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Using GitHub to get a better job

Paul McMahon
June 01, 2014

Using GitHub to get a better job

Presented at GitHub Kaigi

Paul McMahon

June 01, 2014


  1. @pwim 41% of GitHub Kaigi attendees connected GitHub account to

    Doorkeeper 59% 41% Connected Not Connected
  2. @pwim 21% of GitHub Kaigi Attendees have never made a

    pull request 13% 33% 33% 21% 0 pulls 1 - 9 pulls 10 - 99 pulls 100 - 999 pulls
  3. @pwim Ideal Job for Developer • Valued by your company

    • Do interesting work • Can freely contribute to open source on the job • Get paid well
  4. @pwim Companies like this are looking for developers who •

    Talented • Passionate • Self-motivated • Contribute to open source
  5. @pwim Recent Example - I helped a company who was

    looking for • Internationally minded Japanese • Rails developer • Bonus: Spree experience
  6. @pwim How I found them a developer • I organize

    Tokyo Rubyist Meetup which connects Japanese and International Ruby developers • Looked through all members who had connected Github account • Contacted a single developer who had created a Spree plugin and blogged about studying English • They hired the developer
  7. @pwim Invest 4 hours / month in your public profile

    • Give a lightning talk • Write a blog post • Make a pull request
  8. @pwim I don’t have any open source contributions… • Don’t

    ask for permission to contribute back a patch to library on the job • Try prerelease versions • Look for libraries that are heavily used, but don’t have so active contribution. E.g., not Rails but RABL
  9. @pwim 1. Your Profile Photo • A professional looking photo

    is best • Don’t have offensive photo
  10. @pwim 3. Repositories contributed to • This is where an

    employer is most likely to get excited • Unfortunately GitHub doesn’t make it easy to see contributions
  11. @pwim 4. Popular repositories • Most developers aren’t the author

    of a famous library: that’s fine • Any code is better than no code
  12. @pwim 5. Name • Use your real name • You

    want potential employers to be able to find your GitHub account
  13. @pwim 6. Website • If you are a web developer,

    you should have your own website • Ideally have own domain • Have information about yourself such as your job history