layer was rewritten with CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) ▸ Native abilities were provided by writing V8 bindings ▸ Used Chromium for rendering ▸ Possibility to run on all platforms
▸ node-webkit crashed a lot ▸ It was hard to convert all of Atom’s code at once ▸ node-webkit lacked lots of features SOLUTION: ▸ Hire the maintainer (me) to improve node-webkit ‣ Use a more progressive way to port Atom to node-webkit.
CEF-based Atom Editor Add Node.js integration to CEF Atom Editor using Node.js Migrate Atom to use Node.js APIs Improve node-webkit Atom Editor running on node-webkit
CEF-based Atom Editor Atom Editor using Node.js Improve node-webkit Atom Editor running on node-webkit Write atom-shell atom-shell ATOM-SHELL Add Node.js integration to CEF Migrate Atom to use Node.js APIs
Allows running JavaScript in the main process ▸ No longer requires a powerful machine to build ▸ Changes node integration implementation to improve stability
Allows running JavaScript in the main process ▸ No longer requires a powerful machine to build ▸ Changes node integration implementation to improve stability IN SUMMARY: ▸ Better design ‣ Friendly to contributors