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Building a sustainable codebase: 7 years and co...

Building a sustainable codebase: 7 years and counting

Peter will discuss strategies how code can be written in a way where you can both 'ship it' and have a sustainable product that allows you to move fast and where new people don't run away screaming. At least most of the time :)

The talk is based on lessons learned while building PSPDFKit for iOS since 2010, yet most parts will be applicable to any language and team. See https://github.com/steipete/speaking for details.

Peter Steinberger

April 27, 2017

More Decks by Peter Steinberger

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  1. “Whatever you gain now in convenience or speed, will at

    some point need to be paid back.”
  2. Sustainable Projects → Technology Choices → Boring Is Good! →

    Refactoring & Technical Debt → Hacks, Bug Reports, Code Reviews → Tests + Continuous Integration → Saying No to Features