once Scene 011 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes POTENTIAL CUT? JESSICA adorable, blinks once COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 25/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  26. Scene 012 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD Aw, Action Notes CUT

    TO MIDSHOT of BERNARD looking down at JESSICA O/S BERNARD reacts to JESSICA O/S Scene 012 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD hold on, Action Notes BERNARD puts his PHONE in his JACKET POCKET, and pats the other pocket with his other hand COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 26/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  27. Scene 012 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD lemme just... Action Notes

    BERNARD pats his JACKET BREAST POCKET Scene 012 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD <SIGH> Action Notes BERNARD turns and pats his other JACKET BREAST POCKET COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 27/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  28. Scene 012 Panel 5 Dialog BERNARD Where are my keys?

    Action Notes BERNARD reacts Scene 012 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) Alright– Action Notes BERNARD reacts to CRAIG O/S COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 28/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  29. Scene 012 Panel 7 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) looks like Action

    Notes BERNARD really reacts Scene 012 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes ZIP PAN right COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 29/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  30. Scene 013 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG (O.S.) we've got everything.

    Action Notes ZIP PAN ends at CRAIG with STAFF, running out of FRONT DOOR BG: B008S164_2358 (EDITED, added WREATH and SNOW) Scene 013 Panel 2 Dialog SFX <DOOR SHUT> Action Notes CRAIG pulls FRONT DOOR CLOSED as he turns BG: B008S164_2377 (EDITED: added WREATH and SNOW) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 30/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  31. Scene 014 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO shot

    of GARAGE SIDE with BERNARD'S CAR in driveway Scene 014 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD'S HAND comes in and grabs side of wall COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 31/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  32. Scene 014 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD Craig!!! Action Notes BERNARD

    QUICKLY pulls himself up and around the corner and reaches out towards CRAIG O/S Scene 015 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MIDSHOT of CRAIG looking O/S at BERNARD COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 32/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  33. Scene 015 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Ohhhhh, Action Notes CRAIG

    reacts Scene 015 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG right. Action Notes CRAIG turns and grasps FRONT DOOR DOORKNOB COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 33/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  34. Scene 015 Panel 4 Dialog SFX <LOCK CLICK> Action Notes

    CRAIG QUICKLY opens FRONT DOOR SLIGHTLY, reaches around to turn lock on inside of FRONTDOOR Scene 015 Panel 5 Dialog SFX <DOOR SHUT> Action Notes CRAIG quickly closes FRONT DOOR again.f COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 34/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  35. Scene 015 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG I almost forgot to

    lock it. Action Notes CRAIG turns and gestures to BERNARD O/S. Scene 017 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT back to MIDSHOT of BERNARD reacting to CRAIG having actually locked the door. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 35/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  36. Scene 017 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD antics to

    scream Scene 017 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD <SCREAM> Action Notes BERNARD screams COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 36/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  37. Scene 017 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD <DUSTY MUMMY SOUNDS> Action

    Notes Scene 017 Panel 5 Dialog BERNARD (CONT'D) <DUSTY MUMMY SOUNDS> Action Notes BERNARD'S ANGEL SOUL begins to leave his body, quickly fading in. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 37/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  38. Scene 017 Panel 6 Dialog BERNARD (CONT'D) <DUSTY MUMMY SOUNDS>

    Action Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 017 Panel 7 Dialog BERNARD (CONT'D) <DUSTY MUMMY SOUNDS> Action Notes BERNARD'S SOUL settles. (beat) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 38/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  39. Scene 017 Panel 8 Dialog BERNARD <LAST DYING BREATH> SFX

    <CHURCH BELL> Action Notes BERNARD REACTS, falling down and OUT, BERNARD'S SOUL clasps his hands together and flies up and OUT Scene 017 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 39/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  40. Scene 017 Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes Scene 018 Panel

    1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of BERNARD crumpled on ground, JESSICA and CRAIG walk IN BG: B101S121_1076 (cropped) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 40/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  41. Scene 018 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA Was that your Christmas

    spirit? Action Notes BERNARD opens his eyes and looks at JESSICA who looks up O/S. JESSICA and CRAIG stop. Scene 018 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG points his STAFF at BERNARD COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 41/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  42. Scene 018 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG Yeah, whatsa matter with

    you? Action Notes CRAIG nudges BERNARD with STAFF, JESSICA looks back down at BERNARD Scene 018 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG reacts and draws STAFF back, BERNARD drops his head forward and looks at CRAIG COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 42/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  43. Scene 018 Panel 6 Dialog BERNARD The keys... Action Notes

    BERNARD reacts Scene 019 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD (O.S.) ...are still inside the house. Action Notes CUT TO C/U of KIDS' KEYS hanging on KEY HOOK BG: B003S008_719 (BERNARD'S KEY'S ADDED and "B" nameplate moved to right side) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 43/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  44. Scene 020 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD We're locked out! Action

    Notes CUT TO shot of CRAIG, JESSICA, and BERNARD looking in window from outside BG: B003S006_717 (EDITED: SNOW ADDED) Scene 020 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA Ugh, Action Notes COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 44/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  45. Scene 020 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA I am too old

    for this. Action Notes JESSICA REACTS, BERNARD and CRAIG look at her Scene 020 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG Dude, we've done this kind of episode already. Action Notes CRAIG reacts, BERNARD and JESSICA look at CRAIG COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 45/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  46. Scene 021 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD <RISING GROWL> Action Notes

    CUT TO WIDE of JESSICA, BERNARD, and CRAIG outside, peering into window. QUICK BEAT. BG: B003S012_721 (added snow) Scene 021 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD <PAINED SCREAM> Action Notes BERNARD WHIPS AROUND in anguish, JESSICA and CRAIG react COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 46/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  47. Scene 021 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD Mom's gonna kill me!

