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Intro to Functional Programming in Android with...

Intro to Functional Programming in Android with Kotlin

Alberto Ballano

May 23, 2017

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  1. What is Functional Programming? Functional programming is a programming paradigm

    that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions.
  2. Keys of FP -First class and Higher-Order functions -Referential transparency

    -Pure functions -Strict vs Non-Strict evaluation
  3. Keys of FP Eliminating side effects can make it much

    easier to understand and predict the behavior of a program.
  4. Monads A monad is just a monoid in the category

    of endofunctors, what's the problem?
  5. Monads A monad is just a monoid in the category

    of endofunctors, what's the problem?
  6. Monads Monads are wrappers with context for a value. So,

    like contexts, you can have different Monads for different use cases.
  7. Monads Absence Option<T> // None or Some<T> Runtime Exceptions Try<T>

    // Failure<T> or Success<T> Exceptional cases
  8. Monads Absence Option<T> // None or Some<T> Runtime Exceptions Try<T>

    // Failure<T> or Success<T> Exceptional cases Either<L, R> // Left<L> or Right<R>
  9. Handling exceptions with Rx useCase.fetchUser() .onErrorReturn(error -> null) .subscribe(user ->

    { if (user != null) … // Success case else … // Failure case })
  10. Handling exceptions with Rx val userSingle = useCase.fetchUser() .onErrorReturn(error ->

    null) val companySingle = useCase.fetchUserCompany() .onErrorReturn(error -> null)
  11. Handling exceptions with Rx val userSingle = useCase.fetchUser() .onErrorReturn(error ->

    null) val companySingle = useCase.fetchUserCompany() .onErrorReturn(error -> null) userSingle.zip(companySingle, (user, company) -> { if (user != null && company != null) … // Merge them else … // ??? }) .subscribe(userWithCompany -> // Success case)***Kind of
  12. Handling exceptions with Monads // Forget about threading for a

    second :) val userResult: Either<ExceptionCase, User> = … val companyResult: Either<ExceptionCase, Company> = … val userWithCompany = userResult.flatMap { user -> companyResult.map { company -> // Merge them } }
  13. Handling exceptions with Monads // Forget about threading for a

    second :) val userResult: Either<ExceptionCase, User> = … val companyResult: Either<ExceptionCase, Company> = … val userWithCompany = EitherMonad<User>().binding { val user = bind { userResult } val company = bind { companyResult } yields(/* Merge them */) }
  14. Handling exceptions with Monads // userWithCompany is an Either<ExceptionCase, User>

    when(userWithCompany) { is Either.Left -> // Error case is Either.Right -> // Success case }
  15. Monads vs Exceptions Pros: • Safer code • Less tests

    • Less unexpected behaviours Cons: • Complex code • Advanced types + inference = higher compile times
  16. Handling exceptions with Monads val userResult: Either<ExceptionCase, User> = …

    val companyResult: Either<ExceptionCase, Company> = … val userWithCompany = EitherMonad<User>().binding { val user = bind { userResult } val company = bind { companyResult } yields(/* Merge them */) }
  17. Handling exceptions with Monads val userResult: Future<Either<ExceptionCase, User>> = …

    val companyResult: Future<Either<ExceptionCase, Company>> = … val userWithCompany = FutureMonad<User>().binding { val user = bind { userResult } val company = bind { companyResult } yields(/* Merge them */) }
  18. Handling exceptions with Monads val userResult: Future<User> = … val

    companyResult: Future<Company> = … val userWithCompany = FutureMonad<User>().binding { val user = bind { userResult } val company = bind { companyResult } yields(/* Merge them */) }
  19. Handling exceptions with Monads val userResult: Future<User> = … val

    companyResult: Future<Company> = … val userWithCompany = FutureMonad<User>().binding { val user = bind { userResult } // Runs in parallel* val company = bind { companyResult } // Runs in parallel* yields(/* Merge them */) } *Potentially
  20. Handling exceptions with Monads val userResult: Future<User> = … val

    companyResult: Future<Company> = … val userWithCompany = FutureMonad<User>().binding { val user = bind { userResult } val company = bind { companyResult } yields(/* Merge them */) } // WIP :)