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Introduction to Machine Learning Operations(MLOps)

Introduction to Machine Learning Operations(MLOps)

A talk at GDG Devfest Ajah on Machine Learning

Learning Objective:

- What is MLOps ?
- Why do we need MLOps ?
- DevOps vs MLOps
- Core principles of MLOps
- Benefits of MLOps
- MLOps communities
- Best resources to learn MLOps
- Conclusion

LinkedIn post - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gift-ojabu_giftojeabulu-datasceince-machinelearning-activity-7001503931763732480-oQs2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

GDG Devfest Ajah 2022 page - https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-ajah-presents-devfest-ajah-2022/


November 19, 2022

More Decks by GiftOjeabulu

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  1. Who am I? - Co-founder and community lead for Data

    Community Africa/DatafestAfrica. - Organizer of MLOps Community Lagos meetup. - Ex Data Scientist at CBB Analytics
  2. Learning Objective - What is MLOps ? - Why do

    we need MLOps ? - Devops vs MLOps - Core principles of MLOps - Benefits of MLOps - MLOps communities - Best resources to Learn MLOps - Conclusion
  3. An Overture - What is MLOps - Why MLOps. -

    CRISP-DM VS ASUM-DM Methodology - Devops vs MLOps - The Future of MLOps.
  4. MLOps is a set of practices that aims to deploy

    and maintain machine learning models in production reliably and efficiently. The word is a compound of "machine learning" and the continuous development practice of DevOps in the software development field. What is MLOps?
  5. Why MLOps? MLOps is a set of practices for collaboration

    and communication between data scientists and operations professionals. Applying these practices increases the quality, simplifies the management process, and automates the deployment of Machine Learning and Deep Learning models in large-scale production environments.
  6. The Future of MLOps MLOps is the future of machine

    learning, and it brings a host of benefits to organizations looking to deliver high-quality models continuously. It also offers many other benefits to organizations, including improved collaboration between data scientists and developers, faster time-to-market for new models, and increased model accuracy.
  7. MLOps Communities • MLOps Community Lagos • DataTalksClub • Google

    Kubeflow community • IterativeAI community
  8. Best resources to learn MLOps • MLOps Zoomcamp(Free) • Iterative

    MLOps course(Free) • Practical MLOps Book(Paid) • Design Machine Learning Systems(Paid)
  9. Alessya Visnjic Data Scientist need to think about their models

    in post-production because only when the model is in production is when it starts generating value. CEO of WhyLabs