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How to use social media to really connect with ...

Kim Townend
March 27, 2017

How to use social media to really connect with your audience in the age of peak TV

A talk I gave at the TV Connect conference in London in 2017 around using social media and the understanding of fandoms paired with good social research to leverage audience understanding to generate real engagement.

Kim Townend

March 27, 2017


  1. In the age of ‘peak TV’ How to really connect

    with your audience @kimlovesstuff / kimtownend.com
  2. © Red Bee 2016 In 2017 everything has a fandom,

    it’s not just for nerds anymore!
  3. Fandometrics is my go- to of what’s cool on the

    internet. (And what the rest of the world will like 2 years from now)