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apidays New York 2023 - Building API Platforms ...

apidays New York 2023 - Building API Platforms at Scale, Irakli Nadareishvili, JPMorgan Chase & Co

apidays New York 2023
APIs for Embedded Business Models: Finance, Healthcare, Retail, and Media
May 16 & 17, 2023

Building API Platforms at Scale, Best practices and lessons learned
Irakli Nadareishvili, Managing Director, Global Banking Platform at JPMorgan Chase & Co


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June 29, 2023

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  1. APIs Don’t Matter • They are just interfaces to platforms

    • It’s building useful platforms that benefit business
  2. SEED(s) Process “APIs First” approach alone, won’t deliver business value.

    “Reinventing the wheel” risks and ensuing chaos are all too real.
  3. SEED(s) Process We need full platforms, aligned with business needs,

    that drive reuse and standardization. E.g.: customer, sales, billing, accounting platforms.
  4. Total Cost of Reuse (TCR) In Time Far too often

    benefits of reuse are assessed at fixed, starting point of time. This is misleading. The long-term implications of coordination costs, created as the side-effect of standardization and centralization, to achieve reuse, must also be forecasted. Init Change 1 Change 2 Change 3 Change 4 … Benefit Cost Cost Cost Cost
  5. Frequency of Change – Litmus Test The best value-predictor for

    the benefits or detriment in Total Cost of Reuse is the frequency of change. Slow-changing shared capabilities are safe for centralization and reuse, while frequently-changing ones usually are not, even if they represent shared needs.
  6. Core Principles of Platforms TCR evaluation and appreciation of long-term

    coordination costs also leads to three main principles of building resilient API-driven platforms at scale that keep platform / consumer separation: 1. Platforms must not be arbiters of “common behavior” for consumers built on top of those platforms 2. Platforms must never orchestrate calls to other platforms on behalf of consumers 3. Platforms may never implement consumer-specific logic