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apidays Paris 2022 - APIOPS Cycles, Marjukka Ni...

January 07, 2023

apidays Paris 2022 - APIOPS Cycles, Marjukka Niinioja, Osaango

apidays Paris 2022 - APIs the next 10 years: Software, Society, Sovereignty, Sustainability
December 14, 15 & 16, 2022

Marjukka Niinioja, CEO of Osaango

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January 07, 2023

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  1. APIOps Cycles - open method for APIs APIdays Paris 2022

    Marjukka Niinioja, Osaango @mniinioja @apiopscycles LinkedIn: marjukkaniinioja 1
  2. Nice to meet you! Osaango Ltd founder, consultant and trainer.

    Marjukka has been named TIVI-magazine top 100 IT-influencers 2018-2021. She is co-author of API Economy 101 and co-founder of The API Collective and local organizer of APIdays Helsinki & North. Marjukka Niinioja, Founding partner at Osaango @osaangoltd @mniinioja www.osaango.com We are a specialized boutique consultancy. We focus on consulting on smart business ecosystems and underlying APIs, data and operational technology. Member of OpenAPI Initiative. Osaango Ltd Our customers are medium and large enterprises in fintech, media, legal, education, public sector, technology, building and construction. Our clients Osaango is part of The API Collective, global API specialist consultants. More details from www.theapicollective.com 2
  3. 2023 SERIES OF EVENT New York May 16&17 Australia October

    11&12 Singapore April 12&13 Helsinki & North June 5&6 Paris SEPTEMBER London November 15&16 June 28-30 SILICON VALLEY March 14&15 Dubai & Middle East February 22&23
  4. In 2018 APIdays Paris, I showed this map and asked:

    How can we make APIs more widely adopted?
  5. Source: Huhtamäki & al. Visualizing the Geography of Platform Boundary

    Resources: The Case of the Global API Ecosystem Amount of APIs correlates with Global Startup Index and economic growth areas. APIs thrive in cultures where user-centered design is dominant. Mashups combining several APIs require certain amount of co-location and mindset for marketers and developers to co-create.
  6. APIOps Cycles users in 2022 APIOps Cycles method is used

    by banks such as NAB in Australia, and many other companies and public sector. Predominantly those, who have already gone through 1-2 generations of API development and have felt the pain of no or other methods.
  7. Hand-written documentation 200 attributes for payload “just because we have

    them” Sensitive information in URI and Query parameters Why should business know about APIs? How do we know what APIs to build? “Basic auth is just fine” Not validating for OpenAPI definitions These were problems I presented at APIdays 2018, and these are still problems today when not using any methods or governance
  8. The rogue API developer (still) doesn’t know there is... A

    Good Way ✓ and a Bad Way ⛔ of creating APIs
  9. The results for business? Value: Revenue and benefits Costs: refactoring,

    missing features, support questions, customer and team satisfaction…
  10. But with great methods APIOps Cycles is an openly licensed

    (CC-BY-SA 4.0) method of lean and business-oriented API development. It promotes collaboration, easy and fast methods that enable business, product and technical experts to collaborate and communicate on new API and feature discovery, reuse and improvements. People become the solution not the problem
  11. When creating the method I analyzed common practices for the

    business, designers, architects and developers compared to API development. Then we piloted various sizes, industries and maturities of organizations.
  12. Business models and business model canvases are well known by

    the business people and designers Some highlights of the method:
  13. New improved lifecycle stage specific checklists help avoid the common

    mistakes and ensure quality The most used part of the APIOps Cycles method - API Audit checkclist Faster to adopt than having to read tons of documentation - partly automatable
  14. Let’s make some more dots on the map with the

    open APIOps Cycles method – for a more sustainable future and more equal growth Lean more at www.apiopscycles.com and www.osaango.academy Learn and support the method development by signing up to the new “Use APIOps Like a Pro!” course Looking for a few pilot companies to try Futudemy 2.0 - free during Q1/2022