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From Atoms to Stars: Explore Your Universe of ...

From Atoms to Stars: Explore Your Universe of Opportunities with a Multi-channel Approach

Paid Social Show (BrightonSEO) - 08.09.2021
In a world far larger than ourselves, we often give things names to help us understand and master them. We break down our reality into segments and analyse the details to better comprehend it. But delving too deeply can sometimes lead us in the wrong direction, causing us to lose sight of the bigger picture.

It's only when we take a step back and view things as a whole that we can truly understand how everything fits together and spot new opportunities.

This is just as true in the digital realm. Working in isolation or focusing too much on individual efforts may bring short-term gains, but it's only through collaboration and a holistic approach that you can unlock the full potential of your marketing strategies and uncover fresh opportunities.

By adopting smart cross-channel strategies, you can achieve more and shine like stars in the digital universe!

Manuel Madeddu

October 05, 2024

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  1. From atoms to stars: explore your Universe of opportunities in

    the online marketing with multi-channel approach Manuel Madeddu Honcho @manu_madeddu
  2. A Bit About Me: • Father of 2 lovely boys

    • Tony Stark look-a-like • SEO Manager @ Honcho • Studied Robotics (Mechatronics) • Now fully voted to SEO • Like to discuss easy things in a complex way (and viceversa)
  3. In the 20th century, physicists began to notice that when

    we got down to a smaller scale, classical mechanics no longer applied. A need for a new system: QUANTUM MECHANICS. @manu_madeddu
  4. The more we know, the less we know! @manu_madeddu Heisenberg’s

    Uncertainty principle: the more precisely the position of some particle is determined, the less precisely its momentum can be predicted from initial conditions, and vice versa.
  5. @manu_madeddu Only by looking at the broader picture we are

    able to really understand how things work together.
  6. @manu_madeddu It’s by joint effort that we can own processes

    and discover opportunity. It’s the very same for the Digital Online Universe.
  7. @manu_madeddu Internet is a complex system. We need to segment

    that reality to be able to understand it and operate in that environment. SEO PAID SEARCH SOCIAL PR AFFILIATES DISPLAY
  8. Segmentation and working in silos can bring short sighted results.

    By adopting a cross-channel approach we can get the full picture and find real opportunities. @manu_madeddu
  9. Social Media Activity: impulsive response @manu_madeddu In signal processing, the

    impulse response of a dynamic system is its output when presented with a brief input signal, called an impulse. Time Sessions
  10. @manu_madeddu Sessions Planning activity to extend the response over a

    specific period of time. Social Media Activity: impulsive response over time Time
  11. Paid Search Activity: on/off response @manu_madeddu The square wave, or

    pulse wave, is a periodic waveform consisting of instantaneous transitions between two levels. Sessions Time
  12. @manu_madeddu Given a specific seasonality and trend, we can identify

    an average performance. Organic Traffic: average trend Time Sessions
  13. @manu_madeddu • Use keyword research and personas insights to create

    content • Reach wider audience, improve visibility, drive quality traffic • Push sales AWARENESS & DISCOVERY CONSIDERATION & EVALUTATION CONVERSION & PURCHASE SEO+PPC+Social: Content Creation & Boost
  14. @manu_madeddu Create upper funnel content (ie. blogs) to push first

    time buyers and create customer base, brand awareness. SEO+PPC+Social: Content Creation & Boost
  15. @manu_madeddu Content Atomisation: • No need to create content all

    the time • Reach wider audience by breaking your long-form content down in to smaller, more digestible formats. SEO+PPC+Social: Content Creation & Boost
  16. @manu_madeddu Sessions Time • Ensure your organic traffic doesn’t stagnate.

    • Improve engagement. SEO+PPC+Social: Content Creation & Boost
  17. @manu_madeddu • A/B testing and boost specific content at specific

    time/for specific audience (Page Insights) SEO+PPC+Social: Content Creation & Boost
  18. @manu_madeddu Drive traffic to more transactional pages to drive more

    sales: • Internal linking • Posting/promoting more commercial content SEO+PPC+Social: Drive more Conversions
  19. @manu_madeddu SEO+PPC: Landing page relevancy and optimisation • Landing page

    experience is a keyword metric • You’d need to export keyword data and cross-reference (vlookup) with the final URLs available at ADs level