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What a Good Platform Looks Like and How to Get ...

What a Good Platform Looks Like and How to Get There @ Large Financial Organization, Oct 2024

This talk presents a case study of what a good digital platform might look like (Adidas) and another on the steps to get there (SAP).

Manuel Pais

October 09, 2024

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  1. TeamTopologies.com @TeamTopologies What a Good Platform Looks Like & How

    to Get There Manuel Pais co-author of Team Topologies Large Financial Organization - 9 October 2024
  2. Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow

    Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, 2019 teamtopologies.com/book Over 175.000 copies sold
  3. “fast flow means multiple ongoing streams of value to customers

    via software-enriched services done rapidly, safely, and sustainably” 3
  4. 4

  5. “A digital platform is a foundation of self-service APIs, tools,

    services, knowledge and support which are arranged as a compelling internal product.” – Evan Bottcher, 2018 15 Source: https://martinfowler.com/articles/talk-about-platforms.html
  6. Case Study 19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARaJwB0i8Mc Circa 2020 • Platform work linked

    to business results • Apps from zero to live in 2 days (vs 6 months in the past) • Cycle time (from commit to production) ◦ 3 days → 1 minute • Deployment frequency ◦ once every 6 weeks → 3 times per day
  7. 22 Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash The platform acts

    as an engine for fast flow by increasing the capacity & speed of engineering teams
  8. 28

  9. Case Study “Adhering to legal regulations of over 180 countries…

    while running for decades at customers on-prem” 37 Dirk Lehmann - Platform Engineering XXL DevOpsDays 💖 https://devopsdays.org/
  10. Case Study “everyone from dev to delivery under one organization

    reduced a lot of friction (…) and we have a prod mgmt team because we are building a product” 39
  11. Case Study 40 “goal of the platform is to relieve

    development teams from cognitive load due to common, painful tasks” 🎉
  12. 42

  13. 43

  14. 44

  15. 45

  16. 46

  17. teams & interactions over tools & functionality adoption & engagement

    over mandates & standards rich customer experience over technical prowess open to change and collaborate to discover user needs unblocking internal customers via self-service patterns aiming for superlinear impact with sublinear growth Platform Manifesto platformmanifesto.is
  18. 49 Copyright © Team Topologies Ltd 2024. All rights reserved.

    teamtopologies.com/ platform-engineering “Platform Engineering as a Way of Thinking and Team-of-Teams Design”