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Dependency Injection in Swift

Ilya Puchka
May 24, 2016

Dependency Injection in Swift

Ilya Puchka

May 24, 2016


  1. In software engineering, dependency injection is a software design pattern

    that implements inversion of control for resolving dependencies. — Wikipedia
  2. CONSTRUCTOR INJECTION class NSPersistentStore : NSObject { init(persistentStoreCoordinator root: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator?,

    configurationName name: String?, URL url: NSURL, options: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) var persistentStoreCoordinator: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator? { get } }
  3. AMBIENT CONTEXT public class NSURLCache : NSObject { public class

    func setSharedURLCache(cache: NSURLCache) public class func sharedURLCache() -> NSURLCache }
  4. PROS: > does not pollute API > dependency always available

    CONS: > implicit dependency > global mutable state
  5. SEPARATION OF CONCERNS > what concrete implementations to use >

    configure dependencies > manage dependencies' lifetime
  6. VIPER EXAMPLE class AppDependencies { init() { configureDependencies() } func

    configureDependencies() { // Root Level Classes let coreDataStore = CoreDataStore() let clock = DeviceClock() let rootWireframe = RootWireframe() // List Module Classes let listPresenter = ListPresenter() let listDataManager = ListDataManager() let listInteractor = ListInteractor(dataManager: listDataManager, clock: clock) ... listInteractor.output = listPresenter listPresenter.listInteractor = listInteractor listPresenter.listWireframe = listWireframe listWireframe.addWireframe = addWireframe ... } }
  7. VIPER EXAMPLE @UIApplicationMain class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window:

    UIWindow? let appDependencies = AppDependencies() func application( application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Bool { appDependencies.installRootViewControllerIntoWindow(window!) return true } }
  8. The biggest challange of properly implementing DI is getting all

    classes with dependencies moved to Composition Root — Mark Seeman
  9. VOLATILE DEPENDENCIES > dependency requires environment configuration (data base, networking,

    file system) > nondetermenistic behavior (dates, cryptography) > expected to be replaced > dependency is still in development
  10. SERVICE LOCATOR let locator = ServiceLocator.sharedInstance locator.register( { CoreDataRecipesRepository() },

    forType: RecipesRepository.self) class RecipesService { let repository: RecipesRepository init() { let locator = ServiceLocator.sharedInstance self.repository = locator.resolve(RecipesRepository.self) } }
  11. > DI enables loose coupling > 4 patterns, prefer constructor

    injection > Use local defaults, not foreign > Inject volatile dependencies, not stable > Avoid anti-patterns
  12. !

  13. !

  14. Program to an interface, not an implementation — Design Patterns:

    Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
  15. public class APIClientAssembly: TyphoonAssembly { public dynamic func apiClient() ->

    AnyObject { ... } public dynamic func session() -> AnyObject { ... } public dynamic func logger() -> AnyObject { ... } }
  16. public dynamic func apiClient() -> AnyObject { return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(APIClientImp.self) {

    definition in definition.useInitializer(#selector(APIClientImp.init(session:))) { initializer in initializer.injectParameterWith(self.session()) } definition.injectProperty("logger", with: self.logger()) } }
  17. public dynamic func session() -> AnyObject { return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(NSURLSession.self) {

    definition in definition.useInitializer(#selector(NSURLSession.sharedSession)) } } public dynamic func logger() -> AnyObject { return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(ConsoleLogger.self) { definition in definition.scope = .Singleton } }
  18. TYPHOON + SWIFT ! > Requires to subclass NSObject and

    define protocols with @objc > Methods called during injection should be dynamic > requires type casting > not all features work in Swift > too wordy API for Swift
  19. REGISTER let container = DependencyContainer() container.register { try APIClientImp( session:

    container.resolve() ) as APIClient } .resolveDependencies { container, client in client.logger = try container.resolve() } container.register { NSURLSession.sharedSession() as NetworkSession } container.register(.Singleton) { ConsoleLogger() as Logger }
  20. AUTO-WIRING class APIClientImp: APIClient { init(session: NetworkSession) { ... }

    } container.register { APIClientImp(session: $0) as APIClient }
  21. Typhoon Dip Constructor, property, method injection ✔ ✔ Lifecycle management

    ✔ ✔ Circular dependencies ✔ ✔ Runtime arguments ✔ ✔ Named definitions ✔ ✔ Storyboards integration ✔ ✔ ----------------------------------------------------------- Auto-wiring ✔ ✔ Thread safety ✘ ✔ Interception ✔ ✘ Infrastructure ✔ ✘
  22. WHY SHOULD I BOTHER? > easy integration with storyboards >

    manage components lifecycle > can simplify configurations > allow interception (in Typhoon using NSProxy) > provides additional features
  23. LINKS > "Dependency Injection in .Net" Mark Seeman > Mark

    Seeman's blog > objc.io Issue 15: Testing. Dependency Injection, by Jon Reid > "DIP in the wild" > Non-DI code == spaghetti code?