    Action Notes ALL quickly SETTLE and BERNARD reacts Scene 021 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD If the cold doesn't kill me first! Action Notes BERNARD quickly grabs his shoulders, as if he is very cold COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 47/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  48. Scene 021 Panel 5 Dialog BERNARD It's gonna be dark

    soon. Action Notes BERNARD looks up O/S Scene 022 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD And it's been Action Notes CUT TO C/U of BERNARD BG: B003S012_721 (added snow, cropped) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 48/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  49. Scene 022 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD threatening Action Notes BERNARD

    turns to look as SINGLE SNOWFLAKE ENTERS, falling down slowly. BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE Scene 022 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD to Action Notes BERNARD recoils as SNOWFLAKE descends BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 49/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  50. Scene 022 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD snow all Action Notes

    ACTION CONT. BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE Scene 022 Panel 5 Dialog BERNARD day! Action Notes SNOWFLAKE slows descent BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 50/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  51. Scene 022 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes SNOWFLAKE STOPS mid-air

    BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE Scene 022 Panel 7 Dialog SFX vooooo Action Notes SNOWFLAKE begins to drift back UP, BERNARD settles BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 51/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  52. Scene 022 Panel 8 Dialog SFX oooo Action Notes SNOWFLAKE

    slows ascent BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE Scene 022 Panel 9 Dialog SFX oop! Action Notes SNOWFLAKE STOPS in air BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 52/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  53. Scene 022 Panel 10 Dialog SFX Vooo Action Notes SNOWFLAKE

    begins to descend again, but FASTER BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE Scene 022 Panel 11 Dialog BERNARD <FRIGHTENED WALLA> SFX OOO Action Notes BERNARD RECOILS in fear, SNOWFLAKE continues descent BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 53/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  54. Scene 022 Panel 12 Dialog SFX oo Action Notes BERNARD

    SETTLES a little, SNOWFLAKE begins to slow descent BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE Scene 022 Panel 13 Dialog SFX oop! Action Notes SNOWFLAKE comes to a stop mid-air BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 54/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  55. Scene 022 Panel 14 Dialog SFX Voo-voo-voo- Action Notes SNOWFLAKE

    begins to ascend back up BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE Scene 022 Panel 15 Dialog SFX voooo Action Notes SNOWFLAKE flies up and OUT BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 55/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  56. Scene 022 Panel 16 Dialog SFX voooop! Action Notes BERNARD

    settles BERNARD'S eyes TRACK SNOWFLAKE THRU SCENE Scene 023 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of JESSICA, BERNARD, and CRAIG standing outside of window, BERNARD and CRAIG are looking up O/S where SNOWFLAKE went, JESSICA talks to BERNARD BG: B003S012_721 (added snow) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 56/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  57. Scene 023 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA It's okay, Bernard! Action

    Notes JESSICA puts her hand on BERNARD's ARM, BERNARD reacts Scene 023 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA We can just break Action Notes JESSICA gestures to CRAIG, BERNARD and CRAIG react COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 57/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  58. Scene 023 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA th' window! Action Notes

    CRAIG excitedly reacts Scene 023 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG Ya, we can patch it with ice! Action Notes CRAIG antics, grabbing his STAFF with both hands. JESSICA settles, BERNARD reacts to CRAIG COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 58/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  59. Scene 023 Panel 6 Dialog SFX SWOOF Action Notes CRAIG

    swings his STAFF towards window and BERNARD GRABS it just before. JESSICA reacts Scene 023 Panel 7 Dialog BERNARD Spare me Action Notes ALL SETTLE, BERNARD looking severly at CRAIG COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 59/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  60. Scene 023 Panel 8 Dialog BERNARD you two. Action Notes

    BERNARD looks down at JESSICA Scene 023 Panel 9 Dialog BERNARD Wait! Action Notes BERNARD reacts to realization COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 60/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  61. Scene 024 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO C/U

    of BERNARD BG: B003S012_721 (added snow, cropped) Scene 024 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD The spare key to the house! Action Notes BERNARD pushed staff down and out. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 61/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  62. Scene 024 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD I left mine with

    Alexis! Action Notes BERNARD looks down to CRAIG O/S Scene 025 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Oooh, Action Notes CUT TO CU ON CRAIG CRAIG looks up at BERNARD O/S COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 62/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  63. Scene 025 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Bernard's got a Action

    Notes Scene 025 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG girl-friend! Action Notes COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 63/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  64. Scene 026 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD Yes, I do! It's

    been well established at this point. Action Notes BERNARD looks down to CRAIG O/S Scene 026 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD I just gotta run to her house, grab the key, Action Notes BERNARD looks over to JESSICA O/S COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 64/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  65. Scene 026 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD and we'll be on

    the road in no time! Action Notes BERNARD stands up straight Scene 027 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD It'll be a Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of JESSICA, BERNARD, and CRAIG. BERNARD raises his arms COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 65/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  66. Scene 027 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD holiday adventure! Action Notes

    BERNARD turns to look at JESSICA Scene 027 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes JESSICA and CRAIG excitedly react to BERNARD, JESSICA excitedly bounces and shakes her fists (CYCLE A & B TWICE) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 66/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  67. Scene 027 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes JESSICA and CRAIG

    excitedly react to BERNARD, JESSICA excitedly bounces and shakes her fists (CYCLE A & B TWICE ) Scene 027 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG Yeah! Action Notes CRAIG reacts, raising his STAFF, JESSICA and BERNARD look at him COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 67/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  68. Scene 027 Panel 6 Dialog CRAIG I'll lead the way!

    Action Notes CRAIG points his staff and begins to run, BERNARD and JESSICA watch him go Scene 027 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG runs O/S. BERNARD and JESSICA watch him go COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 68/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  69. Scene 027 Panel 8 Dialog BERNARD Craig... Action Notes JESSICA

    begins to turn to follow CRAIG, BERNARD quickly brabs her shoulder, stopping her. Scene 027 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes JESSICA settles, and looks at BERNARD's hand COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 69/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  70. Scene 027 Panel 10 Dialog BERNARD It's this way. Action

    Notes BERNARD looks and points, JESSICA looks up at him. Scene 027 Panel 11 Dialog CRAIG Yeaaah! Action Notes CRAIG ENTERS running with STAFF still pointed, JESSICA and BERNARD's eyes follow CRAIG COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 70/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  71. Scene 027 Panel 12 Dialog CRAIG I'll lead the way!

    Action Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 027 Panel 13 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 71/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  72. Scene 027 Panel 14 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG EXITS. Scene

    028 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG / JESSICA / BERNARD (O/S) <PANTING> Action Notes CUT TO EXT CU of ALEXIS' townhouse - AFTERNOON COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 72/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  73. Scene 058 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Oh, right! Action Notes

    CRAIG looks up at BERNARD and gestures Scene 059 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of NEIGHBORHOOD BG: B101S057_1016 (SUNSET COLORS, PLEASE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 116/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  74. Scene 059 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Alright, guys. Action Notes

    POTENTIAL CUT CRAIG, and BERNARD with JESSICA on his shoulders, enter jogging. CRAIG is gesturing with his STAFF, leading the way. Scene 059 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG This way, this way... Action Notes POTENTIAL CUT ACTiON CONT. CRAIG and BERNARD looks forward. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 117/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  75. Scene 059 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG After me, after me...

    Action Notes POTENTIAL CUT ALL CONT. O/S Scene 059 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes POTENTIAL CUT COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 118/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  76. Scene 060 Panel 1 Dialog SFX <DOORBELL> Action Notes NIGHT

    TIME CUT TO WIDE Outside KELESY'S HOME CRAIG rings the DOORBELL as BERNARD and JESSICA stand behind him BG: B001S013_259_Cory (EDIT: ADD SNOW) Scene 060 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG settles COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 119/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  77. Scene 061 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    of CRAIG at KELSEY'S FRONT DOOR, CRAIG slightly SHIVERING BG: B001S015_262_Cory (WITH ADDED SNOW and closed door, DOORBELL ON LEFT SIDE) Scene 061 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY Oh, Craig'th! Action Notes KELSEY (with MORTIMER on her head wearing a SMALL CROWN) opens FRONT DOOR, CRAIG's shivering STOPS COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 120/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  78. Scene 062 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG <FREEZING WALLA> I'm sorry

    can I come in? Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of CRAIG standing in doorway BG: B001S014_260_Cory (WITH ADDED SNOW) Scene 062 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG / BERNARD / JESSICA <FREEZING WALLA> Action Notes BERNARD in an ICE BLOCK tips/leans out from behind CRAIG COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 121/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  79. Scene 063 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY Oh come in, Action

    Notes CUT TO WIDE of KELSEY holding door open BG:B001S016_262_Cory (with menorah added & snow outside) Scene 063 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY come in – Action Notes CRAIG enters BG:B001S016_262_Cory (with menorah added & snow outside) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 122/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  80. Scene 063 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY you look Action Notes

    JESSICA enters Scene 063 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY cold! Action Notes BERNARD enters COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 123/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  81. Scene 063 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY Father and I art

    Action Notes CRAIG, JESSICA and BERNARD all stop, as KELSEY begins to close FRONT DOOR and gesture. CRAIG looks up at MENORAH, and JESSICA and BERNARD look at each other. Scene 063 Panel 6 Dialog KELSEY taking a breaketh SFX <DOOR SHUT> Action Notes CRAIG reacts, BERNARD lovingly puts his hand on JESSICA'S head, she reacts. KELSEY finishing closing door. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 124/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  82. Scene 063 Panel 7 Dialog KELSEY from our Medieval Action

    Notes KELSEY quickly turns to run. CRAIG, JESSICA, and BERNARD react, and their eyes follow KELSEY Scene 063 Panel 8 Dialog KELSEY Movie Marathon to have Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 125/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  83. Scene 063 Panel 9 Dialog KELSEY (O.S.) Hanukkah feast! Action

    Notes KELSEY OUT JESSICA turns to look after KELSEY O.S. Scene 064 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT of NEIL in JESTER HAT, surrounded by CHINESE TAKEOUT CONTAINERS and FOOD, eating with a CHOPSTICKS. A SINGLE NOODLE hangs from his mouth. CYCLE A/B poses for NEIL chewing COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 126/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  84. Scene 064 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes continue NEIL CHEWING

    cycle Scene 064 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes NEIL lifts CHOPSTICKS and NOODLE NEIL CHEWING action. CAMERA TRUCKS OUT as KELSEY enters COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 127/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  85. Scene 064 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY Dad, look! Action Notes

    NEIL reacts to KESLEY Scene 064 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY (O.S.) Craig and his brother and his sister are here! SFX <BELL JINGLE> Action Notes KELSEY turns, and NEIL reacts to CRAIG and siblings O/S. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 128/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  86. Scene 065 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    of CRAIG, BERNARD and JESSICA now in KITCHIN BG: B031S167_207 (EXTENDED LEFT, added table in foreground) Scene 065 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA Hi, Mr. Pokoly! Action Notes ALL wave/react. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 129/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  87. Scene 066 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MIDSHOT

    of KELSEY getting up on to CHAIR Scene 066 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG So, um, Action Notes KELSEY gets up on seat, MORTIMER reacts to CRAIG ENTERING COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 130/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  88. Scene 066 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Kelsey, I-- Action Notes

    KELSEY settles and looks to CRAIG Scene 066 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY <GASP> Action Notes CRAIG settles as KELSEY gasps COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 131/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  89. Scene 066 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY Wanteth some foodeth? Action

    Notes KELSEY LEANS FORWARD Scene 066 Panel 6 Dialog KELSEY I made some Action Notes KELSEY reaches for PLATE OF LATKES, CRAIG reacts COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 132/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  90. Scene 066 Panel 7 Dialog KELSEY latkes. Action Notes KELSEY

    holds up PLATE to CRAIG, CRAIG reacts, MORTIMOR's lil tongue comes out. Scene 066 Panel 8 Dialog CRAIG Oh, I would Action Notes COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 133/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  91. Scene 066 Panel 9 Dialog CRAIG I would like a

