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Penn Zero Boards - Ninki Ninja Fight Town

Naomi Hicks
June 01, 2023

Penn Zero Boards - Ninki Ninja Fight Town

A Sailor Moon transformation homage that I got to board for Penn Zero in 2015 :-)

Naomi Hicks

June 01, 2023


  1. Scene 105 Panel 3 Dialog SASHI Glamour Notes camera: adjust

    wider for sashi as she goes into MAGIC GIRL TRANSFORMATION.
  2. Scene 122 Panel 5 Dialog ANNOUNCER The glamour cadet used

    up all her transformation time and is eliminated! Notes
  3. Scene 122 Panel 6 Dialog ANNOUNCER The glamour cadet used

    up all her transformation time and is eliminated! Notes
  4. Scene 123 Panel 1 Dialog ANNOUNCER The glamour cadet used

    up all her transformation time and is eliminated! Notes sashi's still transforming
  5. Scene 123 Panel 2 Dialog ANNOUNCER The glamour cadet used

    up all her transformation time and is eliminated! Notes completely oblivious
  6. Scene 123 Panel 3 Dialog ANNOUNCER The glamour cadet used

    up all her transformation time and is eliminated! Notes
  7. Scene 123 Panel 4 Dialog ANNOUNCER The glamour cadet used

    up all her transformation time and is eliminated! Notes
  8. Scene 123 Panel 5 Dialog ANNOUNCER The glamour cadet used

    up all her transformation time and is eliminated! Notes