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API-centric Web Development with Tornado or The...

API-centric Web Development with Tornado or The Great Refactoring Story

Choose proper stack to build and distribute your apps. You know about monolith style, but what about horizontal scalability, what about your web and mobile clients? How to build API properly and why it's the most important task? You can use several good solutions, balancing between time, money and quality.

Roman Zaiev

June 20, 2015

More Decks by Roman Zaiev

Other Decks in Programming


  1. is

  2. djangoproject/ manage.py project/ __init__.py urls.py wsgi.py settings/ __init__.py base.py dev.py

    prod.py blog/ __init__.py models.py managers.py views.py urls.py templates/ blog/ base.html list.html detail.html static/ … tests/ __init__.py test_models.py test_managers.py test_views.py static/ css/ … js/ … templates/ base.html index.html requirements/ base.txt dev.txt test.txt prod.txt Django Project Structure
  3. RedirectView TemplateView DetailView UpdateView CreateView FormView DeleteView DateDetailView ListView DayArchiveView

    ArchiveIndexView TodayArchiveView MonthArchiveView YearArchiveView WeekArchiveView BaseUpdateView BaseCreateView BaseFormView SingleObjectTemplateResponseMixin BaseListView BaseArchiveIndexView MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin BaseTodayArchiveView ModelFormMixin ProcessFormMixin TemplateResponseMixin BaseDeleteView BaseDateDetailView BaseDayArchiveView BaseMonthArchiveView BaseYearArchiveView BaseWeekArchiveView FormMixin DeletionMixin BaseDetailView SingleObjectMixin MultipleObjectMixin ContextMixin DateMixin BaseDateListView WeekMixin | connect the dots CBV
  4. POST /api/v1/authorize GET /api/v1/user GET /api/v1/product POST /users/ajax_user_auth GET /products/ajax_current_user

    GET /products/ajax_prod_info API Business logic Templates rendering SEO Urls Mob Web UI AJAX UI API Calls
  5. Front Mob API Templates rendering API Calls SEO Urls Web

    UI AJAX POST /api/v1/authorize GET /api/v1/user GET /api/v1/product UI API Calls
  6. A A A A A A A A A A

    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A auth product landings A A A A basket A P T API
  7. import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.write("Hello, world")

    application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", MainHandler), ]) if __name__ == "__main__": application.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start() A Tornado | Start
  8. A Tornado | Async handler class GenAsyncHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @gen.coroutine def get(self):

    http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() response = yield http_client.fetch("http://async.ua") do_something_with_response(response) self.render("template.html")
  9. Protobuf T message BannerItem { required string link = 1;

    required string image = 2; optional string title = 3; required string alt = 4; required string selector = 5; required string last_edited = 6; required string last_editor = 7; optional string date_start = 8; optional string date_end = 9; optional int32 order = 10; } ‘\n\x01/\x12\x07img.png\x1a\x04Frau "\x06Muller*\x07.snoopy2\tyesterday:\x02me' new_banner = banner_pb2.BannerItem() new_banner.link = ‘/' new_banner.image = ‘img.png' new_banner.title = ‘Frau' new_banner.alt = ‘Muller' new_banner.selector = ‘.snoopy' new_banner.last_edited = ‘yesterday' new_banner.last_editor = ‘me' new_banner.SerializeToString()
  10. A Tornado | API HTTP class ProductAPIHandler(BaseAPIHandler): def get(self): user_attrs

    = self.request.arguments pbf_response = get_product(self, **user_attrs) response = protobuf_to_dict( pbf_response, ignore_list=['body'] ) if pbf_response.success: product = product_pb2.ProductSample() product.ParseFromString(pbf_response.body) response['body'] = protobuf_to_dict(product) self.write(response)
  11. A Tornado | API ZeroMQ class ProductZMQHandler(BaseZMQHandler): def get(self): user_attrs

    = self.request.arguments pbf_response = get_product(self, **user_attrs) return pbf_response
  12. A Tornado | API Call class ProductHandler(BaseHandler): TEMPLATE = 'pdp.html'

    @tornado.web.asynchronous def get(self, slug): zmq_stream = get_zmq_client(self) requests = [{ 'url': '/api/v1/product', 'callback': self.gen_product, 'data': { 'url': slug }, }] self.pbc_client( zmq_stream=zmq_stream, requests=requests, callback=self.on_fetch, ) ...
  13. A Tornado | API Call Processing class ProductHandler(BaseHandler): ... def

    gen_product(self, response): if not response.success: raise HTTPError(404) product_pbc = product_pb2.ProductSample() product_pbc.ParseFromString(response.body) product_dict = protobuf_to_dict(product_pbc) self.context['product'] = product_dict def on_fetch(self): self.render(self.TEMPLATE, **self.context)