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Learning Ruby on Rails by Thomas Czernik

Rails Girls Munich
October 13, 2012

Learning Ruby on Rails by Thomas Czernik

A presentation on Ruby on Rails, and learning resources to keep coding!

Rails Girls Munich

October 13, 2012


  1. Who am I?  Bavarian web developer  Study Multimediatechnology

    in master degree  Ruby on Rails since 3 years  @mindbreak  Small german rails blog: http://www.wrel.de
  2. What I am talking about  How to start 

    Guides  Make a little project  How to solve problems
  3. …..?  … read a book  … start an

    new webproject  … take some lessons
  4. Railsguides  Guides from the Rails-Team  Help to understand

    the parts of rails  Good way to start: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html (also with a step by step tutorial of a blog-system)
  5.  Screencasts about Ruby, Rails, Gems and more  Every

    week a free episode  Also pro / revised episodes  Well explanation, covers all you have to know  ~ 380 Episodes  www.railscasts.com
  6. Codeacademy  Interactive guide to learn Ruby  Teach you

    how to code  Also webdevelopment basics like Javascript, HTML, CSS  http://www.codecademy.com/
  7. Add functionality to your project • Example: Blog  Pagination:

    http://railscasts.com/episodes/51-will- paginate  Authentication: http://railscasts.com/episodes/209-introducing- devise  Gravatar: http://railscasts.com/episodes/244- gravatar
  8. Solving Problems  Stackoverflow.com – Q & A Site for

    programmers  Search for solution  Post your specific problem  Ask in boards  http://www.ruby-forum.com/forum/rails  http://forum.ruby-portal.de/