    "lot" Action Notes BERNARD'S HANDS IN Scene 066 Panel 10 Dialog CRAIG cuz I'm Action Notes BERNARD'S HANDS IN COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 134/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  92. Scene 066 Panel 11 Dialog CRAIG hun- Action Notes BERNARD'S

    HANDS IN Scene 066 Panel 12 Dialog CRAIG -gry. Action Notes CRAIG continues reacting, BERNARD'S HANDS zip IN and grab the top of CRAIG'S head COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 135/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  93. Scene 066 Panel 13 Dialog BERNARD Where is the spare

    key Craig gave you?! Action Notes BERNARD QUICKLY pushes CRAIG's head down and out of way, and slides in to talk to KELSEY. CRAIG,KELSEY and MORTIMOR react. Scene 067 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO DOWN SHOT of KITCHEN TABLE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 136/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  94. Scene 067 Panel 2 Dialog SFX <PLU-KLUNK> Action Notes KELSEY

    heavily sets down the PLATE OF LATKES Scene 067 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY Ah, the key to the Williams domain.. Action Notes LATKES settle. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 137/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  95. Scene 068 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY I hid it in

    the Action Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 068 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY Impenetrable Chest of Keys... Action Notes KELSEY gestures, raising a clenched fist. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 138/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  96. Scene 068 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY Safely buried deep, somewhere

    in the Action Notes KELSEY turns. Scene 068 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY land over which Mortimor watches. Action Notes KELSEY gestures and acts. MORTIMOR reacts COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 139/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  97. Scene 069 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID

    SHOT of CRAIG, BERNARD, and JESSICA reacting to KELSEY O/S. BERNARD grasps his forehead lightly in annoyance, JESSICA is confused BG: B031S167_207 (EXTENDED LEFT) Scene 069 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA ...What? Action Notes JESSICA REACTS COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 140/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  98. Scene 069 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD Uh, where? Action Notes

    BERNARD gestures, CRAIG and JESSICA look at him/react. Scene 070 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY The front yard. Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of KELSEY, KELSEY normally reacts to BERNARD's question. BG: B010S111_2527 (REVISED, ADD SNOW, remove food on table, erase back of chair and adjust) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 141/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  99. Scene 071 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO CLOSE

    UP of BAY WINDOW, frosted over, from outisde Scene 071 Panel 2 Dialog SFX <FWIP> Action Notes MORTIMER's WING begins to wipe away FROST COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 142/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  100. Scene 071 Panel 3 Dialog SFX <SQUEEGEE/WIPING WINDOW NOISE> Action

    Notes ACTION CONT. as MORTIMOR is revealed, sitting on PERCH inside window. Scene 071 Panel 4 Dialog SFX (CONT'D) <SQUEEGEE/WIPING WINDOW NOISE> Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 143/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  101. Scene 071 Panel 5 Dialog SFX (CONT'D) <SQUEEGEE/WIPING WINDOW NOISE>

    Action Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 071 Panel 6 Dialog SFX (CONT'D) <SQUEEGEE/WIPING WINDOW NOISE> Action Notes MORTIMOR settles and looks out window COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 144/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  102. Scene 072 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY Ah– I don't remember

    exactly where I hid it... Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of KELSEY, BERNARD, CRAIG and JESSICA all in KELSEY'S FRONT YARD. BERNARD, CRAIG, and JESSICA are working to dig snow and dirt away as KELSEY addresses them. MORTIMOR sits in the BAY WINDOW, watching over them. CYCLE A/B POSES as needed for digging motion BG: B001S013_259_Cory (EDIT: ADD SNOW, HOLES, etc.) Scene 072 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 145/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  103. Scene 072 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes KELSEY turns and

    looks down at SWORD. DIGGING ACTION CONT. Scene 072 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes DIGGING ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 146/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  104. Scene 073 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT

    OF KELSEY. Scene 073 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes KELSEY lifts her WORD UP COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 147/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  105. Scene 073 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY <ATTACK EFFORT> Action Notes

    KELSEY STARTS SLASHING at the ground O/S, sending SNOW flying. Scene 073 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY (CONT'D) <ATTACK EFFORT> Action Notes KELSEY STARTS SLASHING at the ground O/S, sending SNOW flying. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 148/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  106. Scene 073 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY But if you find

    any dragon bones, they're mine! Action Notes KELSEY CONTINUES SLASHING at the ground O/S, sending DIRT flying. Scene 073 Panel 6 Dialog KELSEY (CONT'D) But if you find any dragon bones, they're mine! Action Notes KELSEY CONTINUES SLASHING at the ground O/S, sending DIRT flying. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 149/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  107. Scene 074 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    SHOT of CRAIG kneeling on ground, digging at ground with his staff. (CYCLE ABC) Scene 074 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONTINUES COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 150/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  108. Scene 074 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG <EFFORT> Action Notes DIRT

    is sent flying as CRAIG thrusts STAFF back Scene 075 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD <DIGGING/CLAWING EFFORTS> Action Notes CUT TO C/U of BERNARD frantically digging at DIRT COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 151/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  109. Scene 075 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD (CONT'D) <DIGGING/CLAWING EFFORTS> Action

    Notes ACTION CONT. Scene 075 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD <SMALL GASP> Action Notes BERNARD REACTS as PIPE is reavealed. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 152/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  110. Scene 075 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes DIGGING ACTION CONT.

    Scene 075 Panel 5 Dialog BERNARD ...Sewage Line? Action Notes SEWAGE PIPE is full revealed, BERNARD pauses to read writing on pipe upside down from him. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 153/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  111. Scene 075 Panel 6 Dialog BERNARD Uh oh. Action Notes

    BERNARD reacts. Scene 076 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes BUT TO MID SHOT of KELSEY wiping away sweat from her forehead. a LARGE HOLE is in the BG behing her. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 154/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  112. Scene 076 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD lifts his

    head up Scene 076 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD Uh, Kelsey? Action Notes KELSEY finished wiping action. BERNARD straightens up COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 155/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  113. Scene 076 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD How deep did you

    bury this thing? Action Notes KELSEY looks back at BERNARD. BERNARD winces as he speaks. Scene 077 Panel 1 Dialog KELSEY I tried for the center of the Earth! Action Notes CUT TO C/U of KELSEY answering BERNARD COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 156/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  114. Scene 077 Panel 2 Dialog KELSEY But my arms are

    kinda short. Action Notes KELSEY lifts and gestures with her arm. Scene 078 Panel 1 Dialog SFX <SHUF> Action Notes CUT TO WIDE shot of CRAIG kneeling with the long trenches he dug with his staff, surrounding him. CRAIG is looking at KELSEY O/S. JESSICA is in the BG, on her hands and knees wiping away snow on ground. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 157/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  115. Scene 078 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Huh? SFX <SHUF> Action

    Notes CRAIG looks over at JESSICA. JESSICA wiping action CONT. Scene 078 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Jessica, you haven't dug anything. Action Notes JESSICA STOPS wiping action and looks up at CRAIG as he speaks COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 158/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  116. Scene 078 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA I Action Notes JESSICA

    reacts, and begins to stand up. Scene 078 Panel 5 Dialog JESSICA did Action Notes JESSICA stands up and reacts to CRAIG. CRAIG'S eyes follow JESSICA COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 159/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  117. Scene 078 Panel 6 Dialog JESSICA too!!! Action Notes JESSICA

    turns and GESTURES down at ground and snow she wiped away. CRAIG looks down at ground where JESSICA stands. Scene 078 Panel 7 Dialog JESSICA I dug away all this snow! Action Notes JESSICA turns and continues gesturing. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 160/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  118. Scene 079 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA And then there was

    only ground! Action Notes CUT TO upshot of JESSICA still gesturing at ground. Scene 079 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes JESSICA looks up. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 161/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  119. Scene 079 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG <SIGH> May I? Action

    Notes CAMERA TRUCKS OUT as CRAIG walks in holding his STAFF. JESSICA reacts, looking unimpressed, and steps backwards. Scene 079 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG takes a step and raises his STAFF, JESSICA stops, and looks down. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 162/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  120. Scene 079 Panel 5 Dialog SFX <CLONK> Action Notes CRAIG

    swings his STAFF DOWN and hits GROUND, but its solid. Scene 079 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG and JESSICA react COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 163/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  121. Scene 079 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG and JESSICA

    look at each other Scene 080 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO DOWNSHOT C/U of CRAIG'S STAFF poking into GROUND COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 164/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  122. Scene 080 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG pulls his

    STAFF up and OUT Scene 080 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG'S HAND comes in and touches GROUND COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 165/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  123. Scene 080 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG <GASP> Action Notes CRAIG's

    AND wipes away DIRT/GRASS to reveal IMPENETRABLE CHEST OF KEYS Scene 081 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG We found Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT of CRAIG as he works to pull up CHEST. JESSICA stands behind him, still shocked. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 166/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  124. Scene 081 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG the Impenetrable Action Notes

    ACTION CONT. Scene 081 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Chest of Keys! Action Notes KELSEY steps in to look/react, CRAIG'S ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 167/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  125. Scene 081 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG I mean *I* found

    the Impenetrable Chest of Keys. Action Notes CRAIG leans back and gestures to himself Scene 081 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG Let's make that clear. Action Notes CRAIG settles back down and closes his eyes COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 168/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  126. Scene 081 Panel 6 Dialog BERNARD <GASP> Action Notes BERNARD

    comes in to look/react. CRAIG CONT. ACTION, smiling. Scene 081 Panel 7 Dialog BERNARD YEAUGH!! Action Notes BERNARD SNAPS to TINY EXCITED version and flips back and forth excitedly (cycle A&B). KELSEY and JESSICA react. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 169/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  127. Scene 081 Panel 8 Dialog BERNARD YEAUGH!! Action Notes CRAIG

    lifts CHEST up out of ground Scene 081 Panel 9 Dialog BERNARD (CONT'D) YEAUGH!! Action Notes CRAIG lifts CHEST up out of ground, BERNARD SNAPS to TINY EXCITED version and flips back and forth excitedly (cycle A&B). KELSEY and JESSICA react. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 170/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  128. Scene 082 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG Aw, Action Notes CUT

    TO DOWNSHOT C/U of CRAIG holding CHEST, as he notices BIG KEY LOCK. Scene 082 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG it's Action Notes CRAIG lowers CHEST and uses his other hand to gently touch BIG KEY LOCK COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 171/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  129. Scene 082 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG locked. Action Notes CAMERA

    quickly trucks in as CRAIG lifts BIG KEY LOCK to look at it more closely. Scene 083 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG <SMALL SIGH> Where's the key for this, Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT of CRAIG still kneeling, holding CHEST and BIG LOCk, as KELSEY, BERNARD, and JESSICA all stand over/around him. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 172/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  130. Scene 083 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Kelsey? Action Notes CRAIG

    turns to KELSEY, KELSEY looks at CRAIG, and BERNARD and JESSICA both look at KELSEY Scene 083 Panel 3 Dialog KELSEY Why of course... Action Notes KELSEY acts COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 173/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  131. Scene 083 Panel 4 Dialog KELSEY Safely also in the

    Action Notes KELSEY dramatically looks at CHEST, Scene 083 Panel 5 Dialog KELSEY Impenetrable Chest of Action Notes KELSEY looks up and raises her fist COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 174/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  132. Scene 083 Panel 6 Dialog KELSEY Keeeys..... Action Notes KELSEY

    deflates as she realizes Scene 083 Panel 7 Dialog KELSEY Oh. Action Notes KELSEY reacts, wincing at realization, BERNARD, CRAIG, and JESSICA look at CHEST and react. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 175/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  133. Scene 084 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT

    OF OVERCAST CLOUDS SNOWING SNOW FX THRU SCENE Scene 084 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes SNOW FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 176/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  134. Scene 085 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    of KELSEY'S FRONT DOOR as BERNARD, JESSICA, and CRAIG walk OUT holding TAKEOUT BOXES. KELSEY holds DOOR open. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE BG: B001S015_262_Cory (WITH ADDED SNOW and closed door, and DOORBELL on other side) Scene 085 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT., BERNARD OUT COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 177/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  135. Scene 085 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG Tell your dad Action

    Notes KELSEY comes around door to face CRAIG as he stops and turns backt o her. JESSICA CONTINUES OUT Scene 085 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG sorry your pipes froze. Action Notes CRAIG and KELSEY react. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 178/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  136. Scene 085 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG But thanks for the

    latkes and noodles! Action Notes CRAIG raises his TAKEOUT CONTAINER, KELSEY looks at it Scene 085 Panel 6 Dialog KELSEY C'have a C'happy Chanukkah! Action Notes KELSEY WAVES - CYCLE AB AS NEEDED COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 179/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  137. Scene 085 Panel 7 Dialog KELSEY(CONT) C'have a C'happy Chanukkah!

    Action Notes CONTINUE ACTION Scene 085 Panel 8 Dialog CRAIG Peace. Action Notes CRAIG raises his hand to make a peace sign at KELSEY, she reacts COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 180/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  138. Scene 085 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes KELSEY and MORTIMOR

    both make PEACE SIGNS with their hands in response. Scene 085 Panel 10 Dialog SFX <DOOR SHUT> Action Notes KELSEY closes DOOR and CRAIG turns to walk down steps. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 181/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  139. Scene 086 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WIDE

    of CRAIG walking down steps of KELSEY's HOUSE as JESSICA and BERNARD wait for him out front on the sidewalk. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE (SNOW HAS COVERED HOLES THEY MADE??) BG: B001S013_259_Cory (EDIT: ADD SNOW) Scene 086 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD <SIGH> Action Notes CRAIG CONT's walking, JESSICA looks at BERNARD as he slumps and sighs. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 182/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  140. Scene 087 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MIDSHOT

    of BERNARD SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 087 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD We've run all over town, Action Notes BERNARD opens his eyes slightly as he continrues speaking. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 183/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  141. Scene 087 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD now it's dark– Action

    Notes BERNARD throws his head back, as he continues speaking. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 087 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD –AND snowing. Action Notes BERNARD looks the other way, reacting SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 184/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  142. Scene 087 Panel 5 Dialog BERNARD It's so cold, Action

    Notes BERNARD turns and lifts TAKOUT BOX up and in SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 087 Panel 6 Dialog BERNARD my noodles are already frozen! Action Notes BERNARD reacts as bottom of TAKEOUT BOX begins to break SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 185/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  143. Scene 087 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD reacts as

    BOTTOM of TAKEOUT BOX SPLITS OPEN and FROZEN NOODLE BLOCK begins sliding down and out. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 087 Panel 8 Dialog SFX <SLUFF> Action Notes ACTION CONT. (fast). BERNARD's EYES follow NOODLE ICE BLOCK. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 186/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  144. Scene 087 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT. SNOWING

    FX THRU SCENE Scene 087 Panel 10 Dialog SFX <ICY IMPACT> Action Notes ACTION CONT. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 187/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  145. Scene 087 Panel 11 Dialog BERNARD And mom! Action Notes

    BERNARD reacts and lets go of TAKEOUT BOX, which begins to fall. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 087 Panel 12 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD SETTLES, TAKEOUT BOX continues down and out SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 188/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  146. Scene 087 Panel 13 Dialog Action Notes SNOWING FX THRU

    SCENE Scene 087 Panel 14 Dialog BERNARD She's probably like-- Action Notes BERNARD REACTS to thought COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 189/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  147. Scene 087 Panel 15 Dialog SFX <PHONE RING> BERNARD <GASP>

    Action Notes BERNARD reacts to PHONE ringing O/S Scene 088 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO DOWNSHOT of sidewalk and snowy yard SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 190/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  148. Scene 088 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD ...She heard me. Action

    Notes BERNARD's hand lifts PHONE up into shot, SCREEN displays NICOLE is calling. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 088 Panel 3 Dialog SFX <BOOP> Action Notes BERNARD' presses VOICE CALL instead of VIDEO COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 191/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  149. Scene 088 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD's THUMB pulls

    back. VIDEO ICON fades out quickly, CALL TIMER starts Scene 088 Panel 5 Dialog NICOLE (V/O, PHONE) Oh, you'd better not be driving. Action Notes VOICE CALL ICON moves to center. CALL TIMER counts up COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 192/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  150. Scene 088 Panel 6 Dialog NICOLE (V/O, PHONE) But are

    you almost here? Action Notes CALL TIMER counts up Scene 088 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD lifts PHONE up and out of frame COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 193/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  151. Scene 089 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD Mom! Action Notes CUT

    TO WIDE SHOT of CRAIG, JESSICA, and BERNARD outside of KELSEY's HOUSE. CRAIG is looking at his TAKEOUT BOX. BERNARD talks to NICOLE on his PHONE. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE BG: B001S013_259_Cory (EDIT: ADD SNOW) Scene 089 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD No– I'm not driving. Action Notes CRAIG begins to open TAKEOUT BOX. JESSICA turns to BERNARD as he continues to talk SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 194/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  152. Scene 089 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD I'm just uh, um,

    stopped at a... gas station! Gassing up. Action Notes CRAIG fully opens TAKEOUT BOX, JESSICA reacts to BERNARD as he continues on PHONE SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 089 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD Yeah... we left a little late because of some Action Notes BERNARD turns away from JESSICA and CRAIG. CRAIG looks up at BERNARD. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 195/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  153. Scene 089 Panel 5 Dialog BERNARD Craig and Jessica tomfoolery.

