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Oleg Kovalov

October 25, 2018

More Decks by Oleg Kovalov

Other Decks in Programming


  1. GO ADVICES KRAKOW POLAND, OCT 25 2018 Oleg Kovalov Allegro

    Twitter: oleg_kovalov Github: cristaloleg
  2. Me

  3. Use raw strings func main() { value := "ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ" a

    := "{\"key\":\"" + value + "\"}" b := "{" + "\"key\":\"" + value + "\"" + "}" c := `{"key":"` + value + `"}` println(a == c && b == c) println(c) } // true // {"key":"ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ"} Strings should be human readable
  4. Use raw strings for regex func main() { value :=

    "ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ" a := "\"\\<h3\\>.*\\</h3\\>\"" b := `"\<h3\>.*\</h3\>"` println(a) println(b) } // "\<h3\>.*\</h3\>" // "\<h3\>.*\</h3\>" REgexp means readable
  5. type helloRequest struct { Name string `json:"name"` Toke string `json:"token"`

    } type helloResponse struct { Message string `json:"message"` } func helloHandler(...) { // process helloRequest/helloResponse } type confirmRequest struct { ... } type confirmResponse struct { ... } func confirmHandler(...) { ... } Just a HTTP handler The obvious way to declare req/resp :(
  6. Function scope types func helloHandler(...) { type request struct {

    Name string `json:"name"` Toke string `json:"token"` } type response struct { Message string `json:"message"` } var req request var resp response // process request/response } But we can do better :)
  7. Anonymous types func helloHandler(...) { type request struct { Name

    string `json:"name"` Toke string `json:"token"` } // process request var response = struct { Message string `json:"message"` }{ Message: “yo, GoGoConf”, } // process request } or with an anonymous type :D
  8. Because someone said defer is slow var mu sync.Mutex func

    foo() interface{} { mu.Lock() if !flag { mu.Unlock() return nil } // do some stuff // oops… return value } Suddenly we have a locked mutex
  9. Let’s do not omit a defer var mu sync.Mutex func

    foo() interface{} { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() if !flag { return nil } // do some stuff // huh… everything is fine return value } And suddenly we have… no problems
  10. What is the problem? var i int64 var mu sync.RWMutex

    http.HandleFunc("/add", func(...) { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() i++ fmt.Fprintf(w, "count: %d\r\n", i) }) http.HandleFunc("/status", func(...) { mu.RLock() defer mu.RUnlock() fmt.Fprintf(w, "count: %d\r\n", i) }) It’s race free. I promise.
  11. Slow client will kill our app var i int64 var

    mu sync.RWMutex http.HandleFunc("/add", func(...) { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() i++ fmt.Fprintf(w, "count: %d\r\n", i) }) http.HandleFunc("/status", func(...) { mu.RLock() defer mu.RUnlock() fmt.Fprintf(w, "count: %d\r\n", i) }) Over protected
  12. IO operation should be cancelable or timeoutable Have a timeout

    for IO operations. srv := &http.Server{ Addr: ":8080", Handler: router, ReadTimeout: 3 * time.Second, WriteTimeout: 5 * time.Second, MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20, } srv.ListenAndServe()
  13. // don’t var netClient = &http.DefaultClient{} // do var netClient

    = &http.Client{ Timeout: 10 * time.Second, } // or even more pedantic var netTransport = &http.Transport{ Dial: (&net.Dialer{ Timeout: 3 * time.Second, }).Dial, TLSHandshakeTimeout: 3 * time.Second, } netClient.Transport = netTransport IO operation should be cancelable or timeoutable Omit http DefaultClient
  14. func out() chan int { ch := make(chan int) go

    func() { var i int64 for { ch <- i i++ } }() return ch } func foo() { ch := out() for c := range ch { ... } } Simple code, huh How to shoot yourself into the foot
  15. func out() chan int { ch := make(chan int) go

    func() { var i int64 for { ch <- i // *BANG* i++ } }() return ch } func foo() { ch := out() // read from ch a bit and... close(ch) // and make a panic, probably } Don't close in-channel *BANG*
  16. func out() <-chan int { ch := make(chan int) go

    func() { var i int64 for { ch <- i // just send, right? i++ } }() return ch } func foo() { ch := out() // read from ch a bit and... close(ch) // hah, compilation error // invalid operation: close(ch) // (cannot close receive-only channel) } Specify a channel direction One small arrow for developer One giant leap for safety
  17. import "sync" func main() { var greetOnce sync.Once for i

