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Crafting the Perfect Side Hustle with AI - Brig...

Manuel Madeddu
April 16, 2024

Crafting the Perfect Side Hustle with AI - BrightonSEO Apr.2024

Brighton SEO - April 2024
Explore the revolutionary potential of utilizing AI to craft and optimize websites, a game-changer in the digital landscape.

In this talk, Manuel delves into innovative strategies to build robust engagement across digital channels, transforming your side hustle into a thriving venture.

Learn how to identify a lucrative niche in affiliate platforms and build engagement for a targeted audience by using AI to pave the way for a successful online business.


Manuel Madeddu

April 16, 2024


  1. @manu_madeddu 1 Crafting the perfect side hustle with AI Manuel

    Madeddu PERFORMICS @manu_madeddu https://speakerdeck.com/manuelmadeddu
  2. @manu_madeddu 3 Introduction A Bit About Me: • Father of

    2 lovely boys • AD @ Performics • Studied Robotics (Mechatronics) • 14yrs Experience as Marketing Specialist • SEO & AI Passionate Tool: https://faceswapper.ai/
  3. @manu_madeddu 5 Introduction A Bit About What I’ll Cover: •

    Use of AI to Become Rich! • Correct Use of AI to Build a Website • Elements to Include to Meet Guidelines • How to Monetise • Process & Insights
  4. @manu_madeddu 6 Hypothesis Experiments • Expert use of AI to

    generate content is rewarded by Google and Users. Hypothesis • Site is trusted by users and generates revenue. (Use of AI to)Target A Specific Audience and Become Authoritative Monetise
  5. @manu_madeddu 7 Match Search Intent Sense Check Generated Content Personal

    Insights/ Case Studies Logical & Contextual Structure Use of Media Formats Authority Signals (Author, Socials) FAQs Internal Linking UGC Internal Search Key Elements AI Content Creation: Key Elements
  6. @manu_madeddu 10 1. Market Research Selecting a Niche Sources: Google

    Index + SEMRush Why Persian Rugs? • No Prior Knowledge • Very Specific Audience • Good margins, High Value items
  7. @manu_madeddu 12 2. Keywords Universe & Structure Keyword Research &

    Intent Optimisation Thorough keyword research and Intent Based Planning (IBP)*: • Semi-automated solution • Measure your SOV across key categories • Look at market seasonality and trends in consumer behaviour • What People are Searching and When Source: Performics IBP, Ahrefs, Google PPA *Proprietary Performics tool.
  8. @manu_madeddu 13 2. Keywords Universe & Structure Keyword Mapping 90

    Pages Mapped with Relevant FAQs Source: Ahrefs, Performics IBP FAQs
  9. @manu_madeddu 14 2. Keywords Universe & Structure Draft of Site

    Structure Tool: https://app.mindmup.com/
  10. @manu_madeddu 16 3. Name Domain Name • Relatable/Friendly Name •

    Connect with Audience • Contain Head Terms Source: Jesse Cunningham “Important Google Update: SEO Has Changed” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD1pKclSxNs
  11. @manu_madeddu 18 4. Social Profiles Social Profiles • Build authority

    signals (EEAT) • Push Visibility through socials or verticals • Better target audience and push traffic Tools: https://imgcreator.zmo.ai/, Hootsuite
  12. @manu_madeddu 20 5. AI Prompting Prompting Tool: ChatGPT 4 Focus

    Keywords (Keyword Mapping) FAQs (Market/Keyword Research) Targeted Audience Competitors Tone Of Voice 5 Prompts 84 pages
  13. @manu_madeddu 23 6. QA & Expanded Content ChatGPT Output: Tools:

    ChatGPT4, WordPress, https://invideo.io/ • Visual Assets • Videos • Structured Sections + CTA • Internal Linking • Unique Set of FAQs • Structured Optimised Content with FAQs and Metadata Before Publishing:
  14. @manu_madeddu 30 Results Tool: Google Search Console • No Ban!

    • Steady increase of visibility • Interest around Maintenance/Carpet Types
  15. @manu_madeddu 34 Learnings Learnings • Expert use of AI to

    generate content is rewarded by Google and Users. Hypothesis • Site is trusted by users and generates revenue. Structured, Optimised AI generated content hasn’t been penalised by search engines. Too early to enjoy a multimillion life but there’s been some interest.
  16. @manu_madeddu 35 Learnings • Conduct a thorough analysis beforehand •

    Use AI as part of a process • Always fact check • Expand by Including Personal Insights • Publish Content Gradually and Push Indexation • Use Visual Assets + Videos + Markup Takeaways
  17. @manu_madeddu 36 Learnings • Visit CarpetJoe.com • Follow Joe Rugs

    • I’ll let you know if I’ll become rich – or the site will be banned after today! For more: https://speakerdeck.com/manuelmadeddu