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The ups and downs of building a payments API

The ups and downs of building a payments API

This talk was given at the University of Warwick Computing Society (UWCS).

The talk was given right before Halloween, hence the bats.


Lots of companies need to collect payments online, but nobody wants the hassle of building their own payments system. So what's it like if you're the one building it for everyone else?

GoCardless is a company doing just that. In this talk, we'll explore two themes - the challenges of building APIs, and the challenges of building a payments product. We'll look at how they tie together, and how they shaped the way we build software at GoCardless.

We'll wrap up by exploring a case where things didn't go to plan - an API outage - and how we learned from that failure.

After that, there'll be plenty of time for Q&A.

Chris Sinjakli

October 30, 2018

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  1. Hi

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  8. 3

  9. Image credits • Castle with bats - CC0 - https://pixabay.com/en/bats-castle-evil-flying-full-

    moon-2027875/ • call me maybe? - CC-BY - https://www.flickr.com/photos/myuibe/7880399646/ • Rope - CC-BY - https://www.flickr.com/photos/49140926@N07/6798304070/