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Donut + SegFormer ~ Enhancing Donut for positio...

September 23, 2024

Donut + SegFormer ~ Enhancing Donut for position prediction

Donut is a machine learning model that can extract information such as billing amounts and account numbers from documents like invoices. We conducted an experiment to enhance Donut by integrating a position estimation model called SegFormer. In this session, we will share the results of this experiment.


September 23, 2024


  1. • Joined as an ML Engineer in 2022-03
 • Kaggle

    Competitions Master
 • https://kaggle.com/marisakamozz
 MORI Masakazu
  2. • Introduction
 • Proposed Method
 • Experiment Settings
 • Experiment

 • Conclusion
 • Appendix
 • はじめに
 • 提案手法
 • 実験の設定
 • 実験の結果
 • 結論
 • 補足
 アジェンダ AGENDA
  3. 請求書などの文書から請求金額などの情 報を読み取るタスク。様々な様式が存在す るため、特定のルールで読み取ることはで きない。
 A task to extract information such

    as billing amounts from documents like invoices. Since there are various formats, it is not possible to read the information using specific set of rules.
 AI-OCRとは? What is AI-OCR? The above image is cited from “DocILE Benchmark for Document Information Localization and Extraction” authored by Štěpán Šimsa et al on 3 May 2023. https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05658 (accessed on 23 Aug 2024)
  4. • OCR → Named Entity Recognition (NER)
 ◦ Convert the

    document to text using OCR
 ◦ Identify the target phrases within the text (NER)
 • Object Detection → OCR
 ◦ Identify the position in the document where the target phrases are written (Object Detection)
 ◦ Convert the text at that position using OCR
 • End-to-End
 ◦ Achieve this with a single model
 • OCR → 固有表現抽出
 ◦ 文書をOCRでテキストに変換
 ◦ テキストの中から対象の文言を特定(固有 表現抽出)
 • 物体検出 → OCR
 ◦ 文書から対象の文言が記載された場所を 特定(物体検出)
 ◦ その場所をOCRでテキストに変換
 • End-to-End
 ◦ 一つのモデルで実現 
 代表的な既存手法 Representative Existing Methods
  5. • An end-to-End model proposed by NAVER Corporation in 2021

 • Performs image processing and OCR seamlessly
 • 2021年にNAVER社から提案された End-to-Endモデル
 • 画像処理とOCRを一気通貫で実行
 Donut: Document Understanding Transformer The above image is cited from “OCR-free Document Understanding Transformer” authored by Geewook Kim et al on 6 Oct 2022. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.15664 (accessed on 23 Aug 2024)
  6. Ground Truth: “1,000.00”
 Which one

    is the correct “1,000.00” ?
 Donutの問題点 Issues with Donut Donutは学習時に読み取った文言だけを与 え、場所は教えない。
 そのため、文書内に同じ文言が複数あった場 合、どの場所から読み取るべきかを学習でき ない。
 Donut is only provided with the text it reads during training, without being informed of the position.
 Therefore, if the same text appears multiple times within the document, it cannot learn from which position it should read.

  7. Donut + SegFormer 🍩 Donut Encoder 🍩 Donut Docoder SegFormer

    Decoder <parsing> <date>2024-09-20 </date></parsing> Prompt Image Extracted Text Segmentation Map
  8. “SegFormer is a model for semantic segmentation introduced by Xie

    et al. in 2021. It has a hierarchical Transformer encoder that doesn't use positional encodings (in contrast to ViT) and a simple multi-layer perceptron decoder. SegFormer achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple common datasets.”
 The above text is cited from “Fine-Tune a Semantic Segmentation Model with a Custom Dataset” authored by Tobias Cornille, Niels Rogge
 SegFormerとは? What is SegFormer?
  9. SegFormer Decoder The above image is cited from “SegFormer: Simple

    and Efficient Design for Semantic Segmentation with Transformers” authored by Enze Xie et al on 28 Oct 2021. https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.15203 (accessed on 23 Aug 2024) • Decoderのみ利用
 • 2層のMLP
 • Use only Decoder
 • 2 MLP Layers

  10. • DocILE: Document Information Localization and Extraction
 • https://docile.rossum.ai/

    ICDAR 2023という学会で開催された コンペで使用されたデータセット
 • 画像とその画像に記載されているテキ スト及びその場所を含む
 • The dataset used in a competition held at the ICDAR 2023 conference.
 • Including images, the text contained in those images, and their positions.
 実験に使用したデータセット Dataset Used in This Experiment The above image is cited from “DocILE Benchmark for Document Information Localization and Extraction” authored by Štěpán Šimsa et al on 3 May 2023. https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05658 (accessed on 23 Aug 2024)
  11. 前処理 Preprocessing 最も多く存在した8種類の項目のみを利用
 • 学習データ: 5181件
 • 評価データ: 501件

    the 8 most frequently appearing field types were used.
 • Training Dataset: 5181 images
 • Evaluation Dataset: 501 images
 Top 8 Field Types There may be multiple field types in a single document, so the number of field types exceeds the number of documents, which is 5,181.
  12. モデル訓練時の設定 Training Configurations • 画像拡張なし
 • オプティマイザ
 ◦ AdamW(lr=1e-5)

