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リチャード 伊真岡

April 02, 2018


  1. > Akka is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed,

    and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala
  2. •Thread •join •Runnable/Callable •Lock •synchronized •Atomic variables •volatile •ThreadLocal •DynamicVariable

    •ConcurrentHashMap •ConcurrentLinkedQueue •ForkJoin •ThreadPool •Executor/ExecutorService •ExecutionContext •Future •Thread intereference •Memory Consistency error •Dead lock •Live lock •Starvation •InterruptedException •Scheduling
  3. import scala.collection class MyActor extends Actor { //mutable state val

    state1: mutable.Map[String, String] = … val state2: mutable.ListBuffer[String] = … def receive = { //immutable message case MyMessage(msg) => procedure(msg) } def procedure(msg: String) { //࣍ͷϝοηʔδ͔ΒׂΓࠐ·Εͳ͍ } }
  4. import scala.collection class MyActor extends Actor { //mutable state val

    state1: mutable.Map[String, String] = … val state2: mutable.ListBuffer[String] = … def receive = { //immutable message case MyMessage(msg) => procedure(msg) } def procedure(msg: String) { //࣍ͷϝοηʔδ͔ΒׂΓࠐ·Εͳ͍ } }
  5. import scala.collection class MyActor extends Actor { //mutable state val

    state1: mutable.Map[String, String] = … val state2: mutable.ListBuffer[String] = … def receive = { //immutable message case MyMessage(msg) => procedure(msg) } def procedure(msg: String) { //࣍ͷϝοηʔδ͔ΒׂΓࠐ·Εͳ͍ } }
  6. import scala.collection class MyActor extends Actor { //mutable state val

    state1: mutable.Map[String, String] = … val state2: mutable.ListBuffer[String] = … def receive = { //immutable message case MyMessage(msg) => procedure(msg) } def procedure(msg: String) { //࣍ͷϝοηʔδ͔ΒׂΓࠐ·Εͳ͍ } }
  7. •Thread •join •Runnable/Callable •Lock •synchronized •Atomic variables •volatile •ThreadLocal •DynamicVariable

    •ConcurrentHashMap •ConcurrentLinkedQueue •ForkJoin •ThreadPool •Executor/ExecutorService •ExecutionContext •Future •Thread intereference •Memory Consistency error •Dead lock •Live lock •Starvation •InterruptedException •Scheduling ๨Ε͍͍ͯ
  8. •Thread •join •Runnable/Callable •Lock •synchronized •Atomic variables •volatile •ThreadLocal •DynamicVariable

    •ConcurrentHashMap •ConcurrentLinkedQueue •ForkJoin •ThreadPool •Executor/ExecutorService •ExecutionContext •Future •Thread intereference •Memory Consistency error •Dead lock •Live lock •Starvation •InterruptedException •Scheduling ๨Ε͍͍ͯ $PODVSSFODZಛ༗ͷ໰୊͸Ͳ͏ͯ͠΋ ى͜Γ·͢
  9. •Thread •join •Runnable/Callable •Lock •synchronized •Atomic variables •volatile •ThreadLocal •DynamicVariable

    •ConcurrentHashMap •ConcurrentLinkedQueue •ForkJoin •ThreadPool •Executor/ExecutorService •ExecutionContext •Future •Thread intereference •Memory Consistency error •Dead lock •Live lock •Starvation •InterruptedException •Scheduling ๨Ε͍͍ͯ Ұ෦ͷ௿Ϩϕϧͳॲཧ͔Β͸ ղ์͞ΕΔ
  10. •Thread •join •Runnable/Callable •Lock •synchronized •Atomic variables •volatile •ThreadLocal •DynamicVariable

    •ConcurrentHashMap •ConcurrentLinkedQueue •ForkJoin •ThreadPool •Executor/ExecutorService •ExecutionContext •Future •Thread intereference •Memory Consistency error •Dead lock •Live lock •Starvation •InterruptedException •Scheduling "LLB͕ड͚࣋ͬͯ͘ΕΔ Ұ෦ͷ௿Ϩϕϧͳॲཧ͔Β͸ ղ์͞ΕΔ
  11. •Thread •join •Runnable/Callable •Lock •synchronized •Atomic variables •volatile •ThreadLocal •DynamicVariable

