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Tom MacWright
May 15, 2013


Tom MacWright

May 15, 2013


  1. 30 people in a garage in washington, dc open source

    services { } Wednesday, May 15, 13
  2. people open source map hosting in the cloud and map

    services { } Wednesday, May 15, 13
  3. TileMill is a free and open source application for designing

    custom maps, created by MapBox to modernize the art of cartography. Wednesday, May 15, 13
  4. TileMill is a free and open source application you can

    download from tilemill.com and use on your Mac, Windows, or Linux computer Wednesday, May 15, 13
  5. it started when WE STARTED MAKING MAPS for elections, floods,

    aid projects, open data releases, funding plans, and much more Wednesday, May 15, 13
  6. Cartographers KNOW design + programming + file formats + math

    + geometry + languages + projections + rendering engines Wednesday, May 15, 13
  7. That’s too much it shouldn’t take months for someone to

    learn maps. so we built TileMill Wednesday, May 15, 13
  8. familiar + accessible if you’re familiar with CSS, you’ll like

    Carto. If you understand spreadsheets, the approach to data should be straightforward. Wednesday, May 15, 13
  9. DESIGN FIRST previous tools were analysis-heavy and design- light. TileMill

    led with design and then became an analysis tool. Wednesday, May 15, 13
  10. simplicity++ no more than three levels in the UI. minimal

    chrome but graphical hints where needed. Wednesday, May 15, 13
  11. TileMill works really well with MapBox, but you can use

    it without. OPEN INPUT, OPEN OUTPUT Wednesday, May 15, 13
  12. TILEMILL is a clean slate with smart defaults. Designed to

    work with any data. Wednesday, May 15, 13
  13. style Carto: CSS For maps @lw: 2; #counties[zoom > 9]

    { line-width: @lw; } PLUS zoom levels, variables, attachments, fontsets, functions, and so on Wednesday, May 15, 13
  14. geospatial is fractured web graphics text audio geo HTML PNG

    UTF8 MP3 grrr.. Wednesday, May 15, 13
  15. data ANY* DATA SOURCE - Shapefiles - GeoTIFF - KML

    - GeoJSON - SQLite & PostGIS - CSV Wednesday, May 15, 13
  16. TILES “map tiles are the .mp3s of maps” - Mike

    Migurski http://a.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/tmcw.map-23zyofas/15/9668/12328.png Wednesday, May 15, 13
  17. Mapnik.org Pixel-perfect, super fast map rendering library. node.js Next-generation server

    environment for applications. CodeMirror, Modest Maps, Bones, request, sax, step, topcube, underscore, millstone, sphericalmercator, tilelive, mbtiles, JSV, generic-pool, glob, node- markdown, chrono + Wednesday, May 15, 13
  18. so about that * Geospatial data is still a hard

    problem. OpenStreetMap is 300-500GB on disk. Rendering the world is really hard. Wednesday, May 15, 13
  19. TileMill 2 Designed to handle remote data just as well

    as local. Boot up TileMill, and you’ve got the ‘OSM Planet’ *also free and open source Wednesday, May 15, 13
  20. TileMill 2 + VECTOr tiles Vector tiles separate data &

    style, reduce size 10x, and work remotely: work without importing ‘the planet’. *also free and open source Wednesday, May 15, 13