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Kubernetes Security: from Image Hygiene to Netw...

Kubernetes Security: from Image Hygiene to Network Policies

Michael Hausenblas

May 29, 2018

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  1. Kubernetes Security
 From Image Hygiene to Network Policies Michael Hausenblas

 Developer Advocate, Red Hat
 2018-05-29, DevOpsCon, Berlin
  2. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 2 • Developer Advocate

    @ Red Hat (Go, Kubernetes, OpenShift) • Developer Advocate @ Mesosphere (Mesos, DC/OS, Kubernetes) • Chief Data Engineer @ MapR (HDFS, HBase, Drill, etc.) • Applied research (4y in Ireland, 7y in Austria) • Nowadays mainly developing tools in Go (Python, Node, Java, C++) • Kinda developer turned ops (aka appops) $ whois mhausenblas
  3. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 5 container images running

    container authn & authz communication apps control plane
  4. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 7 • build-time vs

    run-time • immutability & automation • responsibilities • moving parts
  5. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 8 • infrastructure admin

    • namespace admin • developer Responsibilities
  6. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 12 Build container images

    that … • have a small attack surface • are checked for vulnerabilities • are reproducible What?
  7. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 13 • use trusted

    base images • define user in image • perform automated CVE scans • use private registries • pin dependencies
 (reproducible builds) Good practices
  8. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 14 • supply chain

    management • structured metadata API for annotating artefacts + enforcement (Kritis) • backed by Google, JFrog, Red Hat, IBM, Black Duck, Twistlock, Aqua Security Grafeas https://grafeas.io Source: Introducing Grafeas: An open-source API to audit and govern your software supply chain
  9. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 15 • https://docs.docker.com/docker-cloud/builds/image-scan/ •

    https://github.com/coreos/clair • https://www.open-scap.org/tools/ • https://www.aquasec.com/use-cases/continuous-image-assurance/ • https://neuvector.com/container-compliance-auditing-solutions/ • https://github.com/theupdateframework/notary • https://github.com/in-toto Tooling
  10. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 16 • Establishing Image

    Provenance and Security in Kubernetes • Image Management & Mutability in Docker and Kubernetes • Container security considerations in a Kubernetes deployment • Building Container Images Securely on Kubernetes • The OpenShift Build Process • Introducing Grafeas: An open-source API to audit and govern your software supply chain Further reading
  11. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 18 • Run containers

    … • with known origin (image & registry) • use least privilege to carry out the task • do only minimal host mounts necessary What?
  12. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 19 • verify the

    defaults • don’t run as root • use security context & policies • use security benchmarks Good practices http://containerz.info
  13. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 20 • security context

    • pod or container level • defines privilege and access control settings • seccomp, capabilities, SELinux, AppArmor • security policies • cluster resource • via admission controller Pod security context and policies https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/
  14. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 22 • https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench •

    https://github.com/docker/docker-bench-security • https://sysdig.com/opensource/falco/ • https://kubesec.io/ • https://www.twistlock.com/ Tooling
  15. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 23 • Just say

    no to root (in containers) • Exploring Container Mechanisms Through the Story of a Syscall (slides | video) • Improving your Kubernetes Workload Security • Container Isolation at Scale (Introducing gVisor) (slides | video) Further reading
  16. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 25 • human users

    • managed outside of Kubernetes • LDAP, SAML, Kerberos, etc. • apps • running in containers in pods • first class resources via service accounts Identity $ kubectl app app
  17. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 26 • provide identity

    for an app • namespaced resources • credentials via secret mounted into pod • default service account per namespace Service accounts system:serviceaccount:$NAMESPACE:$NAME
  18. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 28 • static password/token

    file • X509 client certs • proxy+header • OpenID Connect • custom via Webhook Authentication https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/authentication/ API server client authn plugins identity provider • username • ID • group
  19. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 29 • Node (kubelet)

