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Et si on redémarrait l'agile (à l'échelle) – Ag...

Et si on redémarrait l'agile (à l'échelle) – Agile Niort 2021


January 29, 2021

More Decks by Arnaud LEMAIRE

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Developers Project Manager / Product Manager / Product Owner Executives

    CEO Decisions Policies Budget Power Deadlines How to crisp.se Reports Data Clear Path of 
  2. Developers Project Manager / Product Manager / Product Owner Executives

    CEO No Decisions Under this Line Software Architectes They endure 
 the decisions pragmaticengineer.com
  3. Developers Project Manager / 
 Product Manager / Product Owner

    Executives CEO Bureaucracy We have to be agile You must be agile Let put agile principles everywhere
  4. Developers Project Manager / 
 Product Manager / Product Owner

    Executives CEO Bureaucracy You must do daily standup You have to do planning poker You must deliver work every two weeks Pair programming is a waste of time We are late, go faster You must provide us burndown charts
  5. Developers Project Manager / 
 Product Manager / Product Owner

    Executives CEO (Agile) Bureaucracy (at Scale) Maybe we can… You can’t do that because it’s against our company or team’s principles thoughtworks.com
  6. Developers Project Manager / Product Manager / Product Owner Executives

    CEO Decisions Policies Budget Power Deadlines How to Reports Data Clear Path of 
 accountability (Agile) Bureaucracy (at Scale)
  7. Putman 1997 QCM studies on 491 projects « We conclude

    that a 3-7 person team has the best performance » « The trend appears to have a exponential behavior. The most cost effective strategy is the smallest team, however the extreme nonlinear effort increase doesn’t seem to kick in until the team size approaches 9 or more people. »
  8. Armel 2006 QCM studies on 600 projects « On average,

    Best in Class projects delivered 5 times faster and used 15 times less effort than Worst in Class projects. » « he characteristic that stood out from Don's analysis was team size. Best in Class projects used smaller teams (over 4 times smaller, on average) than the worst performers. »
  9. Armel 2012 QCM studies on 1060 projects « On small

    projects, the large teams were 3 times more costly than the small teams, and delivered 2 times as many defects. On large projects, large teams were a whopping 4 times more expensive than the small ones and delivered 3 times as many defects. »
  10. Rodriguez 2012 Empirical Findings on Team Size and Productivity (951

    projects) « On small projects, the large teams were 3 times more costly than the small teams, and delivered 2 times as many defects. On large projects, large teams were a whopping 4 times more expensive than the small ones and delivered 3 times as many defects. »
  11. Putman 2018 QCM studies on 390 projects « While the

    additional staff reduced the schedule by approximately 30%, the project cost actually increased by 350%. The additional staff also created 500% more defects that had to be f i xed during testing. »
  12. Why small teams perform better ? - Not a signi

    f i cant management overhead - Minimize communication overhead - Minimize inter-locking phenomenons - Minimize over-engineering
  13. Your team size may be bigger than what you think…

    The size of your team is the number of people who need to synchronize their work.
  14. Developers Project Manager / 
 Product Manager / Product Owner

    Executives CEO Don’t scale Agile Descale your Organization
  15. 1. Align your teams with your problem space 2. Optimize

    for Continuous Delivery 3. Create Ultra High Alignment 4. Provide Real Autonomy
  16. 1. Align your teams with your problem space E-Commerce Team

    E-Marketing Team Invoice Team Stock management Shipping Full f i lement Supplier Management Payment gateway Accounting Order Management Invoicing Catalogue Search engine
  17. 1. Align your teams with your problem space Catalogue Payment

    gateway Supplier Management Invoicing Accounting Search engine Order Management Shipping Stock management Full f i lement
  18. 1. Align your teams with your problem space Catalogue Payment

    gateway Supplier Management Invoicing Accounting Search engine Order Management Shipping Stock management Full f i lement
  19. 1. Align your teams with your problem space Perform an

    inverse Conway Maneuver « HR are accidental architects of your designs software systems » « Team Assignments are the f i rst draft of the architecture » - Michael Nygard
  20. E-Commerce Team 1. Align your teams with your problem space

    Have explicit boundaries « We Provide empirical evidence that product ambiguity exists, and it is more likely to be present across organizational and system boundaries » - Sosa & al, 2004 « « …Mismatches between product architecture and organizational structure [are] positively associated with quality problems » - Gokpinar et al, 2010 Invoice Team Order Management Invoicing
  21. 1. Align your teams with your problem space 2. Optimize

    for Continuous Delivery 3. Create Ultra High Alignment 4. Provide Real Autonomy
  22. 2. Optimize for Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery Automated testing Stakeholder

    involvment Continuous Integration Deployment automation Unit Testing Integrated tests Infra As Code Coding standard Version Control
  23. 1. Align your teams with your problem space 2. Optimize

    for Continuous Delivery 3. Create Ultra High Alignment 4. Provide Real Autonomy
  24. 1. Align your teams with your problem space 2. Optimize

    for Continuous Delivery 3. Create Ultra High Alignment 4. Provide Real Autonomy
  25. 4. Provide Real Autonomy Two pizza Team « Two-Pizza Teams

    work like semi-independent entrepreneurial hothouses. Insulated from the greater organisation’s bureaucracy » - John Rossmann
  26. Obliquity « Strange as it may seem, overcoming geographic obstacles,

    winning decisive battles or meeting global business targets are the type of goals often best achieved when pursued indirectly. This is the idea of Obliquity. Oblique approaches are most effective in dif f i cult terrain, or where outcomes depend on interactions with other people. » – John Kay
  27. 1. Align your teams with your problem space 2. Optimize

    for Continuous Delivery 3. Create Ultra High Alignment 4. Provide Real Autonomy Don’t try to Scale Agile, but instead: