Türk ye Çevre ve Şeh rc l k Bakanlığı Sürdürüleb l r Kalkınma, Türk ye Stratej ve Bütçe Başkanlığı Sürdürüleb l r Kalkınma, UNDP NetworkX (Python Package) https://networkx.org/ OSMnx (Python Package) https://osmnx.readthedocs. o/en/stable/ Prat k Taraması: https://cleanenergychallenge.whatdes gncando.com/projects/s-park/, https://mlsm.man.dtu.dk/, https://www.e turbanmob l ty.eu/projects/l v ng-lab-e-m cromob l ty/ The f rst and last m le — the key to susta nable urban transport Transport and env ronment report 2019, European Env ronment Agency, 2020 https://data.tu k.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Adrese-Dayal -Nufus-Kay t-S stem -Sonuclar -2020-37210 https://cevreselgostergeler.csb.gov.tr/ulast rma-turune-gore-seragaz -em syonu- -85790 http://www.surduruleb l rkalk nma.gov.tr/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Surduruleb l r_Kalk nma-Amaclar -Turk ye-2.-Ulusal-Gozden-Gec rme- Raporu-Ortak-Hedefler- c n-Saglam-Temeller_- nterakt f.pdf https://www.tr.undp.org/content/turkey/tr/home/susta nable-development-goals.html