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Distributed Microservices: Metrics and Tracing ...

Distributed Microservices: Metrics and Tracing with Istio and OpenCensus

With the adoption of microservices, what was once a single application running on a single server has become hundreds of services running on dozens of servers. Microservices give you more freedom, scalability and agility, but makes understanding what’s going on a lot harder. Things like understanding the lifecycle of a request, finding hotspots in your system, and even getting an alert when something is wrong is now much harder!

In this talk, I’ll demo two open source projects, Istio and OpenCensus, that are based on years of production experience at Google and can significantly help you monitor and trace your distributed microservices. Istio can automatically trace RPC calls between services, and OpenCensus makes it easy to add white-box metrics and tracing to your services so you know what’s going on.

Sandeep Dinesh

February 27, 2018

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  3. Confidential & Proprietary Tracing: Create trace IDs and tags for

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  6. Confidential & Proprietary Provide great tracing and stats for ops

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  7. Confidential & Proprietary • Request Routing • Load Balancing •

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  8. Confidential & Proprietary Istio Service B Service A Service C

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  9. Confidential & Proprietary OpenCensus Service B Code Collector Function 1

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  10. Istio istio.io OpenCensus opencensus.io Sandeep Dinesh @sandeepdinesh Thank You! Special

    Thanks: JBD @rakyll This Talk: sandeepdinesh.com/istio-open-census Istio Deep Dive Video: sandeepdinesh.com/istio-101