    := range [10]struct{}{} { println(i) greetOnce.Do(func() { print("hey, there!") }) } } // 0hey, there!123456789 Not so common for-loop Don’t use it :)
  18. import "sync" func main() { var greetOnce sync.Once for i

    := range [10]struct{}{} { println(i) greetOnce.Do(func() { print("hey, there!") }) } } // 0hey, there!123456789 Do something once with sync.Once No comments
  19. package cache var keyValue map[string][]byte func Get(k string) ([]byte, bool)

    { return keyValue[k] } func Set(k string, v []byte) { keyValue[k] = v } package service func foo() { cache.Set(“conf”, “GoGoConf”) } Avoid a global state Yeah, it works
  20. package cache var CacheType string var keyValue map[string][]byte var redisClient

    *redis.Client func Get(k string) ([]byte, bool) { switch CacheType { case “inmemory”: return keyValue[k] case “redis”: return redisClient.Get(k) ... } } But how to make it different? Oh..that’s hard
  21. package inmemory type Cache struct { data map[string][]byte } func

    New() *Cache {...} func (c*Cache) Get(k string) ([]byte, bool) {...} func (c*Cache) Set(k string, value []byte) {...} package service func foo() { c := inmemory.New() c.Set(“best conf”, “GoGoConf”) } Let’s make it simpler And it’s Easy to test
  22. package cache type Cache interface { Get(k string) (value []byte,

    ok bool) Set(k string, value []byte) } package inmemory type Cache struct { data map[string][]byte } func (c*Cache) Get(k string) ([]byte, bool) {...} func (c*Cache) Set(k string, value []byte) {...} package redis // ... Let’s make it changable Agile™
  23. body := `{ “id”: “i-am-so-random-woah”, “timestamp”: 123456789, “data”: { “sub_params”:

    { “oh_please_stop”: [{ ... }] }, “tet_another”: {...}, } }` var m map[string]interface{} json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &m) // slow :( // and we need only id & timestamp Unmarshal JSON JSON from a production
  24. Lazy Unmarshalling type Body struct { ID string `json:”id”` Timestamp

    int `json:”timestamp”` Data json.RawMessage `json:”data”` } // encoding/json.go // type RawMessage []byte var m Body json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &m) // fast :) timestamp := m.Timestamp We can make it type-safe
  25. Table-driven tests func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct{ name

    string a,b int64 res int64 }{ {“simple case”, 1, 2, 3}, {“less simple”, 3, 3, 23}, {“omg”, 42, 78, 30307}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Logf(“test: %s”, tc.name) res := foo(tc.a, tc.b) if res != tc.res { t.Errorf(“want %v, got %v, res, tc.res) } } Table & test
  26. Order independent test func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { testCases := map[name]struct{

    a,b int64 res int64 }{ “simple case”: {1, 2, 3}, “less simple”: {3, 3, 23}, “omg”: {42, 78, 30307}, } for name, tc := range testCases { t.Logf(“test: %s”, name) res := foo(tc.a, tc.b) if res != tc.res { t.Errorf(“want %v, got %v, res, tc.res) } } } Hardening
  27. Use build tags in tests And we need to edit

    every test like that package service_test var iTests = flag.Bool("integration", false, "<docs>") func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { if !*iTests { t.Skip(“skipping test because of”) } if service.IsMeaningful() != 42 { t.Errorf(“oh no!”) } } // And run: go test ./... -args integration
  28. Use build tags in tests // +build integration package service_test

    func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { if service.IsMeaningful() != 42 { t.Errorf(“oh no!”) } } // And run: go test --tags integration ./... Voilà! ®