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Frozen DevOps? The Not-so-technical Last Mile @...

Frozen DevOps? The Not-so-technical Last Mile @ Business Intelligence Technology Provider, Apr 2024

Why are so many organizations stuck in the “middle” of DevOps evolution? What’s preventing them from achieving higher levels of performance despite all the automation, tooling, and good practices in place? We now have research-based clues to answer these questions, supported by the patterns and recommendations in Team Topologies.

In this talk we cover the self-imposed limitations of blindly following some “myths” around DevOps. Almost 80% of organizations are stuck in the “frozen middle” of DevOps evolution because of lack of organizational sense making abilities. The margin for growth for these organizations is tremendous, but they need to think beyond technical capabilities to unlock the potential of their teams to deliver with more autonomy and a sense of purpose.

The data shows that Team Topologies provides the necessary organizational and team interaction patterns that help organizations achieve performance metrics such as delivering a new customer change request to live in under one hour, or diagnosing and recovering from a serious issue in production in under an hour.

Fundamentally, we need to supercharge the fundamental principles of DevOps: fast feedback loops, minimal waste, removing bottlenecks, and continuous learning & improvement.

Manuel Pais

April 11, 2024

More Decks by Manuel Pais

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Team Topologies 5 Organizing business and technology teams for fast

    flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, 2019 teamtopologies.com/book
  2. Remote Team Interactions Workbook 7 Using Team Topologies Patterns for

    Remote Working Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, 2022 teamtopologies.com/workbook
  3. “Team Topologies provides a practical set of templates for addressing

    the key DevOps question that others leave as an exercise for the student” - Jeff Sussna 8
  4. 10 2018 → Early Majority 2019 → Late Majority 2020

    → Late Majority 2021 → Late Majority 2022 → Late Majority InfoQ Trends - “General DevOps”
  5. 12 “Success at scale requires optimizing not for the individual,

    and not for the team, but for the wider organization - the “team of teams”. Highly evolved organizations have discovered the patterns that work well for a fast flow of change”
  6. 17

  7. 23 “Organizations should not expect to become highly evolved just

    because they use cloud and automation… They are held back by organizational structure and dynamics”
  8. 25

  9. “Devops was always as much about org structure and incentives

    as any of the technical details.” - Andrew Clay Shafer 26
  10. 27 Organizations where teams have strong identities that are well

    understood, with clearly defined responsibilities, are far more likely to be higher performing
  11. We have teams with a clear mission and purpose that

    is understood by other teams 30 High perf
  12. 33

  13. 34

  14. 36

  15. 37 “if you simply adopt the team types, you’re missing

    one of the key takeaways... which is paying attention and being deliberate about teams’ setup and their desired interaction”
  16. Team API 38 • Services & software owned by the

    team • Wiki and documentation • Practices and principles • Communication: tools, channels, patterns • Roadmap & priorities
  17. Team API 40 • Services & software owned by the

    team • Wiki and documentation • Practices and principles • Communication: tools, channels, patterns • Roadmap & priorities • Current and future team interactions
  18. Team A 41 Teams we currently interact with: Team Name

    Interaction Mode Purpose Duration Test Automation Enabling team Facilitating Understand test automation and data mgmt examples for iOS 2 months (from Mar 30 to May 29, 1 day per week) Monitoring & Telemetry Platform team Collaboration Store and visualize data on product features usage 3 weeks (from Apr 13 to Apr 30, 2h per day)
  19. Team A 43 Teams we expect to interact with soon:

    Team Name Interaction Mode Purpose Duration Infrastructure team Collaboration Change and test AWS modules to support our new AI backend service 1 week ?? (May??? June???)
  20. Team A 44 Teams we expect to interact with soon:

    Team Name Interaction Mode Purpose Duration Infrastructure team Collaboration Change and test AWS modules to support our new AI backend service 1 week ?? (May??? June???)
  21. Team A 45 Teams we expect to interact with soon:

    Team Name Interaction Mode Purpose Duration Infrastructure team Collaboration Be able to change Terraform AWS modules for backend services 3 half days (from May 6 to May 8, 9am-1pm CET)
  22. Team A 46 Teams we expect to interact with soon:

    Team Name Interaction Mode Purpose Duration Infrastructure team Facilitating Understand internal Terraform structure & naming conventions 1 half day (on May 6) Infrastructure team Collaboration Be able to change Terraform AWS modules for backend services 3 half days (from May 13 to May 15, 9am-1pm CET)
  23. 53 “If cognitive load is left “unbounded” then… performance metrics

    will be negatively affected, preventing teams from evolving to higher levels”
  24. 54

  25. 57 Adopt: Platform engineering product teams “We consider platform engineering

    product teams to be a standard approach and a significant enabler for high-performing IT.” -- ThoughtWorks Tech Radar, Vol.24, p.9
  26. “Cognitive load is the total amount of mental effort being

    used in the working memory” - John Sweller 62
  27. 67

  28. 68

  29. 69 “Highly evolved firms use a combination of stream-aligned and

    platform teams as the most effective way to manage cognitive load at scale”
  30. 71

  31. 72

  32. We have an ecosystem of loosely coupled teams that promotes

    fast flow & manageable cognitive load 74 High perf
  33. 79

  34. “A digital platform is a foundation of self-service APIs, tools,

    services, knowledge and support which are arranged as a compelling internal product.” – Evan Bottcher, 2018 82 Source: https://martinfowler.com/articles/talk-about-platforms.html
  35. 83 “Successful platform teams treat their platform as a product.

    They strive to create a compelling value proposition for application teams”
  36. 85 A (platform as a) product is optional to use

    - no team is forced to use it
  37. “Any time standards, practices, processes, frameworks, or architectures become a

    mandate, I’ve seen little to no adoption.” - Courtney Kissler 86
  38. 91 “[Highly evolved platform teams] understand their internal customers and

    offer a curated set of technologies for infrastructure and development capabilities”
  39. 92

  40. Platform as a Product is hard work! 98 • Metrics

    are stacked against you • Customer-centricity mindset takes time • Trust is hard to gain (esp in remote context) • Adoption lifecycle = “you’re never done” • Shared services legacy that doesn’t go away
  41. 100 “the key to escaping the middle phase is a

    successful platform team approach, which makes sense given the fact that implementing a platform approach well requires well-defined team responsibilities and interactions”
  42. ◦ Platform Value ◦ Platform Customers ◦ Platform Experience ◦

    Platform Adoption Cycle TT25 - Platform as a Product 103
  43. 105 1-day training for platform decision makers “fantastic course with

    large amounts of insight” “an eye opener on the importance of trust in high performing teams”
  44. 107 Manuel Pais FlowOnRails Twitter: @manupaisable LinkedIn: manuelpais Matthew Skelton

    Conflux Twitter: @matthewpskelton LinkedIn: matthewskelton Copyright © Team Topologies Ltd and FlowOnRails 2018-2024. All rights reserved. teamtopologies.com