expect us to believe m er m aids are real? Act ion Notes 3 GIRLS look down judg m entally at our m ain char acter SOPHIE a shor ter g ir l wit h shor t fr ing y hair. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 8/73
TIME Sophie prepares to sneak out of her room, she grabs her jacket, preps her flashlight, and other tools and puts them in her backpack. and begins psyching her self up to leave. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 30/73
THE RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into t he r iver in t he dead of nig ht and jum ps in behind it . The canoe slowly dr ift s into t he cold fog She holds up her flashlig ht and t r ies to m ake out what lur ks beyond her lig ht . Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 40/73
RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 41/73
RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 42/73
RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 43/73
RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 45/73
RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 46/73
RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 47/73