    •ConcurrentHashMap •ConcurrentLinkedQueue •ForkJoin •ThreadPool •Executor/ExecutorService •ExecutionContext •Future •Thread intereference •Memory Consistency error •Dead lock •Live lock •Starvation •InterruptedException •Scheduling ͦͷ෦෼Λݟ͍͖ͯ·͠ΐ͏ "LLB͕ड͚࣋ͬͯ͘ΕΔ
  12. class LocalActorRef override def !(message: Any) (implicit sender: ActorRef =

    Actor.noSender): Unit = actorCell.sendMessage(message, sender)
  13. class LocalActorRef override def !(message: Any) (implicit sender: ActorRef =

    Actor.noSender): Unit = actorCell.sendMessage(message, sender)
  14. trait Dispatch def sendMessage(msg: Envelope): Unit = try { val

    msgToDispatch = if (system.settings.SerializeAllMessages) serializeAndDeserialize(msg) else msg dispatcher.dispatch(this, msgToDispatch) } catch handleException
  15. trait Dispatch def sendMessage(msg: Envelope): Unit = try { val

    msgToDispatch = if (system.settings.SerializeAllMessages) serializeAndDeserialize(msg) else msg dispatcher.dispatch(this, msgToDispatch) } catch handleException
  16. trait Dispatch def sendMessage(msg: Envelope): Unit = try { val

    msgToDispatch = if (system.settings.SerializeAllMessages) serializeAndDeserialize(msg) else msg dispatcher.dispatch(this, msgToDispatch) } catch handleException
  17. class Dispatcher def dispatch( receiver: ActorCell, invocation: Envelope ): Unit

    = { val mbox = receiver.mailbox mbox.enqueue(receiver.self, invocation) registerForExecution(mbox, true, false) }
  18. class Dispatcher def dispatch( receiver: ActorCell, invocation: Envelope ): Unit

    = { val mbox = receiver.mailbox mbox.enqueue(receiver.self, invocation) registerForExecution(mbox, true, false) }
  19. abstract class Mailbox def enqueue( receiver: ActorRef, msg : Envelope

    ): Unit = messageQueue.enqueue(receiver, msg)
  20. abstract class Mailbox def enqueue( receiver: ActorRef, msg : Envelope

    ): Unit = messageQueue.enqueue(receiver, msg)
  21. https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.5/mailboxes.html SingleConsumerOnlyUnboundedMailbox This queue may or may not be faster

    than the default one depending on your use-case— be sure to benchmark properly! NonBlockingBoundedMailbox Backed by a very efficient Multiple-Producer Single-Consumer queue …etc ଞʹ΋MessageQueue৭ʑ͋Γ·͢
  22. class Dispatcher def dispatch( receiver: ActorCell, invocation: Envelope ): Unit

    = { val mbox = receiver.mailbox mbox.enqueue(receiver.self, invocation) registerForExecution(mbox, true, false) }
  23. class Dispatcher def dispatch( receiver: ActorCell, invocation: Envelope ): Unit

    = { val mbox = receiver.mailbox mbox.enqueue(receiver.self, invocation) registerForExecution(mbox, true, false) }
  24. class Dispatcher override def registerForExecution( mbox: Mailbox, hasMessageHint: Boolean, hasSystemMessageHint:

    Boolean ): Boolean = { if (mbox.canBeScheduledForExecution( hasMessageHint, hasSystemMessageHint)) { if (mbox.setAsScheduled()) { … executorService execute mbox … … }
  25. class Dispatcher override def registerForExecution( mbox: Mailbox, hasMessageHint: Boolean, hasSystemMessageHint:

    Boolean ): Boolean = { if (mbox.canBeScheduledForExecution( hasMessageHint, hasSystemMessageHint)) { if (mbox.setAsScheduled()) { … executorService execute mbox … … }
  26. class Dispatcher override def registerForExecution( mbox: Mailbox, hasMessageHint: Boolean, hasSystemMessageHint:

    Boolean ): Boolean = { if (mbox.canBeScheduledForExecution( hasMessageHint, hasSystemMessageHint)) { if (mbox.setAsScheduled()) { … executorService execute mbox … … }
  27. abstract class Mailbox abstract class Mailbox( val messageQueue: MessageQueue )

    extends ForkJoinTask[Unit] with SystemMessageQueue with Runnable { ... }
  28. class Dispatcher override def registerForExecution( mbox: Mailbox, hasMessageHint: Boolean, hasSystemMessageHint:

    Boolean ): Boolean = { if (mbox.canBeScheduledForExecution( hasMessageHint, hasSystemMessageHint)) { if (mbox.setAsScheduled()) { … executorService execute mbox … … }
  29. abstract class Mailbox abstract class Mailbox( val messageQueue: MessageQueue )

    extends ForkJoinTask[Unit] with SystemMessageQueue with Runnable { ... }
  30. LET IT CRASH blog 2012 … resulted in improved implementation

    of fork join pool … randomized queing and stealing
  31. abstract class Mailbox abstract class Mailbox( val messageQueue: MessageQueue )

    extends ForkJoinTask[Unit] with SystemMessageQueue with Runnable { ... } ExecutorServiceͷ executeϝιουΛ࢖͏ͱ Runnableͷrunϝιου͕ݺ͹ΕΔ
  32. abstract class Mailbox override final def run(): Unit = {

    try { if (!isClosed) { //Volatile read, needed here processAllSystemMessages() //First, deal with any system messages processMailbox() //Then deal with messages } } finally { setAsIdle() //Volatile write, needed here dispatcher.registerForExecution(this, false, false) } }
  33. abstract class Mailbox override final def run(): Unit = {

    try { if (!isClosed) { //Volatile read, needed here processAllSystemMessages() //First, deal with any system messages processMailbox() //Then deal with messages } } finally { setAsIdle() //Volatile write, needed here dispatcher.registerForExecution(this, false, false) } }
  34. abstract class Mailbox @tailrec private final def processMailbox( left: Int

    = java.lang.Math.max(dispatcher.throughput, 1), deadlineNs: Long = …): Unit = if (shouldProcessMessage) { val next = dequeue() if (next ne null) { … actor invoke next … processMailbox(left - 1, deadlineNs) } }
  35. abstract class Mailbox @tailrec private final def processMailbox( left: Int

    = java.lang.Math.max(dispatcher.throughput, 1), deadlineNs: Long = …): Unit = if (shouldProcessMessage) { val next = dequeue() if (next ne null) { … actor invoke next … processMailbox(left - 1, deadlineNs) } }
  36. abstract class Mailbox @tailrec private final def processMailbox( left: Int

    = java.lang.Math.max(dispatcher.throughput, 1), deadlineNs: Long = …): Unit = if (shouldProcessMessage) { val next = dequeue() if (next ne null) { … actor invoke next … processMailbox(left - 1, deadlineNs) } } //receiveϝιουΛݺͿ class MyActor extends Actor { def receive = { … } }
  37. abstract class Mailbox @tailrec private final def processMailbox( left: Int

    = java.lang.Math.max(dispatcher.throughput, 1), deadlineNs: Long = …): Unit = if (shouldProcessMessage) { val next = dequeue() if (next ne null) { … actor invoke next … processMailbox(left - 1, deadlineNs) } }
  38. rerence.conf # Throughput defines the number of messages # that

    are processed in a batch # before the thread is returned to the pool. # Set to 1 for as fair as possible. throughput = 5
  39. abstract class Mailbox @tailrec private final def processMailbox( left: Int

    = java.lang.Math.max(dispatcher.throughput, 1), deadlineNs: Long = …): Unit = if (shouldProcessMessage) { val next = dequeue() if (next ne null) { … actor invoke next … processMailbox(left - 1, deadlineNs) } }