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Bootstrap an Agile Project with Lean Canvas and...

Bootstrap an Agile Project with Lean Canvas and Inception Deck @Agile Roots2014

Agile Roots 2014

Naoto Nishimura

July 15, 2014

More Decks by Naoto Nishimura

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  1. Bootstrap an Agile Project with Lean Canvas and Inception Deck

    Naoto Nishimura @nawoto @Agile Roots 2014 ੢ ଜ ௚ ਓ 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  2. ੢ଜ௚ਓ Naoto Nishimura "Agile" Consultant, Coach, Trainer, Programmer with 10+

    years of experience. http://nawo.to εΫϥϜಓ 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  3. Do you know Lean Canvas? A Practice to Verify your

    idea, business model and your product 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  4. form your hypothesis Step 1 Who are early adapters? What

    problems does it solve? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  5. Lean Canvas helps us to find a valid goal and

    to understand the product 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  6. We've found a valid goal. Is it enough to our

    success? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  7. ,,,, ,, Agile Inception Deck is a practice to align

    what we expect for the project with what we can really do. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  8. Sprint 0 Sprint Release Sprint When should we do? Agile

    Inception Deck At the project inception 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  9. OK. I've got it. But... How many & how much?

    What kind? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  10. “We've got It!!” She understands differently... He just doesn't understand...

    He is afraid of something... But... 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  11. WWhhyy wwee aarree hheerree?? About the goal of the project

    and the rationale. Mission 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  12. NNOOTT lliisstt ((NNoott ttoo DDoo LLiisstt)) About what is in

    and what is out of scope. Scope 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  13. TThhee ffiirrsstt rreelleeaassee About when you are done and how

    much it costs. The most important 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  14. The Point is We know we all agree: what it's

    going to take and how much it's going to cost. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  15. ,, ,,,, The assumption of consensus where none exists is

    what kills most projects. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  16. Communication Share and discuss your fears and vague expectations with

    others. in 90min ΨϠΨϠ 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  17. It was too late to discuss such important things in

    the middle of the project... 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  18. What leads an Agile Project into success? Always worry... Agile

    Team however only by a good 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔
  19. Agile Team should learn various things before starting the project

    by iterative learning 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