when avoiding security The RealiHes The reality of applica7on security from 7ny startups to giant corpora7ons The RecommendaHons Moving from ra7onal avoidance to ge:ng stuff done
have a special <insert item> to do security. Excellent developers naturally produce secure applicaHons. If you have never been hacked, it will never happen. Our framework doesn’t have these issues.
SMELL ‘Best pracKces’ is a nonsense term that introduces intenKonal ambiguity. Over 80% of applicaKon development organizaKons fail at basic security pracKces such as password management, data protecKon and resilience. THE REALITY
TO DO SECURITY APPLICATION SECURITY CULTURE SMELL We don’t need special devices, certs or tricks to do applicaKon security. Trying, failing and learning will serve us much beYer. THE REALITY
CULTURE SMELL Development prowess and security knowledge are not implicitly related AccepKng we are vulnerable and that we don’t know the answers is important. THE REALITY
NEVER HAPPEN APPLICATION SECURITY CULTURE SMELL Most organizaKons wouldn’t know if they had been compromised, why they would be aYacked or how to respond. THE REALITY
security The RealiHes The reality of applica7on security from 7ny startups to giant corpora7ons The RecommendaHons Moving from ra7onal avoidance to ge:ng stuff done