    • ABAC (outdated) • RBAC • Webhook (external) Authorization https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/authorization/ authentication • username • ID • group client • path • resource • verb • namespace • … authorization 1 2 3 authz modules 403 admission controllers 401 4
  20. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 30 • stable as

    of 1.8 • entities: service accounts, user, group • scope: namespace or cluster • roles and bindings • privilege escalation prevention RBAC https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/
  21. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 33 • kubectl create,

    kubectl auth • https://github.com/coreos/dex • https://github.com/heptio/authenticator • https://github.com/liggitt/audit2rbac Tooling
  22. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 34 • Controlling Access

    to the Kubernetes API • Kubernetes deep dive: API Server – part 1 • Certifik8s: All You Need to Know About Certificates in Kubernetes • Kubernetes Auth and Access Control • Effective RBAC • Single Sign-On for Kubernetes: An Introduction • Let's Encrypt, OAuth 2, and Kubernetes Ingress Further reading
  23. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 36 • encryption on

    the wire (TLS everywhere) • network policies • service meshes What?
  24. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 37 • defines pod-to-pod

    communication • enforced by network plugin Network policies https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/ Source: Securing Kubernetes Cluster Networking by Ahmet Alp Balkan
  25. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 38 Service meshes istio.io

    • traffic management • policy enforcement • monitoring & tracing • no app code changes
  26. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 39 • https://github.com/aporeto-inc/trireme-kubernetes •

    https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/ • https://spiffe.io/ • https://www.openpolicyagent.org/ • https://linkerd.io/ • https://conduit.io/ Tooling
  27. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 40 • How Kubernetes

    certificate authorities work • Securing Kubernetes Cluster Networking • Tutorials and Recipes for Kubernetes Network Policies feature • Kubernetes Security Context and Kubernetes Network Policy • Kubernetes Application Operator Basics Further reading
  28. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 42 • security boundaries

    • segregation • secrets What? Based on: Exploring container security: Isolation at different layers of the Kubernetes stack
  29. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 43 • namespace-level: visibility

    and access • node-level: • separate sensitive workloads via affinity and taints • minimize blast radius (node authorizer) • pod-level: limit communication via network policies or service mesh Segregation
  30. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 44 • Namespaced objects

    to store sensitive information • Access via volume or environment variable • Data is stored in tmpfs volumes • Per-secret size limit of 1MB • Only base64 encoded, need to enable encryption at rest Secrets https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/
  31. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 45 • https://github.com/kelseyhightower/konfd •

    https://github.com/hashicorp/vault-plugin-auth-kubernetes • https://github.com/bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets • https://github.com/shyiko/kubesec • https://github.com/weaveworks/flux Tooling
  32. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 46 • Docs: •

    Configure a Security Context for a Pod or Container • Pod Security Policies • Shipping in Pirate-Infested Waters: Practical Attack and Defense in Kubernetes • Exploring container security: Isolation at different layers of the Kubernetes stack • Security Best Practices for Kubernetes Deployment Further reading
  33. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 48 • secure API

    server, etcd, dashboard • secure kubelet • limit access to cloud provider metadata • limit access to metrics • perform auditing Good practices
  34. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 49 • https://github.com/bgeesaman/kubeatf •

    https://github.com/Shopify/kubeaudit • https://k8guard.github.io/ • https://www.vaultproject.io/ Tooling
  35. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 50 • Docs: •

    Securing a Cluster • Encrypting Secret Data at Rest • Auditing • Securing Kubernetes components: kubelet, etcd and Docker registry • K8s security best practices • Kubernetes Security - Best Practice Guide • Lessons from the Cryptojacking Attack at Tesla Further reading
  36. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 52 Demos and references

  37. Hit me up on Twitter: @mhausenblas 53 • NIST Special

    Publication 800-190: Application Container Security Guide
 https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-190.pdf • Hacking and Hardening Kubernetes Clusters by Example, Brad Geesaman, KubeCon 2017
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTgQLzeBfRU • Kubernetes Security Best Practices, Ian Lewis, FOSDEM 2018
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzAwTC8KYV8 • Continuous Kubernetes Security, Andrew Martin, microXchg 2018
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtrA7eauSSg • What Does “Production Ready” Really Mean for a Kubernetes Cluster?
 https://weave.works/blog/what-does-production-ready-really-mean-for-a-kubernetes-cluster Articles