HはFDIS段階で議論なく“Informative”に変更されたこと、この ためAnnex Hでは“shall”という表現が使われたままになっており矛盾 していること、10進法と同様に60進法の標準的表記法を規定することは 重要であることから、“normative”とすべき Annex H (informative) should be revised as Annex H (normative) or be issued as a corrigendum. The reasons are as follows. 1. Annex H (Text string representation of point location) is referred in Clause 7.3 as a normative part. Representations of the contents in the Annex H are also normative. However Annex H is informative. This is an error. 2. The sexagesimal degree representation is important. For example, national survey and mapping organizations have many survey records described in sexagesimal system and the coordinates are sometimes recorded in sexagesimal system. The conversion between the decimal system and the sexagesimal system is irreversible for the number of significant figures (loss of precision). Sexagesimal system should be remained as a normative part in the standard. 3. The ISO 6709:1983 is still used. Compatibility should be remained. 4. Annex H had been normative until DIS stage under discussions in TC 211. Annex H accidentally changed to informative after DIS voting without any open discussions. 出口幹事長 (国土地理院)