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Splitting: The Crucial Optimization for Ruby Bl...

Splitting: The Crucial Optimization for Ruby Blocks

Benoit Daloze

November 29, 2022

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  1. Splitting: The Crucial Optimization for Ruby Blocks Benoit Daloze RubyConf

    2022 1.sum_to(10) sum_to step { |i| sum += i } { |i| p i } 1.step(3) { |i| p i }
  2. Who am I? Benoit Daloze Matodon: @[email protected] Twitter: @eregontp GitHub:

    @eregon Website: https://eregon.me • TruffleRuby lead at Oracle Labs, Zurich • Worked on TruffleRuby since 2014 • PhD on parallelism in dynamic languages • Maintainer of ruby/spec • CRuby (MRI) committer 2 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  3. TruffleRuby • A high-performance Ruby implementation • Uses the JIT

    Compiler • Targets full compatibility with CRuby 3.1, including C extensions • GitHub: oracle/truffleruby, Twitter: @TruffleRuby Website: https://graalvm.org/ruby 3 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  4. SELF, the source of many dynamic language optimizations • Similar

    to Smalltalk, but prototype-based, created in 1986 Many research breakthrough, used by dynamic languages nowadays: • maps/Shapes to represent objects efficiently (used by TruffleRuby and recently CRuby too) • Deoptimization: from JITed code to the interpreter and reoptimize • Polymorphic Inline Caches (generalized as dispatch chains in Truffle) • Splitting 5 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  5. Splitting Example Translated to Ruby and Similarities class Numeric def

    sum_to(upper_bound) sum = 0 step(upper_bound) do |i| sum += i end sum end end "Defined on Number" sumTo: upperBound = ( |sum <- 0| to: upperBound Do: [ |:index| sum: sum + index ]. sum ) Note we don’t use upto because that’s only available on Integer, and step is closer to the SELF example. 8 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  6. Example Call Sites for sum_to 1.sum_to(10) # => 55 1.0.sum_to(10.0)

    # => 55.0 1.5.sum_to(10.0) # => 49.5 (1.5 + 2.5 + ... + 9.5) 1r.sum_to(10r) # => (55/1) (2**80).sum_to(2**81) 9 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  7. Compiling sum_to: can we inline step? class Numeric def sum_to(upper_bound)

    sum = 0 # self is a Numeric, we would like to inline Numeric#step # but maybe some code added Integer#step or Float#step self.step(upper_bound) do |i| sum += i end sum end end 1.sum_to(10) 1.0.sum_to(10.0) 10 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  8. Compiling sum_to: can we inline step? class Numeric def sum_to(upper_bound)

    sum = 0 # Inline cache with all seen receiver types/classes # [Integer => Numeric#step, Float => Numeric#step] self.step(upper_bound) do |i| sum += i end sum end end 1.sum_to(10) 1.0.sum_to(10.0) 11 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  9. Compiling sum_to: can we inline step? class Numeric def sum_to(upper_bound)

    sum = 0 # 2 levels of inline cache: lookup cache and call target cache # lookup cache: [Integer => Numeric#step, Float => Numeric#step] # call target cache: [Numeric#step] self.step(upper_bound) do |i| sum += i end sum end end 1.sum_to(10) 1.0.sum_to(10.0) 12 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  10. Numeric#step, simplified (no keyword arguments, etc) def step(limit = nil,

    step = 1, &block) return create_step_enumerator(limit, step) unless block_given? raise TypeError, 'step must be numeric' if Primitive.nil? step raise ArgumentError, "step can't be 0" if step == 0 value = self descending = step < 0 limit ||= descending ? -Float::INFINITY : Float::INFINITY if value.is_a?(Float) or limit.is_a?(Float) or step.is_a?(Float) step_float(self, limit, step, descending, &block) else if descending until value < limit yield value value += step end else until value > limit yield value value += step end end end self end 13 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  11. Example Call Sites for Numeric#step 1.step(3) { |i| p i

