API definition drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that supports browser-to-browser applications for voice calling, video chat, and P2P file sharing without the need of either internal or external plugins.” 23 According to wikipedia:
attachMediaStream = null; var reattachMediaStream = null; var webrtcDetectedBrowser = null; function trace(text) { // This function is used for logging. if (text[text.length - 1] == '\n') { text = text.substring(0, text.length - 1); } console.log((performance.now() / 1000).toFixed(3) + ": " + text); } if (navigator.mozGetUserMedia) { console.log("This appears to be Firefox"); webrtcDetectedBrowser = "firefox"; // The RTCPeerConnection object. RTCPeerConnection = mozRTCPeerConnection; // The RTCSessionDescription object. RTCSessionDescription = mozRTCSessionDescription; // The RTCIceCandidate object. RTCIceCandidate = mozRTCIceCandidate; // Get UserMedia (only difference is the prefix). // Code from Adam Barth. getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia.bind(navigator); // Attach a media stream to an element. attachMediaStream = function(element, stream) { console.log("Attaching media stream"); element.mozSrcObject = stream; element.play(); }; reattachMediaStream = function(to, from) { console.log("Reattaching media stream"); to.mozSrcObject = from.mozSrcObject; to.play(); }; Awesome! / Browser APIs Google has one 57
ideas are new But they’re being enabled by the open standard They’ve also got a higher possibility of success as it’s now cheaper to run the service 80