 ◦ ReduceLROnPlataue(patience=5, factor=0.2)
 • バッチサイズ: 1
 • Early Stopping:
 ◦ 学習データの内5% (259件) をvalidation に使用
 ◦ 1000 stepごとに評価
 ◦ patience=10
 • No Image Augmentation
 • Optimizer:
 ◦ AdamW(lr=1e-5)
 • Scheduler:
 ◦ ReduceLROnPlataue(patience=5, factor=0.2)
 • Batch_Size: 1
 • Early Stopping:
 ◦ 5% (=259 images) of training datasets were used for validation
 ◦ Validate every 1000 steps
 ◦ patience=10

  13. 比較対象 Comparison Target • 既存手法
 ◦ Donut
 ◦ Hugging Face

    Hubの事前学習モデル (naver-clova-ix/donut-base)を使用
 • 提案手法
 ◦ Donut + SegFormer
 ◦ Donut EncoderとDonut Decoderは Hugging Face Hubの事前学習モデル (naver-clova-ix/donut-base)を使用
 ◦ Segformer Decoderはスクラッチで学習
 • Existing Method
 ◦ Donut
 ◦ Use the pre-trained model available on the Hugging Face Hub. (naver-clova-ix/donut-base)
 • Proposed Method
 ◦ Donut + SegFormer
 ◦ Use the pre-trained model (naver-clova-ix/donut-base) from the Hugging Face Hub for the Donut Encoder and Donut Decoder
 ◦ The Segformer Decoder is trained from scratch.

  14. • AWS EC2 instance
 ◦ g4dn.xlarge
 ◦ 4 vCPU, 16GB

 • Time to train models
 ◦ Existing method (Donut)
 ▪ Approx. 7.5 hours
 ◦ Proposed method (Donut+SegFormer)
 ▪ Approx. 8.5 hours
 使用したマシン Machine Used • AWS EC2インスタンス
 ◦ g4dn.xlarge
 ◦ 4 vCPU, 16GB memory
 • モデル訓練時間
 ◦ 既存手法 (Donut)
 ▪ 約7時間半
 ◦ 提案手法 (Donut + SegFormer)
 ▪ 約8時間半

  15. 実験結果サマリー(全項目) Experiment Result Summary (All Fields) 提案手法によってF1スコアが上昇すること が確認できた。
 特に、文字列の類似度で評価した場合は 大きくスコアが上昇している。

    It was confirmed that the F1 score increased with the proposed method. 
 The score particularly improved when evaluated based on string similarity.
 similarity = 1 - normalized Levenshtein distance Higher is better.
  16. 各項目の実験結果(F1スコア) Experiment Result For Each Field (F1 score) ベンダー名のような多く存在する項目や住 所のような長い文字列では、Donutの方が

 Donut achieves higher F1 scores for frequently appearing items like vendor names and long strings such as addresses.

  17. 各項目の実験結果(類似度ベースF1スコア) Experiment Result For Each Field (Similarity Based F1 score)

    文字列の類似度で評価した場合は、ほぼ 全ての項目で提案手法が同等もしくは大き く上回るスコアを達成。
 When evaluated based on string similarity, the proposed method achieved scores that were either comparable to or much higher than the existing method.

  18. DonutにSegFormer Decoderを追加す る事によって、場所の情報をうまく活用する ことができることがわかった。
 提案手法では文字列が記載されている場 所を提示することができるようになるだけで はなく、精度も向上させられることがわかっ た。
 一方、場所の特定が簡単な場合や長い文 章は不得意であることがわかった。

 結論 Conclusion By adding the SegFormer Decoder to Donut, it was confirmed that it effectively utilizes position information.
 The proposed method not only allows us to indicate the location of the text but also improves accuracy.
 On the other hand, it was found to be less effective in cases where the location is easy to identify or when dealing with long texts.
 The proposed method is patent-pending.

  19. Donut
 Geewook Kim, Teakgyu Hong, Moonbin Yim, Jeongyeon Nam, Jinyoung

    Park, Jinyeong Yim, Wonseok Hwang, Sangdoo Yun, Dongyoon Han, Seunghyun Park (2021). OCR-free Document Understanding Transformer. https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.15664
 Enze Xie, Wenhai Wang, Zhiding Yu, Anima Anandkumar, Jose M. Alvarez, Ping Luo (2021). SegFormer: Simple and Efficient Design for Semantic Segmentation with Transformers. https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.15203
 Štěpán Šimsa, Milan Šulc, Michal Uřičář, Yash Patel, Ahmed Hamdi, Matěj Kocián, Matyáš Skalický, Jiří Matas, Antoine Doucet, Mickaël Coustaty, Dimosthenis Karatzas (2023). DocILE Benchmark for Document Information Localization and Extraction. https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05658
 Appendix: Citation