At Mapbox, it took time, sweat and tears, but we finally adopted Kotlin as the main development language for all Android based projects.
In this session, we will talk about all the bumps we ran into along the way, and describe all the reasons that led us to make the decision to move to Kotlin. We will also show the problems and findings that we encountered along the journey of converting the Mapbox Navigation SDK for Android from 0.x Java to 1.0 Kotlin-first. We will illustrate how we replaced Java tooling and coding style guidelines with Kotlin specific ones, and how we took advantage of some language features and constructs to design APIs that are great for both Kotlin and Java. All this in addition to making sure the SDK was ready for prime time i.e. with S.O.L.I.D. architecture, APIs that are hard to misuse, a low crash rate, well tested and performant.
It's been quite a ride. Do you want to know how it went? Join us!