    } # 1, 2, 3 1.0.step(3.0) { |i| p i } # 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 1.step(7, 2) { |i| p i } # 1, 3, 5, 7 7.step(1, -2) { |i| p i } # 7, 5, 3, 1 1.step(to: 7, by: 2) { ... } # keyword arguments 1.step(by: 2) { ... } # no upper limit 1.step(5) # => an Enumerator 14 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  12. Numeric#step, without Enumerator and early step checks def step(limit =

    nil, step = 1, &block) return create_step_enumerator(limit, step) unless block_given? raise TypeError, 'step must be numeric' if Primitive.nil? step raise ArgumentError, "step can't be 0" if step == 0 value = self descending = step < 0 limit ||= descending ? -Float::INFINITY : Float::INFINITY if value.is_a?(Float) or limit.is_a?(Float) or step.is_a?(Float) step_float(self, limit, step, descending, &block) else if descending until value < limit yield value value += step end else until value > limit yield value value += step end end end self end 15 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  13. Numeric#step, with descending logic in another method def step(limit =

    nil, step = 1, &block) value = self descending = step < 0 limit ||= descending ? -Float::INFINITY : Float::INFINITY return step_float(...) if value.is_a?(Float) or limit.is_a?(Float) or step.is_a?(Float) if descending until value < limit yield value value += step end else until value > limit yield value value += step end end self end 16 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  14. Numeric#step, with descending logic in another method def step(limit =

    nil, step = 1, &block) value = self descending = step < 0 limit ||= descending ? -Float::INFINITY : Float::INFINITY return step_float(...) if [value, limit, step].any?(Float) return step_descending(...) if descending until value > limit yield value value += step end self end 17 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  15. Compiling step: the main loop def step(limit = nil, step

    = 1, &block) # ... until value > limit # inline cache: [block in sum_to, block in main] yield value value += step end self end 1.sum_to(10) 1.step(3) { |i| p i } 18 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  16. Compiling step: inline both blocks? def step(limit = nil, step

    = 1, &block) # ... until value > limit if block is "block in sum_to" # { |i| sum += i } block.outer_variables[:sum] += value elsif block is "block in main" # { |i| p i } p value else deopt end value += step end self end 19 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  17. Compiling step: inline N blocks? def step(limit = nil, step

    = 1, &block) # ... until value > limit if block is "block in sum_to" # { |i| sum += i } block.outer_variables[:sum] += value elsif block is "block in main" # { |i| p i } p value elsif block is "block 3" # ... elsif block is "block 4" # ... elsif block is "block 5" # ... elsif block is "block 6" # ... elsif block is "block 7" # ... 20 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  18. Solution: compile multiple copies of step def step1(limit = nil,

    step = 1, &block) # copy for block in sum_to # ... until value > limit deopt unless block is "block in sum_to" # { |i| sum += i } block.outer_variables[:sum] += value value += step end end def step2(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) # copy for block in main # ... until value > limit deopt unless block is "block in main" # { |i| p i } p value value += step end end 21 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  19. Splitting 1.sum_to(10) sum_to step { |i| sum += i }

    { |i| p i } p 1.step(3) { |i| p i } 22 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  20. Splitting 1.sum_to(10) sum_to step 1 { |i| sum += i

    } 1.step(3) { |i| p i } step 2 { |i| p i } p 23 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  21. Splitting • What we just did is called splitting •

    We split the method step so there is a copy of step for each caller • Those copies or splits can then be optimized further by having more information from the caller through inline caches and profiling information 24 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  22. Splitting in TruffleRuby and Truffle: a more generic approach An

    inline cache or call site can be: • Monomorphic: single entry, for a call site it always calls the same method • Polymorphic: 2+ entries (in TruffleRuby currently up to 8) • Megamorphic: too many entries to cache Everytime TruffleRuby detects polymorphism or megamorphism, it uses splitting to try to make it monomorphic again. • In TruffleRuby, once we decided to split we will split for each call site • More than that, if we still see polymorphism we might decide to split callers (e.g., sum_to) 25 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  23. Recursive Splitting 1.sum_to(10) sum_to step until value > limit Integer

    > Float > 1.0.sum_to(10.0) 26 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  24. Recursive Splitting 1.sum_to(10) sum_to 1 step 1 Integer > 1.0.sum_to(10.0)

    sum_to 2 step 2 Float > 27 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  25. Numeric#step without splitting: call polymorphism def step(limit = nil, step

