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Sales enablement: the ultimate sales psychologist

Sales enablement: the ultimate sales psychologist

Jenn Haskell, Director of Sales Enablement at Everbridge

Sales Enablement Collective

December 16, 2020

More Decks by Sales Enablement Collective


  1. Olapic Mosaic MyFonts M-Kit Studio Jenn Haskell Senior Director of

    Global Sales Enablement; Monotype Imaging AKA: “Haskell” AKA: “Red” AKA: “Jenny From The Block”
  2. Building Credibility Create stakeholders Communicate Present a strategy Create a

    sales enablement movement Implement quick hits Earn trust
  3. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR: The study of both group and individual performance

    and activity within an organization. This area of study examines human behavior in a work environment and determines its impact on job structure, performance, communication, motivation, leadership, etc. • Autocratic Model • Custodial Model • Collegial Model • Supportive Model • System Model
  4. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: The ability to understand and manage your own

    emotions, and those of the people around you. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they’re feeling, what their emotions mean and how these emotions affect other people. • How you feel, how your actions affect/inspire others • Personal accountability, don’t compromise values • Picking up others emotions/ques • Influencing emotions, interpersonal skills • Hope, optimism Motivation Empathy Self- Regulation Social Skills Emotional Intelligence Self- Awareness
  5. 3 Types of Sales People 25% Under performers 55% Core

    performers 20% Rock Stars Motivational Techniques Know what the team considers important Consistent and open communication Recognizing success Serving as an advocate Understanding their personal goals Motivating a Sales Team
  6. Focus on Behaviors vs. Results Change. New behaviors have to

    stick. Sales behaviors drive sales activities, which in turn drive results. Measure. Always measure. Know what “good” sales rep behaviors are. Start with KPI’s and work backwards. Emphasize learning by doing.
  7. Olapic Mosaic MyFonts M-Kit Studio Thank You. www.monotype.com Jenn Haskell

    MBA Director of Global Sales Training and Enablement at Monotype https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennhaskellmba/