a banner year for Vue.js in terms of adoption and popularity. No question about it. - The great divide between a front-end HTML & CSS developer v.s. front-end application developer is realized/verbalized. - Being a Front-end JavaScript developer who builds applications using web technologies continues to get better and worse. - This year seemed fuller than most of app/framework solutions trying to contend with the mainstream JavaScript app tools (i.e. React, Angular, and Vue etc...) Let me list them for you. Moon, Marko, Hyperapp, Quasar Framework, POI, frint, BunnyJS, jsblocks, Sapper, Stimulus, Choo, - This was the year that jsbin and jsfiddle evolved to things like StackBliz and codeSandbox. Making it dead simple to share a working app. - React continues to be flattered by things like preact, inferno, nerv, dva, and rax. - Cheatsheets got organized with devhints.io. - We figured out that the correct pattern for an app boilerplate/cli tool is something very opinionated like React Create App with the ability to escape from it when needed. - Most developers found that the combination of a really good code editor, eslint, and now prettiermake writing code faster, easier, pleasurable. - CSS Flexbox and Grid gain browser support and thus more developers are paying attention to both. - We get, a headless chrome, finally.