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The Science Behind Team Cognitive Load and Why ...

The Science Behind Team Cognitive Load and Why It Matters for Engaged Teams @ Enterprise Technology Leadership Summit, Aug 2024

Understanding employee and teams’ experience is vital for leaders, especially in today's tech-driven landscape, as it directly influences customer satisfaction and organizational success. The swift digital evolution of employee experience, propelled by remote work and increased communication demands, underscores the crucial role of cognitive load in understanding and improving team health and performance.

Cognitive overload arises when demands exceed our working memory capacity, akin to a computer overwhelmed by too many open files, resulting in poor decision-making, decreased productivity, and burnout. At team level, there are a myriad of factors that influence cognitive load, but through our research we have boiled them down to 4 key areas of concern for knowledge-intensive teams: Team Characteristics, Task Characteristics, Work Processes & Practices, and Work Environment & Tools. Addressing the top cognitive load drivers in these 4 areas has shown to correlate strongly with higher work satisfaction, reduced turnover, and a decrease in employee burnout.

In this talk Dr. Laura Weis will share the science and research behind these novel insights into team cognitive load, and Manuel Pais will share practical examples and approaches based on Team Topologies for leaders to keep team cognitive load in check, especially during transformation initiatives with high business expectations. Join to learn how why socially and performance minded organizations are including science and data-driven team cognitive load assessment and evolution in their toolbelt, paving the way for healthier, more engaged teams that deliver sustainable business results with adequate support and workplace environment.

Manuel Pais

August 20, 2024

More Decks by Manuel Pais

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  1. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 1 The Science Behind Team Cognitive

    Load and Why It Matters for Engaged Teams Manuel Pais & Dr. Laura Weis [20 August 2024]
  2. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 44% of full-time employees experience

    burnout 🤯 2 Source: https://www.cio.com/article/657960/burnout-an-it-epidemic-in-the-making.html
  3. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL $322 Billion Employers global cost, per

    year, due to burnout. Source: https://www.gallup.com/workplace/215924/well-being.aspx
  4. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 4 #1 question since Team

    Topologies was published How can we measure Team Cognitive Load?
  5. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 Assess → Contextualize Results →

    Act → Assess Analyze Results & generate improve options Implement one or more options Assess Team Cognitive Load Context (events, on-going changes, …)
  6. Dr. Laura Weis Master’s in Psychology PhD in Organisational Psychology

    Global Talent Innovation Director at WPP Future of Work thought leader Former national boxing champion and currently an international referee and coach.
  7. "Why do I have to do it like this? “Requirements

    keep changing!” "Can I ask for help?" “Can I speak up about this issue?" “I feel misunderstood.” “We are talking past each other!” "Why can’t I think straight?” “It’s too noisy!” “This st*pid tool is not working!” "I feel paralyzed by all these tasks." “This work feels pointless” "I’m not appreciated here." "My brain is fried” "I feel like I'm walking on eggshells." "Why does everything take so long?" "THIS IS ALL TOO MUCH!"
  8. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 Theories Behind Team Cognitive Load

    Capacity Theory of Attention Attentional Control Theory Cognitive Load Theory Cognitive Overload Theory Information Theory Collective Working Memory & Group Cognition Mutual cognitive interdependence principle Group/Team Dynamics Theories Social Facilitation Theory Organisational Effectiveness Theories Leadership Theories
  9. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 Today’s “LOAD” Fast Technological Progress

    Ways of Working constantly change Complexity & Interdependence Distributed Work Need for Lifelong Learning What about AI?
  10. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 Team Cognitive Load refers to

    the collective cognitive burden experienced by a group working together. Overload occurs when a group's combined cognitive demands exceed its processing capacity, impairing its effectiveness.
  11. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 Drivers of Team Cognitive Load

    Clusters Team Characteristics Task Characteristics Work Practices & Processes Work Environment & Tools Constructs & Drivers Composition • Team Complexity • Team Competence Roles • Member Role Clarity • Member Role Fit • Member Role Load Culture • Team Alignment • Team Interaction • Member Psychological Safety Problem Statement • Problem Definition • Solution Alignment Complexity • Task • Contextual Metrics • Metrics Use of Information • Use of Information Efficiency & Effectiveness • Process • Consistency • Pace • Performance Adaptability • Resilience • Iterative Working • Continuous Learning Tools • Suitability • Performance Environment • Environment Scientific model: https://www.teamperature.com/resources/scientific-model
  12. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 Emerging Research Directions & Opportunities

    1. How do different groups experience Cognitive Load Drivers? 2. How do Cognitive Load Drivers affect Outcomes of Importance? 3. Cognitive Load as “Success Moderator”: Can Effective Management Foster Greater Inclusivity?
  13. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 Managing Team Cognitive Load is

    key to maximizing value by enabling all employees to perform at their best. Scientific model: https://www.teamperature.com/resources/scientific-model
  14. © Copyright FlowOnRails SL 2024 Help We’re Looking For •

    How to raise C-level awareness around the need to manage team cognitive load? • Have you found effective ways to manage team cognitive load at scale? If not, what were the main obstacles? • Please give us feedback on how teamperature.com can help you!