se prekine čekanje za lock 4 Nema time-outa 4 Blok struktura koda 4 Teško je ostvariti multiple lock 4 Nema naprednih lokovanja DAFEDLOVE | HeapSpace, 2016 21
not writing readWriteLock.readLock().unlock(); readWriteLock.writeLock().lock(); // one writer, if not reading readWriteLock.writeLock().unlock(); DAFEDLOVE | HeapSpace, 2016 23
nothing to do, `goto 1` 3. loop through tasks a. if its an `OP_ACCEPT`, system call to accept the connection, save the key b. if its an `OP_READ`, find the key, system call to read the data c. if more tasks `goto 3` 4. `goto 1` DAFEDLOVE | HeapSpace, 2016 65