    CRAIG / JESSICA Hey! Action Notes BERNARD continues on PHONE, and CRAIG and JESSICA REACT Scene 090 Panel 1 Dialog NICOLE Well drive safe, Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of GRANDPARENTS KITCHEN, NICOLE speaks to BERNARD on the PHONE as she leans over the sink. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 196/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  154. Scene 090 Panel 2 Dialog NICOLE but hurry! Action Notes

    NICOLE acting Scene 090 Panel 3 Dialog NICOLE We've got cups, Action Notes NICOLE STANDS UP, and places the side of her hand on the countertop COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 197/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  155. Scene 090 Panel 4 Dialog NICOLE but no plates! Action

    Notes NICOLE gestures with her hand. Scene 090 Panel 5 Dialog NICOLE Collards, Action Notes NICOLE gestures. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 198/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  156. Scene 090 Panel 6 Dialog NICOLE but no greens! Action

    Notes NICOLE gestures. Scene 090 Panel 7 Dialog NICOLE A tree, but no gifts! Action Notes NICOLE leans back on kitchen counter and looks back at CHRISTMAS TREE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 199/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  157. Scene 090 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes DUANE's HAND shoots

    in and places MISTLETOE at top of DOORWAY Scene 090 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes DUANE leans in making a CUTE, KISSY FACE, NICOLE reacts sweetly, while still talking to BERNARD on PHONE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 200/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  158. Scene 090 Panel 10 Dialog NICOLE And the guests are

    arriving soon. Action Notes NICOLE turns away, acting, stlll talking to BERNARD on PHONE. Scene 091 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD (while being hit) Well luckily WE'LL be arriving soon! Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of BERNARD talking to NICOLE on PHONE, as JESSICA lightly PUMMELS BERNARD's BACK with her FISTS. (CYCLE A & B) SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 201/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  159. Scene 091 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD (CONT'D) (while being hit)

    Well luckily WE'LL be arriving soon! Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of BERNARD talking to NICOLE on PHONE, as JESSICA lightly PUMMELS BERNARD's BACK with her FISTS. (CYCLE A & B) SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 091 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD (while being hit) Seeya! Soon! Action Notes BERNARD turns and CONTINUES on PHONE, while gritting his teeth. JESSICA lightly PUMMELS BERNARD's BACK with her FISTS. (CYCLE 1 & 2) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 202/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  160. Scene 091 Panel 4 Dialog BERNARD (CONT'D) (while being hit)

    Seeya! Soon! Action Notes BERNARD turns and CONTINUES on PHONE, while gritting his teeth. JESSICA lightly PUMMELS BERNARD's BACK with her FISTS. (CYCLE 1 & 2) Scene 091 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD makes a face as he ends the call. JESSICA lightly PUMMELS BERNARD's BACK with her FISTS one last time COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 203/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  161. Scene 091 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes JESSICA throws her

    arms back and shakes them in frustration. BERNARD settles. Scene 091 Panel 7 Dialog SFX <BOOP> Action Notes JESSICA lowers her arms down out. BERNARD brings the PHONE down and presses the screen to end the call. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 204/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  162. Scene 092 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA Ber-NARD! Action Notes CUT

    TO DOWNSHOT of JESSICA holding TAKEOUT BOX SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 092 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA How could you betray Action Notes JESSICA gestures to self COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 205/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  163. Scene 092 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA us with that lie?!

    Action Notes JESSICA gestures to BERNARD O/S Scene 093 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA There's eyes Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CRAIG, JESSICA, and BERNARD standing on sidewalk outside KELSEY'S HOUSE. CRAIG is eating a LATKE, JESSICA scolds BERNARD. FX THRU SCENE BG: B001S013_259_Cory (EDIT: ADD SNOW) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 206/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  164. Scene 093 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA all around, mister. Action

    Notes CAMERA TRUCKS OUT as JESSICA gestures to SNOWMEN in FOREGROUND. BERNARD looks. CRAIG continues chewing. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 094 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA (O/S) Don't you try and drag my name onto that naughty list with YOU. Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT of BERNARD looking out at SNOWMEN O/S SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 207/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  165. Scene 094 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD reacts to

    JESSICA speaking O/S Scene 094 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD reacts, looking down O/S towards where JESSICA is speaking from COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 208/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  166. Scene 094 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG Ya, this Action Notes

    BERNARD reacts as CRAIG quickly points his STAFF up in into BERNARD's face. Scene 095 Panel 1 Dialog CRAIG is all *your* fault! Action Notes BUT TO DOWNSHOT C/U of CRAIG holding up his staff, with TAKEOUT BOX in hand. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 209/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  167. Scene 095 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG And you can't trust

    teens with a key! Action Notes CRAIG lowers STAFF down and out, and raises other hand with LATKE, antics while he speaks Scene 095 Panel 3 Dialog CRAIG <HOMF> Action Notes CRAIG chomps down on LATKE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 210/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  168. Scene 096 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD Oh, okay, MY fault?!

    Action Notes CUT TO UPSHOT of BERNARD reacting to CRAIG O/S SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 096 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD You Action Notes BERNARD gestures COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 211/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  169. Scene 096 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD locked the door! Action

