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apidays Paris 2022 - How APIs transform nations...

January 07, 2023

apidays Paris 2022 - How APIs transform nations, Shelby Switzer, Beeck Center

apidays Paris 2022 - APIs the next 10 years: Software, Society, Sovereignty, Sustainability
December 14, 15 & 16, 2022

How APIs transform nations
Shelby Switzer, Fellow at Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation

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January 07, 2023

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  1. 2023 SERIES OF EVENT New York May 16&17 Australia October

    11&12 Singapore April 12&13 Helsinki & North June 5&6 Paris SEPTEMBER London November 15&16 June 28-30 SILICON VALLEY March 14&15 Dubai & Middle East February 22&23
  2. Our Hypothesis 4 Collaborating with other jurisdictions by default will

    save governments time and money while increasing the likelihood of success of the project, the quality of the end solution, and customer satisfaction ratings from the public.
  3. 6 Research and Storytelling "Writing" by jjpacres is licensed under

    CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Advocacy Community and Capacity Building
  4. City 8 What does a city do? Some examples… 1.

    Water system management (utilities) 2. COVID case + vaccine tracking (public health) 3. Monitoring and managing vacant properties (code enforcement) 4. Helping families find affordable child care (social services)
  5. City 1 9 1. Water system management (utilities) 2. COVID

    case + vaccine tracking (public health) 3. Monitoring and managing vacant properties (code enforcement) 4. Helping families find affordable child care (social services) City 2 1. Water system management (utilities) 2. COVID case + vaccine tracking (public health) 3. Monitoring and managing vacant properties (code enforcement) 4. Helping families find affordable child care (social services)
  6. City 1 10 1. Water: Custom built system by big

    vendor 2. COVID: Custom ESRI dashboard 3. Vacant properties: SaaS product 4. Child services: Spreadsheets and paper City 2 1. Water: SaaS product 2. COVID: University -built dashboard 3. Vacant properties: Custom built by a small vendor 4. Child services: Salesforce
  7. I was laid off during COVID, and I need h

    e lp fin d in g ch ild care so I can re tu rn to w ork. I n e ve r kn ow w h e n ch ild care facilitie s w ill b e close d b e cau se of h ig h case cou n ts in m y are a. Me an w h ile , I’m b e h in d on m y u tility b ill p aym e n ts. Un kn ow n to m e , social se rvice s w ill fast track m y ch ild care su b sid y ap p lication if I am sh ow in g sig n s of e xtra e con om ic b u rd e n , like u n p aid w ate r b ills, an d th e u tilitie s syste m w ill w aive late fe e s w h e n COVID cou n ts are h ig h . 11 Public user scenario
  8. City 1 12 1. Water: Custom built system by big

    vendor 2. COVID: Custom ESRI dashboard 3. Vacant properties: SaaS product 4. Child services: Spreadsheets and paper
  9. All of this happened, and then I move to an

    oth e r city to take care of a sick re lative . W h e n I try to fin d ch ild care an d re sou rce s to p ay for it, social se rvice s says I n e e d a ye ar’s h istory sh ow in g m y e con om ic situ ation to g e t su p p ort. I d id n ’t b rin g an y of m y p ap e rw ork. 16 Public user scenario
  10. City 1 State/province 18 1. Water system regulation 2. COVID

    case + vaccine tracking 3. Eviction relief and funding for housing programs 4. Help families subsidize child care 5. Implement other benefits such as MEDICAID or food support City 2 State/province 1. Water system regulation 2. COVID case + vaccine tracking 3. Eviction relief and funding for housing programs 4. Help families subsidize child care 5. Implement other benefits such as MEDICAID or food support
  11. City 1 State/province Country 19 1. Water system regulation 2.

    COVID case + vaccine tracking 3. Eviction relief and funding for housing programs 4. Manage immigration 5. Fund benefits such as MEDICAID or food support City 2 State/province Country 1. Water system regulation 2. COVID case + vaccine tracking 3. Eviction relief and funding for housing programs 4. Manage immigration 5. Fund other benefits such as MEDICAID or food support
  12. Paths to better public service delivery 22 1/ 2/ 3/

    4/ 5/ Through shared infrastructure + services Collaboratively or cooperatively built/maintained software Investment in open source components or applications (gov -maintained or not) Data standards (Vocabulary, not just format or types) Shared service APIs maintained by a parent government or consortium Internal APIs enabling agency and inter -agency systems
  13. Open 24 Trusted partners Internal • RTD Real -time transit

    data API (Denver) • Postal service address API • Open data APIs • CMS: Data at the Point of Care • X-Road • Aarogya Setu API • covidtests.gov • Medicare modernization APIs
  14. Legislation 26 Internal demands Product innovation • