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Family Guy - "Quagmire and Meg"

Steve Fonti
September 03, 2024

Family Guy - "Quagmire and Meg"

Steve Fonti

September 03, 2024

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  1. Scene 1_1 Panel A Action Notes EXT./ESTAB. GRIFFINS' HOUSE -

    NIGHT Scene 1_1 Panel B Scene 1_1 Panel C Action Notes The Griffins' car pulls into the driveway. Page 1
  2. Scene 1_1 Panel G Action Notes They all get out.

    Scene 1_1 Panel H Scene 1_1 Panel I Page 3
  3. Scene 2_1 Panel A Dialogue 18 LOIS Well, that was

    Scene 2_1 Panel B Dialogue unfortunate. NO PANEL Page 4
  4. Scene 2_1 Panel C Dialogue 19 MEG Hey, what's with

    Scene 2_1 Panel D Dialogue all the cars on the street? Page 5
  5. Scene 2_1 Panel E Action Notes ANGLE TO REVEAL lots

    of parked cars on the street. NO PANEL Page 6
  6. Scene 3_1 Panel A Scene 3_1 Panel B Dialogue 20

    PETER Oh, they're all here for your surprise party, Meg. Scene 3_1 Panel C Dialogue 21 LOIS Peter, for god's sake, you idiot! Page 7
  7. Scene 3_1 Panel D Dialogue We were supposed to open

    the door so everyone could yell "surprise!" NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 8
  8. Scene 4_1 Panel A Scene 4_1 Panel B Dialogue 22

    STEWIE I heard Lois Scene 4_1 Panel C Dialogue say Page 9
  9. Scene 4_1 Panel D Dialogue I can stay up late

    for the party Scene 4_1 Panel E Dialogue because there's going to be so much noise anyway. Scene 4_1 Panel F Dialogue 23 BRIAN That's great. Page 10
  10. Scene 4_1 Panel G Dialogue 24 STEWIE Yeah. I just

    have to remind myself that it's Scene 4_1 Panel H Dialogue Meg's party and not steal her thunder. Scene 4_1 Panel I Dialogue 25 BRIAN That's very thoughtful. Page 11
  11. Scene 4_1 Panel J Dialogue 26 STEWIE Yeah. I think

    I'm maturing at a nice pace. NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 12
  12. Scene 5_3 Panel A Action Notes INT. GRIFFINS' LIVING ROOM

    - CONTINUOUS ANGLE CLOSE ON the door, Scene 5_3 Panel B Action Notes which swings open. Scene 5_3 Panel C Page 13
  13. Scene 5_3 Panel D Action Notes Peter and Lois are

    on either side. Meg is between them. Scene 5_3 Panel E NO PANEL Page 14
  14. Scene 5_3 Panel F Dialogue 27 PETER/LOIS (EACH WITH AN

    ARM FLOURISH) Surprise! Action Notes We PULL OUT to reveal the living room is decorated for Meg's birthday party, Scene 5_3 Panel G Action Notes but there is no one there. Page 15
  15. Scene 5_3 Panel H Dialogue 28 LOIS Oh. Scene 5_3

    Panel I Dialogue Oh, dear. Scene 5_3 Panel J Page 16
  16. Scene 6 Panel A Dialogue 29 MEG Mom, Scene 6

    Panel B Dialogue if it's a surprise party, Scene 6 Panel C Dialogue where is everybody? Page 18
  17. Scene 6_1 Panel A Scene 6_1 Panel B Dialogue 30

    LOIS (ASIDE TO CHRIS) Chris, Scene 6_1 Panel C Dialogue what the hell?! Page 19
  18. Scene 6_1 Panel D Dialogue I thought you were gonna

    pay the kids from school Scene 6_1 Panel E Dialogue to show up! Scene 6_1 Panel F Dialogue I gave you three hundred dollars! Page 20
  19. Scene 6_1 Panel G Dialogue 31 CHRIS That secured one

    "maybe." Scene 6_1 Panel H Dialogue (BEAT) Scene 6_1 Panel I Dialogue I was the "maybe." Page 21
  20. Scene 7_1 Panel A Dialogue 32 MEG Well then, Scene

    7_1 Panel B Dialogue (LOOKING OUT WINDOW) what are all Page 22
  21. Scene 7_1 Panel C Dialogue the cars doing out there?

    Scene 7_1 Panel D Dialogue 33 PETER Oh, they must be for Mort's party. NO PANEL Page 23
  22. Scene 8 Panel A Action Notes INT. MORT'S LIVING ROOM

    - NIGHT (CUTAWAY) The room is filled with people with a party in full swing. Scene 8 Panel B Scene 8 Panel C Action Notes MORT enters carrying a tray. Page 24
  23. Scene 9 Panel A Scene 9 Panel B Dialogue 34

    MAN Hey, Mort, Action Notes A MAN approaches. Scene 9 Panel C Dialogue you got a Page 26
  24. Scene 9 Panel D Dialogue a dead hooker in your

    Scene 9 Panel E Dialogue bedroom. Scene 9 Panel F Dialogue 35 MORT There better be. I paid good money for one. Page 27
  25. Scene 9 Panel G Dialogue (THEN, TO EVERYONE) Did everyone

    get Scene 9 Panel H Dialogue enough cocaine? NO PANEL Page 28
  26. Scene 9_1 Panel A Dialogue 36 LOIS I'm really sorry

    about this, honey. Action Notes INT. GRIFFINS' LIVING ROOM - NIGHT (BACK TO SCENE) Scene 9_1 Panel B Dialogue It looks like nobody's comin'. Scene 9_1 Panel C Dialogue But we had fun at the Teen Choice Awards, right? Page 29
  27. Scene 9_1 Panel D Dialogue 37 MEG (WEAKLY) I guess.

    Scene 9_1 Panel E Dialogue 38 LOIS And it was a legitimate awards show, right? Scene 9_1 Panel F Dialogue Not a crass and cynical charade? Page 30
  28. Scene 9_1 Panel G Dialogue 39 MEG (WEAKLY) Yeah. Scene

    9_1 Panel H Dialogue 40 LOIS There you go, that's the spirit. NO PANEL Page 31
  29. Scene 9_2 Panel A Scene 9_2 Panel B Dialogue Well,

    I guess we oughta Scene 9_2 Panel C Dialogue call it a night. Page 32
  30. Scene 9_2 Panel D Dialogue Come on, Scene 9_2 Panel

    E Dialogue Stewie. (PICKING HIM UP) Scene 9_2 Panel F Dialogue Up to bed. Page 33
  31. Scene 10AAAA Panel A Dialogue 41 STEWIE No party? Scene

    10AAAA Panel B Dialogue Oh, come on, I was gonna show a slide show of all those silly photos I took of Meg. NO PANEL Page 34
  32. Scene 11 Panel A Action Notes We CUT TO a

    series of photos of Meg sleeping. In one, Stewie makes a face and sticks his tongue out at her. Scene 11 Panel B Action Notes NOTE: Add SFX of a slide show projector mechanism as the frames change from pic to pic. Scene 11 Panel C Page 35
  33. Scene 11 Panel D Scene 11 Panel E Action Notes

    In another, he stands on top of her, mooning her, bare-assed. Scene 11 Panel F Page 36
  34. Scene 11 Panel G Scene 11 Panel H Scene 11

    Panel I Action Notes In the next one, Stewie holds a knife to her throat (there is just a little bit of blood at the point, where he's pierced the skin.) Page 37
  35. Scene 11 Panel M Action Notes In another, he rubs

    a hot dog on her lips. Scene 11 Panel N Scene 11 Panel O Page 39
  36. Scene 11 Panel P Scene 11 Panel Q Action Notes

    In the last photo, he holds a speech bubble above her head that reads: "Stewie is awesome. I am lame." NO PANEL Page 40
  37. Scene 9_3 Panel A Dialogue 42 LOIS Well, happy birthday

    anyway, Meg. See you in the morning. Action Notes INT. GRIFFINS' LIVING ROOM - NIGHT (BACK TO SCENE) Scene 9_3 Panel B Dialogue Scene 9_3 Panel C Dialogue Page 41
  38. Scene 9_3 Panel D Dialogue Action Notes Lois exits with

    Stewie upstairs. Chris follows them. Scene 9_3 Panel E Dialogue Action Notes The doorbell rings. NO PANEL Page 42
  39. Scene 13_2 Panel A Action Notes Scene 13_2 Panel B

    Action Notes Scene 13_2 Panel C Action Notes Page 43
  40. Scene 13_2 Panel D Action Notes Scene 13_2 Panel E

    Action Notes Peter opens the door, revealing QUAGMIRE. Scene 13_2 Panel F Dialogue 43 PETER Hey, Quagmire. What's goin' on? Action Notes Page 44
  41. Scene 13_1 Panel A Dialogue 44 QUAGMIRE Well, Peter, Action

    Notes Scene 13_1 Panel B Dialogue a little birdie told me that today is Meg's birthday. Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel C Action Notes A HUMMINGBIRD flits into the doorway, Page 45
  42. Scene 13_1 Panel D Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel E

    Dialogue 45 HUMMINGBIRD You givin' Action Notes hovering just over Quagmire's shoulder. Scene 13_1 Panel F Dialogue me credit? Action Notes Page 46
  43. Scene 13_1 Panel G Dialogue 46 QUAGMIRE Yeah, I just

    told him. Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel H Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel I Dialogue 47 HUMMINGBIRD (to peter) I'm the one Action Notes Page 47
  44. Scene 13_1 Panel J Dialogue who told him. Action Notes

    Scene 13_1 Panel K Action Notes The hummingbird hovers in place, for a moment, his pupils looking back and forth between Quagmire and Peter, Scene 13_1 Panel L Action Notes Page 48
  45. Scene 13_1 Panel M Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel N

    Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel O Action Notes Page 49
  46. Scene 13_1 Panel P Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel Q

    Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel R Action Notes Page 50
  47. Scene 13_1 Panel S Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel T

    Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel U Action Notes Page 51
  48. Scene 13_1 Panel V Action Notes then zips away. Scene

    13_1 Panel W Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel X Dialogue 48 QUAGMIRE (ENTERING) So Action Notes Page 52
  49. Scene 13_1 Panel Y Dialogue where is the Action Notes

    Scene 13_1 Panel Z Dialogue birthday girl? Action Notes Scene 13_1 Panel AA Action Notes Page 53
  50. Scene 14_1 Panel A Scene 14_1 Panel B Action Notes

    Meg looks up. Scene 14_1 Panel C Dialogue 49 MEG Oh, hi, Mr. Quagmire. Page 54
  51. Scene 14_1 Panel D Dialogue 50 QUAGMIRE (CHUCKLES) Scene 14_1

    Panel E Dialogue Scene 14_1 Panel F Dialogue Page 55
  52. Scene 14_1 Panel G Dialogue Please, Scene 14_1 Panel H

    Dialogue my father is Mr. Quagmire-- Scene 14_1 Panel I Dialogue (REALIZING, sad) Oh. Okay, well, he used to be Mr. Quagmire. Now he's just Ida Davis. Page 56
  53. Scene 14_2 Panel C Dialogue this is a special day

    for you, young lady. Action Notes Quagmire sits down next to Meg Scene 14_2 Panel D Dialogue Here's Page 59
  54. Scene 14_2 Panel E Dialogue a gift for you. Action

    Notes and hands her a wrapped gift. Scene 14_2 Panel F Scene 14_2 Panel G Action Notes Page 60
  55. Scene 14_2 Panel H Action Notes She opens it. Scene

    14_2 Panel I Scene 14_2 Panel J Page 61
  56. Scene 14_2 Panel K Dialogue 51 MEG A scented candle?

    Scene 14_2 Panel L Dialogue As a girl, I love this! Scene 14_2 Panel M Dialogue 52 QUAGMIRE That was originally thirty dollars. Page 62
  57. Scene 14_2 Panel N Dialogue 53 MEG Thanks, Mr. Quagmire.

    Scene 14_2 Panel O Dialogue 54 QUAGMIRE Well, Scene 14_2 Panel P Dialogue it's your Action Notes Page 63
  58. Scene 14_2 Panel Q Dialogue eighteenth birthday, Meg. Scene 14_2

    Panel R Dialogue That's a very important milestone in a young girl's-- Scene 14_2 Panel S Dialogue I mean, Page 64
  59. Scene 14_2 Panel T Dialogue a young Scene 14_2 Panel

    U Dialogue woman's life. Scene 14_2 Panel V Dialogue Hey, welcome to the adult club, huh? Page 65
  60. Scene 14_2 Panel W Dialogue And you know what? Scene

    14_2 Panel X Dialogue You got another member right next door Scene 14_2 Panel Y Dialogue if you ever wanna talk and stuff. Page 66
  61. Scene 14_2 Panel Z Dialogue Happy Action Notes Quagmire gives

    Meg a pat on the knee, Scene 14_2 Panel AA Dialogue birthday. Scene 14_2 Panel AB Dialogue Page 67
  62. Scene 14_2 Panel AC Dialogue Action Notes but his hand

    stays there afterwards. Scene 14_2 Panel AD Dialogue Scene 14_2 Panel AE Dialogue Action Notes His pinky slowly strikes out on its own up her thigh. Page 68
  63. Scene 14_2 Panel AF Dialogue Action Notes Scene 14_2 Panel

    AG Dialogue 55 QUAGMIRE Hey. Scene 14_2 Panel AH Dialogue Hey, where's that pinky going, huh? Page 69
  64. Scene 14_2 Panel AI Dialogue Where's he going? Scene 14_2

    Panel AJ Dialogue What's he doing? Scene 14_2 Panel AK Dialogue Get back here. Page 70
  65. Scene 14_2 Panel AL Dialogue (THE PINKY GOES BACK) Scene

    14_2 Panel AM Dialogue There you go. Scene 14_2 Panel AN Dialogue Action Notes Page 71
  66. Scene 14_2 Panel AO Dialogue Scene 14_2 Panel AP Action

    Notes ANGLE on Peter and Brian, watching. Page 72
  67. Scene 17 Panel A Scene 17 Panel B Dialogue 56

    PETER (LAUGHING) Scene 17 Panel C Dialogue (LAUGHING) Page 74
  68. Scene 17 Panel D Dialogue (LAUGHING) Scene 17 Panel E

    Dialogue (LAUGHING) Scene 17 Panel F Dialogue Look at Quagmire hitting on that skank. Page 75
  69. Scene 17 Panel G Dialogue You know he's gonna close

    the deal. Scene 17 Panel H Dialogue 57 BRIAN Peter, that skank Scene 17 Panel I Dialogue is your daughter. Page 76
  70. Scene 17 Panel J Dialogue 58 PETER Sounds like I'm

    gonna be furious if I find out about this. Action Notes End of act one NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 77
  71. Scene 19_1 Panel A Dialogue 59 QUAGMIRE So anyway, I'm

    on approach into Lambert Field Action Notes INT. GRIFFINS' LIVING ROOM - SAME Quagmire still sits next to Meg. Peter and Brian look on from across the room. Scene 19_1 Panel B Dialogue in some of the worst turbulence I've ever flown through. NO PANEL Page 81
  72. Scene 20_1f Panel A Dialogue I mean, Scene 20_1f Panel

    B Dialogue I've never seen anything like it. Scene 20_1f Panel C Dialogue Everyone in the cabin was like Page 82
  73. Scene 20_1f Panel L Scene 20_1f Panel M Scene 20_1f

    Panel N Dialogue (THEN) But I kept my cool, trusted my training, and brought Action Notes Over the previous line, when Quagmire is done with his pantomimed flailing, he drapes the leg that is closest to Meg down over her leg so his calf is between her legs. Page 86
  74. Scene 20_1f Panel O Dialogue brought the plane in safely,

    Scene 20_1f Panel P Dialogue and in fact, it turned out, ironically, to be one of the smoothest landings Scene 20_1f Panel Q Dialogue I've ever made. Page 87
  75. Scene 20_1f Panel R Dialogue 60 PETER Well, gosh, Scene

    20_1f Panel S Dialogue Quagmire, Page 88
  76. Scene 20_1f Panel T Dialogue this has been Scene 20_1f

    Panel U Dialogue a fun night, Scene 20_1f Panel V Dialogue but I guess you better be gettin' home now, huh? Page 89
  77. Scene 20_1f Panel W Dialogue 61 QUAGMIRE Yeah, it is

    gettin' late. Scene 20_1f Panel X Dialogue I guess I'll go home and rub out a "giggity." Take it easy, you guys. Scene 20_1f Panel Y Dialogue See ya later, Meg. Page 90
  78. Scene 20_1f Panel Z Dialogue (WINKS AND GIVES HER A

    COUPLE OF TONGUE CLICKS) Scene 20_1f Panel AA Dialogue 62 MEG Bye. Action Notes Quagmire exits. Scene 20_1f Panel AB Page 91
  79. Scene 20_1f_2 Panel A Dialogue 63 PETER Okay, that was

    weird. Action Notes ANGLE ON Peter and Brian. Scene 20_1f_2 Panel B Dialogue 64 BRIAN That was weird. Scene 20_1f_2 Panel C Dialogue 65 PETER Right? Page 92
  80. Scene 20_1f_2 Panel D Dialogue 66 BRIAN Oh my god,

    so weird. Scene 20_1f_2 Panel E Dialogue 67 PETER I'll tell you something, Scene 20_1f_2 Panel F Dialogue If he touches my daughter, I'm gonna be kickin' butts and takin' names. And then givin' those names to other people whose butts I kick. Page 93
  81. Scene 19_4 Panel A Action Notes EXT. STREET - DAY

    (CUTAWAY) CUT TO Peter standing facing a GUY. Scene 19_4 Panel B Action Notes Peter beats him up. NO PANEL Page 94
  82. Scene 19_4 Panel E Dialogue 68 PETER What's your name?

    Scene 19_4 Panel F Dialogue 69 GUY Derek. NO PANEL Page 96
  83. Scene 19_4 Panel G Action Notes Derek. Peter turns to

    ANOTHER GUY Scene 19_4 Panel H Action Notes Derek. Peter turns to ANOTHER GUY Page 97
  84. Scene 19_4 Panel K Scene 19_4 Panel L Dialogue 70

    PETER What's your name? Scene 19_4 Panel M Dialogue 71 OTHER GUY Michael. Page 99
  85. Scene 19_6 Panel A Action Notes INT. MEG'S BEDROOM -

    SAME Meg lies on her bed. Scene 19_6 Panel B Action Notes We hear the sound of her phone getting a text. Scene 19_6 Panel C Page 102
  86. Scene 19_17 Panel D Action Notes it reads: "Had a

    gr8 time seeing u 2nite. --Glenn." NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 105
  87. Scene 19_5_B Panel A Action Notes INT. QUAGMIRE'S BEDROOM -

    SAME TIME Quagmire lies on his stomach with his feet crossed in the air on the bed. We hear his phone get a text. Scene 19_5_B Panel B Dialogue 73 QUAGMIRE (GIGGLES) NO PANEL Page 106
  88. Scene 19_5_C Panel A Action Notes ANGLE on Quagmire's cell

    phone which reads: "Nice 2 c u 2." NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 107
  89. Scene 19_7 Panel A Action Notes WE INTERCUT BETWEEN THE

    TWO: Meg gets a text from Quagmire. NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 108
  90. Scene 19_5_A_1 Panel A Scene 19_5_A_1 Panel B Action Notes

    "What's with your dad flipping out? LOL." NO PANEL Page 109
  91. Scene 19_18 Panel A Action Notes Meg begins to text.

    Scene 19_18 Panel B Action Notes Scene 19_18 Panel C Action Notes Page 110
  92. Scene 19_5_B_1 Panel A Action Notes Quagmire gets a text

    from Meg. NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 112
  93. Scene 19_5_C_1 Panel A Scene 19_5_C_1 Panel B Action Notes

    "Yeah he can b a real jerk." NO PANEL Page 113
  94. Scene 19_5_B_2 Panel A Action Notes He starts to text

    Scene 19_5_B_2 Panel B Scene 19_5_B_2 Panel C Page 114
  95. Scene 19_19 Panel A Action Notes Meg gets a text

    from Quagmire. NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 116
  96. Scene 19_5_A_4 Panel A Scene 19_5_A_4 Panel B Action Notes

    "LMAO". Scene 19_5_A_4 Panel C Action Notes After a beat, a second text appears: "U into FarmVille? Cuz I am way into FarmVille." Page 117
  97. Scene 19_9 Panel A Action Notes Scene 19_9 Panel B

    Action Notes Meg begins to text. Page 118
  98. Scene 19_9 Panel C Action Notes Scene 19_9 Panel D

    Action Notes Scene 19_9 Panel E Action Notes Page 119
  99. Scene 19_5_B_3 Panel A Action Notes Quagmire gets a text

    from Meg. NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 121
  100. Scene 19_5_B_6 Panel A Scene 19_5_B_6 Panel B Action Notes

    "OMG I am so into FarmVille! U have 2 c my new pigs!" NO PANEL Page 122
  101. Scene 19_5_C_7 Panel A Action Notes Quagmire begins to text.

    Scene 19_5_C_7 Panel B Action Notes Scene 19_5_C_7 Panel C Page 123
  102. Scene 19_10 Panel A Action Notes Meg gets a text

    from Quagmire. NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 125
  103. Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel A Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel B Action Notes

    "And u have 2 c my hog. ;)" Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel C Action Notes Meg texts back, Page 126
  104. Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel D Action Notes "U r funny!" Scene

    19_5_A_7 Panel E Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel F Action Notes Page 127
  105. Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel G Action Notes Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel H

    Action Notes Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel I Action Notes Page 128
  106. Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel J Action Notes Scene 19_5_A_7 Panel K

    Action Notes Another text arrives from Quagmire: "What do u taste like?" NO PANEL Page 129
  107. Scene 19_11 Panel A Action Notes Meg begins to text

    back. Scene 19_11 Panel B Action Notes Scene 19_11 Panel C Action Notes Page 130
  108. Scene 19_5_C_8 Panel A Action Notes Quagmire gets a text

    from Meg. NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 132
  109. Scene 19_5_B_7 Panel A Scene 19_5_B_7 Panel B Action Notes

    "I dunno. LOL. JK." Quagmire reads the text. NO PANEL Page 133
  110. Scene 19_5_C_9 Panel A Dialogue 74 QUAGMIRE Okay, Glenn, Action

    Notes Scene 19_5_C_9 Panel B Dialogue time to reel her in. Action Notes Scene 19_5_C_9 Panel C Action Notes He begins to text. Page 134
  111. Scene 19_5_C_9 Panel D Action Notes Scene 19_5_C_9 Panel E

    Action Notes Scene 19_5_C_9 Panel F Action Notes Page 135
  112. Scene 19_5_A_8 Panel A Scene 19_5_A_8 Panel B Action Notes

    "We should hang out!" Scene 19_5_A_8 Panel C Action Notes Meg begins to text. Page 137
  113. Scene 19_5_C_10 Panel A Action Notes Quagmire gets a text

    from Meg. NO PANEL NO PANEL Page 139
  114. Scene 19_5_B_11 Panel A Action Notes Scene 19_5_B_11 Panel B

    Dialogue 75 QUAGMIRE Oh my god oh my god Action Notes NO PANEL Page 141
  115. Scene 19_5_B_11 Panel C Dialogue oh my god oh my

    god! Action Notes Scene 19_5_B_11 Panel D Action Notes Quagmire begins to type a response. Page 142
  116. Scene 19_5_B_10 Panel A Action Notes We ANGLE ON HIS

    SCREEN as letters appear: "I am gonna wreck u so bad and drown u in" Scene 19_5_B_10 Panel B Scene 19_5_B_10 Panel C Action Notes Page 144
  117. Scene 19_5_B_10 Panel M Scene 19_5_B_10 Panel N Scene 19_5_B_10

    Panel O Dialogue 76 QUAGMIRE (O.S.) (THEN, DELETING) No, Page 148
  118. Scene 19_5_B_10 Panel P Dialogue too much, Scene 19_5_B_10 Panel

    Q Dialogue too much. Scene 19_5_B_10 Panel R Page 149
  119. Scene 19_5_A_6 Panel A Scene 19_5_A_6 Panel B Action Notes

    It reads: "So many stars 2nite!" NO PANEL Page 155
  120. Scene 19_16 Panel A Action Notes Scene 19_16 Panel B

    Dialogue 77 MEG I love stars! Action Notes NO PANEL Page 156