    Notes BERNARD reacts dramatically Scene 097 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD And your little friend Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CRAIG, JESSICA, and BERNARD standing on sidewalk outside KELSEY'S HOUSE. CRAIG holds a LATKE, as he and BERNARD get in each other's faces. JESSICA is looking at them with her BINOCULARS SNOWING FX THRU SCENE BG: B001S013_259_Cory (EDIT: ADD SNOW) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 212/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  170. Scene 097 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD is so dumb, she

    just-- Action Notes JESSICA antics SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 097 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA Stop!!! Action Notes JESSICA shouts at CRAIG and BERNARD, who react. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 213/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  171. Scene 098 Panel 1 Dialog JESSICA It's hard to watch

    you fight! Action Notes SNOWING FX THRU SCENE CUT TO C/U downshot of JESSICA looking through BINOCULARS Scene 098 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA And you two give away spare keys like yesterday's milk! Action Notes JESSICA lowers BINOCULARS down and out and continues scolding SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 214/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  172. Scene 098 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA I trust no one

    with my spare key, Action Notes JESSICA acts SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 098 Panel 4 Dialog JESSICA not even my family. Action Notes JESSICA acts, looking away with attitude/unimpressed. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 215/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  173. Scene 099 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD Wait, you have a

    spare key, Jessica? Action Notes CUT TO upshot of CRAIG and BERNARD looking back/down at JESSICA O/S. BERNARD reacts. SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 099 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Where is it? Action Notes CRAIG reacts SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 216/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  174. Scene 100 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO DOWN

    SHOT of JESSICA looking up at CRAIG and BERNARD O/S, whild holding TAKEOUT BOX and BINOCULARS SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 100 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA Back at our house! Action Notes JESSICA gestures O/S SNOWING FX THRU SCENE COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 217/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  175. Scene 101 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO upshot

    of CRAIG and BERNARD looking back/down at JESSICA O/S, as they react to what she has just said. (Please reference this blinking meme gif for this scene: https://media2.giphy.com/media/l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS/giphy.gif) SNOWING FX THRU SCENE Scene 101 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes CRAIG and BERNARD blink COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 218/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  176. Scene 101 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes BERNARD AND CRAIG

    QUICKLY OPEN THEIR EYES Scene 102 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO WILLIAMS HOUSE EXT - NIGHT HU HOLIDAY DECORATIONS with SCENE 01 SNOW FX THROUGHOUT SCENE BG ID: B101S121_1076 COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 219/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  177. Scene 144 Panel 2 Dialog CRAIG Oh. Action Notes BERNARDS

    glasses slip down Scene 145 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO LOW SHOT of roadway NOT SNOWING (to help convey passage of time??) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 298/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  178. Scene 145 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes LAURA's CAR enters

    and drives by quickly Scene 145 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes LAURA's CAR drives by quickly, TIRES kick up SLUSH COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 299/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  179. Scene 145 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes LAURA's CAR drives

    by quickly, TIRES kick up SLUSH Scene 145 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes LAURA's CAR drives by quickly, TIRES kick up SLUSH COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 300/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  180. Scene 145 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes LAURA's CAR exits

    Scene 145 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 301/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  181. Scene 146 Panel 1 Dialog NICOLE I wish you'd told

    me you got locked out earlier. Action Notes CUT TO C/U of CRAIG holding up his PHONE as NICOLE is on screen on video call. Scene 147 Panel 1 Dialog NICOLE (O.S. / PHONE SPEAKER) We gave the Mercer family Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of CAR BACK SEAT. JESSICA (holding her BACKPACK), CRAIG (holding his PURSE), and BERNARD (holding PUNCH BOWL) all exhaustedly looking at PHONE as NICOLE speaks O/S on call BG ZIPS by outside CAR WINDOWS COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 302/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  182. Scene 147 Panel 2 Dialog NICOLE (O.S. / PHONE SPEAKER)

    a spare key years ago! Action Notes JP lifts up HOUSE KEY into frame, JESSICA, CRAIG and BERNARD all look up at KEY BG ZIPS by outside CAR WINDOWS Scene 148 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT TO MID SHOT of JP leaning around FRONT SEAT, holding HOUSE KEY BG ZIPS by outside CAR WINDOWS COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 303/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  183. Scene 148 Panel 2 Dialog JP Haha, yeah. Action Notes

    JP turns around and sits back in seat, SEATBELT settles with him BG ZIPS by outside CAR WINDOWS Scene 149 Panel 1 Dialog JP I go to your house all the time when you're not home. Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of interior of LAURA'S CAR, JP sits in front seat beside LAURA, who drives, and JESSICA, CRAIG, and BERNARD all look at JP as he continues. BG ZIPS by outside CAR WINDOWS COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 304/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  184. Scene 149 Panel 2 Dialog JP It's kinda funny when

    you think about it? Action Notes JP turns his head as he continues, and JESSICA, CRAIG, BERNARD, and LAURA all react to what he has just said. BG ZIPS by outside CAR WINDOWS Scene 149 Panel 3 Dialog JESSICA / BERNARD No, it's not. Action Notes JESSICA and BERNARD REACT COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 305/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  185. Scene 150 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes CUT to JESSICA

    CRAIG and BERNARD in back seat Scene 150 Panel 2 Dialog BERNARD What a mess. Action Notes JESSICA and BERNARD sit back COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 306/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  186. Scene 150 Panel 3 Dialog BERNARD I guess I shouldn't

    have lied to Mom. Action Notes BERNARD slumps Scene 150 Panel 4 Dialog CRAIG So we all agree Action Notes CRAIG lifts his head and lowers phone and looks at BERNARD, BERNARD and JESSICA look at CRAIG COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 307/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  187. Scene 150 Panel 5 Dialog CRAIG that a dinosaur wrecked

    the car. Action Notes CRAIG looks ahead with a grave expression Scene 151 Panel 1 Dialog BERNARD / JESSICA <AGREEMENT WALLA> Action Notes CUT TO WIDE of ROAD TO GRANDPARENT's, as LAURA's CAR approaches.f BG:B009S001_2629_Road (But with SNOW) COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 308/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  188. Scene 151 Panel 2 Dialog JESSICA (O/S) Santa can never

    know. Action Notes LAURA's CAR CONTINUES DRIVING/APPROACH. HEADLIGHT FX Scene 151 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes ACTION CONT. COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 309/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**
  189. Scene 151 Panel 4 Dialog JP (O/S) Ho ho ho!

    Action Notes LAURA'S CAR drives OUT. Scene 151 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes COTC 1105-133 "Locked Out Cold" – Final Board Page 310/310 **Property of Cartoon Network Studios**