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NSC AD 340 5210 - Week 4

Nate Ebel
May 03, 2020

NSC AD 340 5210 - Week 4

Nate Ebel

May 03, 2020


  1. What are we building this week? How to create, and

    navigate to, additional Activities? 02 Project Demo Using Multiple Activities 01 How to use SharedPreferences to store simple data? Saving Data With SharedPreferences 04 Displaying Menus & Dialogs How to add menus and display dialogs for user interaction? 03
  2. Week 4 Project Updates • Create a ForecastDetailsActivity • Pass

    clicked forecast data to ForecastDetailsActivity and dislpay it • Create a menu with a single item to control our temp display units • Show an AlertDialog when settings item is clicked to select display setting • Update UI formatting based on selected setting
  3. • Create a new Activity class • Declare the new

    Activity in our AndroidManifest.xml • Navigate to the new Activity using an Intent How do we navigate to a new screen?
  4. Navigate to new Activity using an Intent enterButton.setOnClickHandler { val

    intent = Intent(this, NewActivity::class.java) startActivity(intent) } MainActivity.kt
  5. • Communicates to the system that some action should be

    carried out • Start an Activity, send message to a BroadcastReciver, send a tweet or an email, make a phone call • Primarily includes an ACTION and DATA What is an Intent?
  6. • Implicit intents describe an action like ACTION_SEND for sending

    an email ◦ Implicit intents can be handled by an component in the system registered to handle that intent type • Explicit intents describe a specific app component to interact with ◦ Can open a specific Activity using an explicit intent Implicit vs Explicit Intents
  7. Intent Filters <!-- Intent filter for launcher Activity --> <intent-filter>

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> AndroidManifest.xml
  8. Intent Filters <!-- Intent filter for possible email app -->

    <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/> <action android:name="android.intent.action.SENDTO"/> <data android:scheme="mailto"/> </intent-filter> AndroidManifest.xml
  9. Passing Data With Intents // Pass student ID and student

    name with Intent so it can be used // by NewActivity when it’s started // val intent = Intent(this, NewActivity::class.java) intent.putExtra("key_id", “student616”) intent.putExtra("key_name", “Peter Parker”) startActivity(intent) MainActivity.kt
  10. • Define a menu resource • Add individual menu items

    to the menu • Add text & icons to each menu item • Respond to item clicks How To Display A Menu?
  11. Create A Menu Resource override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu?): Boolean {

    val inflater: MenuInflater = menuInflater inflater.inflate(R.menu.settings_menu, menu) return true } MainActivity.kt
  12. Create A Menu Resource override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {

    return when (item.itemId) { R.id.tempDisplaySetting -> { // Respond to item click true } else -> super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } } MainActivity.kt
  13. • Create and show an AlertDialog • Use AlertDialog.Builder to

    customize the dialog • Update title, message, and buttons • Respond to button clicks and dialog dismissal How To Display A Dialog?
  14. Show An AlertDialog // Build/customize the dialog val dialogBuilder =

    AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle("Choose Display Units") .setMessage("Choose which temperature unit to display") .setPositiveButton("F°") { _, _ -> } .setNeutralButton("C°") { _,_ -> } // Show the dialog dialogBuilder.show() MainActivity.kt
  15. Database • Store large, complex data sets • Supports complex

    queries, paging, reactive updates • Go to option for caching network data
  16. Files • Images, vides, maps, books, audio, etc • Can

    be used for custom storage of other data types like settings or network responses
  17. SharedPreferences • Default solution for saving simple data • Works

    off of key/value pairs • Great for simple, local users settings • Saved to disk under the hood
  18. Working With SharedPreferences val preferences = context.getSharedPreferences("settings", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) // Save

    a key/value pair to SharedPreferences preferences.edit().putString("key_temp_display", setting.name).commit() // Retrieve a key/value pair from SharedPreferences val settingValue = preferences.getString("key_temp_display", default) MainActivity.kt