    = 1, &block) value = self descending = step < 0 limit ||= descending ? -Float::INFINITY : Float::INFINITY return step_float(...) if [value, limit, step].any?(Float) return step_descending(...) if descending until value > limit yield value value += step end self end 28 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  26. Numeric#step without splitting: branch polymorphism def step(limit = nil, step

    = 1, &block) value = self descending = step < 0 limit ||= descending ? -Float::INFINITY : Float::INFINITY return step_float(...) if value.is_a?(Float) or limit.is_a?(Float) or return step_descending(...) if descending until value > limit yield value value += step end self end 29 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  27. Compiling Integer#sum_to(Integer) (split) # arguments profile: upper_bound is always seen

    as Integer def sum_to(upper_bound) sum = 0 # [Integer => Numeric#step], let's inline self.step(upper_bound) do |i| sum += i end sum end 1.sum_to(10) 30 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  28. Compiling Numeric#step split for Integer#sum_to(Integer) # arguments profile: limit is

    Integer, step is not passed def step(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) value = self descending = step < 0 # step is not passed, so step is 1 limit ||= descending ? -Float::INFINITY : Float::INFINITY return step_float(...) if [value, limit, step].any?(Float) return step_descending(...) if descending until value > limit yield value value += step end self end 31 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  29. step is always 1, fold 1 < 0 # arguments

    profile: limit is Integer, step is not passed def step(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) value = self descending = 1 < 0 # step is not passed, so step is 1 limit ||= descending ? -Float::INFINITY : Float::INFINITY return step_float(...) if [value, limit, 1 ].any?(Float) return step_descending(...) if descending until value > limit yield value value += 1 end self end 32 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  30. Propagate descending=false # arguments profile: limit is Integer, step is

    not passed def step(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) value = self descending = false limit ||= descending ? -Float::INFINITY : Float::INFINITY return step_float(...) if [value, limit, 1].any?(Float) return step_descending(...) if descending until value > limit yield value value += 1 end self end 33 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  31. limit is Integer # arguments profile: limit is Integer, step

    is not passed def step(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) value = self limit ||= Float::INFINITY return step_float(...) if [value, limit, 1].any?(Float) until value > limit yield value value += 1 end self end 34 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  32. self is Integer # arguments profile: self is Integer, limit

    is Integer, step not passed def step(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) value = self # Integer return step_float(...) if [value, limit, 1].any?(Float) until value > limit # Integer#> yield value value += 1 # Integer#+ end self end 35 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  33. Expand Float checks # arguments profile: self is Integer, limit

    is Integer, step not passed def step(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) value = self # Integer return step_float(...) if [value, limit, 1].any?(Float) until value > limit # Integer#> yield value value += 1 # Integer#+ end self end 36 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  34. Fold .is_a?(Float) checks # arguments profile: self is Integer, limit

    is Integer, step not passed def step(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) value = self # Integer if value.is_a?(Float) or limit.is_a?(Float) or 1.is_a?(Float) return step_float(...) end until value > limit # Integer#> yield value value += 1 # Integer#+ end self end 37 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  35. Compiled Numeric#step split for Integer#sum_to(Integer) # arguments profile: self is

    Integer, limit is Integer, step not passed def step(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) value = self until value > limit # Integer#> yield value value += 1 # Integer#+ end self end 38 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  36. Let’s inline step in sum_to def sum_to(upper_bound) sum = 0

    self.step(upper_bound) do |i| sum += i end sum end def step(limit = nil, step = 1, &block) value = self until value > limit # Integer#> yield value value += 1 # Integer#+ end self end 39 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  37. Let’s inline step in sum_to def sum_to(upper_bound) sum = 0

    value = self until value > upper_bound # Integer#> proc { |i| sum += i }.call(value) value += 1 # Integer#+ end sum end 40 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  38. Let’s inline the block def sum_to(upper_bound) sum = 0 value

    = self until value > upper_bound # Integer#> sum += value # Integer#+ value += 1 # Integer#+ end sum end 41 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  39. Final result sum_to was compiled as efficiently as this C

    code: int sum_to(int self, int upper_bound) { int sum = 0; int value = self; while (value <= upper_bound) { sum += value; // + overflow check (CPU flag check like jo) value++; // + overflow check (CPU flag check like jo) } return sum; } but it works for Float, Rational, Bignums and has no overflow! 42 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  40. Benchmark sum_to 1.sum_to(10) 1.0.sum_to(10.0) 1.5.sum_to(10.0) 1r.sum_to(10r) 1.step(7, 2) { |i|

    p i } 1.step(to: 7, by: 2) { } 1.step(5) p 1.sum_to(1000) benchmark do 1.sum_to(1000) end 43 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  41. Benchmark results for sum_to CRuby 3.1 TruffleRuby no splitting TruffleRuby

    with splitting 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 15.08 116.74 Speedup relative to CRuby TruffleRuby JIT makes sum_to 15x faster, and splitting makes sum_to 7.7x faster on top of that! 44 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  42. Benchmark results for OptCarrot CRuby 3.1 TruffleRuby no splitting TruffleRuby

    with splitting 0 2 4 6 8 1 5 7.74 Speedup relative to CRuby 45 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  43. Benchmark results for RailsBench (from the yjit-bench suite) CRuby 3.1

    TruffleRuby no splitting TruffleRuby with splitting 0 1 2 3 1 1.36 2.75 Speedup relative to CRuby 46 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  44. Analyzing Ruby Call-Site Behavior paper • Research by Sophie Kaleba,

    Octave Larose, Stefan Marr and Prof. Richard Jones • The paper uses TruffleRuby to analyze the behavior of call sites on various Ruby benchmarks • They find that TruffleRuby has two main ways to reduce polymorphism and megamorphism: • 2-level inline cache for method calls (lookup cache and call target cache) • Splitting • There is also a blog post at https://stefan-marr.de/ 49 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  45. Analyzing Calls in RailsBench Polymorphic Calls Megamorphic Calls Initial 956,515

    (6.9%) 63,319 (0.457%) After 2-level inline cache 490,072 (3.5%) 557 (0.004%) After Splitting 0% 0% The 2-level inline cache for method calls and Splitting ... completely remove polymorphism and megamorphism in all 44 benchmarks used in the paper! 50 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  46. Conclusion • Splitting is a technique from the SELF VM

    research, invented in 1989 (33 years ago) • It applies well to Ruby, for methods taking blocks and also for other forms of polymorphism • It completely remove polymorphism and megamorphism on all 44 benchmarks (Kaleba et al.) • Splitting gives speedups of 7.7x on sum_to, 1.5x on OptCarrot and 2x on RailsBench 51 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  47. Polymorphic and Megamorphic Calls The *-suffixed benchmarks have been aggregated

    due to their similar behavior, and their values have been averaged. Benchmark Stmts Stmts Cov. Fns Fns Cov. kCalls Poly+ Mega. calls Exec. call- sites Poly+ Mega. call- sites BlogRails 118,717 48% 37,595 38% 13,863 7.4% 52,361 2.3% ChunkyCanvas* 19,279 32% 5,082 20% 11,323 0.0% 1,816 1.0% ChunkyColor* 19,266 32% 5,077 20% 19 2.0% 1,790 1.0% ChunkyDec 19,289 32% 5,083 20% 21 2.0% 1,809 1.2% ERubiRails 117,922 45% 37,328 35% 12,309 5.4% 47,794 2.3% HexaPdfSmall 26,624 44% 6,990 35% 31,246 7.4% 6,872 4.1% LiquidCartParse 23,531 37% 6,259 27% 87 1.3% 3,065 1.9% LiquidCartRender 23,562 39% 6,269 30% 236 5.5% 3,581 2.4% LiquidMiddleware 22,374 37% 5,939 27% 70 1.4% 2,918 1.4% LiquidParseAll 23,276 37% 6,186 27% 295 1.9% 3,127 2.2% LiquidRenderBibs 23,277 39% 6,185 29% 385 23.4% 3,466 2.8% MailBench 31,857 40% 8,392 32% 2,756 3.4% 5,414 3.6% PsdColor 27,498 40% 7,724 28% 352 4.1% 6,668 1.9% PsdCompose* 27,498 40% 7,724 28% 352 4.0% 6,678 2.0% PsdImage* 27,531 40% 7,736 28% 5,509 0.0% 6,677 2.0% PsdUtil* 27,496 40% 7,724 28% 351 4.0% 6,655 2.0% Sinatra 31,187 40% 8,492 29% 172 6.9% 5,639 4.4% ADConvert 21,588 37% 4,771 27% 371 7.9% 3,979 3.1% ADLoadFile 21,586 35% 4,771 26% 171 13.2% 3,335 2.9% DeltaBlue 16,292 31% 4,052 21% 13 6.4% 1,738 2.4% B Ch C Li Liqu Liqu L Liqu 53 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  48. The Effect of 2-level Inline Cache for Method Calls total

    of 74 nchmarks. ue to their aged. Exec. call- sites Poly+ Mega. call- sites 52,361 2.3% 1,816 1.0% 1,790 1.0% 1,809 1.2% 47,794 2.3% 6,872 4.1% 3,065 1.9% 3,581 2.4% 2,918 1.4% 3,127 2.2% 3,466 2.8% 5,414 3.6% 6,668 1.9% 6,678 2.0% 6,677 2.0% 6,655 2.0% by around 45%, except for RedBlack and CD that has less than 8% of duplicates Number of calls After eliminating target duplicates Benchmark Poly. Mega. Poly. Mega. BlogRails 956,515 63,319 -48.8% -99.1% ChunkyCanvas* 322 98 -80.0% -100.0% ChunkyColor* 320 98 -79.0% -100.0% ChunkyDec 322 98 -79.5% -100.0% ERubiRails 626,535 40,699 -37.4% -98.6% HexaPdfSmall 1,842,665 479,399 -21.7% -99.6% LiquidCartParse 821 280 -73.3% -100.0% LiquidCartRender 12,598 280 -84.1% -100.0% LiquidMiddleware 747 251 -68.8% -100.0% LiquidParseAll 5,369 280 -87.4% -100.0% LiquidRenderBibs 89,866 280 -73.7% -100.0% MailBench 81,886 12,697 -77.6% -100.0% PsdColor 14,053 233 -53.1% -100.0% PsdCompose* 14,053 233 -53.0% -100.0% PsdImage* 14,062 233 -53.0% -100.0% PsdUtil* 14,048 233 -53.0% -100.0% Sinatra 7,909 3,911 -82.8% -94.4% ADConvert 29,337 0 -58.3% 0.0% ADLoadFile 22,654 0 -53.5% 0.0% DeltaBlue 846 0 -33.7% 0.0% 54 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
  49. The Effect of Splitting after having eliminated target duplicates are

    almost com- pletely monomorphized by splitting. Number of calls After splitting Benchmark Poly. Mega. Poly. Mega. Number of splits BlogRails 490,072 557 -100% -100% 2163 ChunkyCanvas* 66 0 -100% 0% 43 ChunkyColor* 66 0 -100% 0% 42 ChunkyDec 66 0 -100% 0% 42 ERubiRails 391,997 553 -100% -100% 1851 HexaPdfSmall 1,443,211 2,066 -100% -100% 498 LiquidCartParse 219 0 -100% 0% 107 LiquidCartRender 2,000 0 -100% 0% 207 LiquidMiddleware 233 0 -100% 0% 114 LiquidParseAll 679 0 -100% 0% 136 LiquidRenderBibs 23,633 0 -100% 0% 191 MailBench 18,322 0 -100% 0% 343 PsdColor 6,586 0 -100% 0% 300 PsdCompose* 6,586 0 -100% 0% 300 PsdImage* 6,588 0 -100% 0% 300 PsdUtil* 6,584 0 -100% 0% 300 Sinatra 1,362 220 -100% -100% 297 ADConvert 12,226 0 -100% 0% 236 ADLoadFile 10,525 0 -100% 0% 175 DeltaBlue 561 0 -100% 0% 78 55 Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates