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Berlin 2013 - Big Graphite Workshop - Devdas Bh...

September 20, 2013

Berlin 2013 - Big Graphite Workshop - Devdas Bhagat


September 20, 2013


  1. Graphite basics • Graphite is a web based Graphing program

    for time series data series plots. • Written in Python • Consists of multiple separate daemons • Has it's own storage backend – Like RRD, but with more features
  2. Moving parts • Whisper/Ceres – The storage backend • Webapp

    – Web frontend, and API provider • Relaying daemons – Event based daemons – Matches input based on name – Relays to one or more destinations based on rules or hashing
  3. Original production setup • A small cluster – We were

    planning to grow slowly • RAID 1+0 spinning disk setup – It works for our databases • Ran into the IO wall – Spinning rust sucks at IO – Whisper updates force crazy seek patterns
  4. Scaling problems • We started with hosts in a /24

    feeding one box. • We ran into IO issues when we added the second /24. – On the second day
  5. Sharding • Added more backends • Manual rules to split

    traffic coming to the Graphite setup to storage nodes • This becomes hard to maintain and balance
  6. Speeding up IO • Move to 400 GB SSDs from

    HP in RAID 1. • We got performance – Not as much as we needed • Losing a SSD meant the host crashed – Negating the whole RAID 1 setup • SSDs aren't as reliable as spinning rust in high update scenarios
  7. Naming conventions • None in the beginning • We adopted

    – sys.* for systems metrics – user.* for user testing metrics – Anything else that made sense
  8. Metrics collectors • Collectd ran into memory problems – Used

    too much RAM • Switch to Diamond – Python application – Base framework + metric collection scripts – Added custom patches for internal metrics
  9. Relaying • We started with relays only on the cluster

    – Relaying was done based on regex matching • Ran into CPU bottlenecks as we added nodes – Spun up relay nodes in each datacenter • Did not account for organisational growth – CPU was still a bottleneck • Ran multiple relays on each host – Haproxy used as a load balancer – Pacemaker used for cluster failover
  10. statsd • We added statsd early on • We didn't

    use it for quite some time – Found that our PCI vulnerability scanner reliably crashed it – Patched it to handle errors, log and throw away bad input • The first major use was for throttling external provider input
  11. Business metrics • Turns out, our developers like Graphite •

    They didn't understand RRD/Whisper semantics though – Treat graphite queries as if they were SQL • Create a very large number of named metrics – Not much data in each metric, but the request was for 5.3TiB of space
  12. Sharding – take 2 • Manually maintaining regexes became painful

    – Two datacenters – 10 backend servers • Keeping disk usage balanced was even harder – We didn't know who would create metrics and when (this is a feature, not a bug)
  13. Sharding – take 2 • Introduce hashing • Switch from

    RAID 1 to RAID 0 • Store data in two locations in a ring • Mirror rings between datacenters • Move metrics around so we don't lose data • Ugly shell scripts to synchronise data between datacenters.
  14. Using Graphite • Graphs – Time series data • Dashboards

    – Developers create their own – Overhead displays • Additional charting libraries – D3.js • Nagios – Trend based alerting
  15. Current problems • Hardware – CPU usage • Too easy

    to saturate – Disk IO • We saturate disks • Reading can get a bit … slow – Disks • SSDs die under update load
  16. More interesting problems • Software breaking on updates – We

    have had problems recording data after upgrading whisper • Horizontal scalability – Adding shards is hard – Replacing SSDs is getting a bit expensive • People – Want a graph, throw the data at Graphite – Even if it isn't time series data or one record a day
  17. Things we are looking at • Second order rate of

    change alerting – Not just the trend, the rate at which it changes • OpenTSDB storage • Anomaly detection – Skyline, etc • Tracking even more business metrics • Hiring people to work on such fun problems – Developers, Sysadmins ... – http://www.booking.com/jobs
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