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Mermaid Hunting

Mermaid Hunting

Script and character written by Daniel Tal. Submission for Daniel Tal's Discord story challenge in February.

Makenna Brandt

February 26, 2025


  1. Scene 1 Panel 1 Action Notes INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 1/73
  2. Scene 1 Panel 2 Action Notes INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 2/73
  3. Scene 1 Panel 3 Action Notes INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 3/73
  4. Scene 1 Panel 4 Action Notes INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 4/73
  5. Scene 1 Panel 5 Action Notes INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 5/73
  6. Scene 1 Panel 6 Action Notes INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 6/73
  7. Scene 1 Panel 7 Action Notes INT. MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSROOM

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 7/73
  8. Scene 2 Panel 1 Dialog BULLY 1: Do you really

    expect us to believe m er m aids are real? Act ion Notes 3 GIRLS look down judg m entally at our m ain char acter SOPHIE a shor ter g ir l wit h shor t fr ing y hair. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 8/73
  9. Scene 2 Panel 2 Dialog BULLY 1: Do you really

    expect us to believe mermaids are real? Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 9/73
  10. Scene 2 Panel 3 Dialog BULLY 1: Do you really

    expect us to believe mermaids are real? Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 10/73
  11. Scene 3 Panel 1 Dialog BULLY 2: Yeah thats like

    stories for children Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 11/73
  12. Scene 3 Panel 2 Dialog BULLY 2: Yeah thats like

    stories for children Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 12/73
  13. Scene 3 Panel 3 Dialog BULLY 2: Yeah thats like

    stories for children Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 13/73
  14. Scene 4 Panel 1 Action Notes SOHPIE, stands angrily holding

    up a book of mythology holding open on a page of mermaids. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 14/73
  15. Scene 4 Panel 2 Action Notes SOHPIE, stands angrily holding

    up a book of mythology holding open on a page of mermaids. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 15/73
  16. Scene 4 Panel 5 Dialog SOPHIE: No, this is real...

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 18/73
  17. Scene 1 Panel 1 Action Notes EXT. SUBURBS - DAY

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 21/73
  18. Scene 1 Panel 2 Action Notes EXT. SUBURBS - DAY

    Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 22/73
  19. Scene 2 Panel 1 Action Notes Sophie walks down the

    street with determination in her eyes Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 23/73
  20. Scene 2 Panel 2 Dialog SOPHIE: Ill show them... Mermaid

    Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 24/73
  21. Scene 2 Panel 3 Dialog SOPHIE: Ill show them... Mermaid

    Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 25/73
  22. Scene 2 Panel 6 Dialog SOPHIE: ...I'll prove it! Mermaid

    Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 28/73
  23. Scene 3 Panel 1 Dialog SOPHIE: ...I'll prove it! Mermaid

    Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 29/73
  24. Scene 1 Panel 1 Action Notes INT. SOPHIE'S HOME, NIGHT

    TIME Sophie prepares to sneak out of her room, she grabs her jacket, preps her flashlight, and other tools and puts them in her backpack. and begins psyching her self up to leave. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 30/73
  25. Scene 3 Panel 1 Action Notes Sophie sneaks out of

    her room, ducks past her parents, making sure not to make any noise. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 37/73
  26. Scene 3 Panel 2 Action Notes Sophie sneaks out of

    her room, ducks past her parents, making sure not to make any noise. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 38/73
  27. Scene 3 Panel 3 Action Notes Sophie sneaks out of

    her room, ducks past her parents, making sure not to make any noise. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 39/73
  28. Scene 1 Panel 1 Act ion Notes EXT. BASE OF

    THE RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into t he r iver in t he dead of nig ht and jum ps in behind it . The canoe slowly dr ift s into t he cold fog She holds up her flashlig ht and t r ies to m ake out what lur ks beyond her lig ht . Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 40/73
  29. Scene 1 Panel 2 Action Notes EXT. BASE OF THE

    RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 41/73
  30. Scene 1 Panel 3 Action Notes EXT. BASE OF THE

    RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 42/73
  31. Scene 1 Panel 4 Action Notes EXT. BASE OF THE

    RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 43/73
  32. Scene 2 Panel 1 Action Notes EXT. BASE OF THE

    RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 45/73
  33. Scene 2 Panel 2 Action Notes EXT. BASE OF THE

    RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 46/73
  34. Scene 2 Panel 3 Action Notes EXT. BASE OF THE

    RIVER -NIGHT Sophie pushes a canoe into the r iver in the dead of night and jumps in behind it. The canoe slowly dr ifts into the cold fog She holds up her flashlight and tr ies to make out what lur ks beyond her light. Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 47/73
  35. Scene 3 Panel 1 Dialog SOPHIE: Is...is anyone there? Any

    mermaids? Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 48/73
  36. Scene 3 Panel 2 Dialog SOPHIE: Is. . . is

    anyone there? Any mer maids? Action Notes Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 49/73
  37. Scene 3 Panel 3 Dialog SOPHIE: Is...is anyone there? Any

    mermaids? Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 50/73
  38. Scene 4 Panel 3 Dialog SOPHIE: I just want one

    photo and I'll leave! Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 56/73
  39. Scene 4 Panel 4 Dialog SOPHIE: I just want one

    photo and I'll leave! Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 57/73
  40. Scene 4 Panel 5 Dialog SOPHIE: I just want one

    photo and I'll leave! Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 58/73
  41. Scene 4 Panel 6 Dialog SOPHIE: I just want one

    photo and I'll leave! Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 59/73
  42. Scene 6 Panel 1 Dialog SOPHIE (CONT'D): (chucking nervously) Who's

    there?!? I'm sorry i bothered you ill be going now! Hahah Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 67/73
  43. Scene 6 Panel 2 Dialog SOPHIE (CONT'D): (chucking nervously) Who's

    there?!? I'm sorry i bothered you ill be going now! Hahah Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 68/73
  44. Scene 6 Panel 3 Dialog SOPHIE (CONT'D): (chucking nervously) Who's

    there?!? I'm sorry i bothered you ill be going now! Hahah Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 69/73
  45. Scene 7 Panel 3 Dialog MERMAID: Why are you afraid,

    I thought you were looking for me? Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 72/73
  46. Scene 7 Panel 4 Dialog MERMAID: Why are you afraid,

    I thought you were looking for me? Mermaid Hunting Written by Daniel Tal Page 73/73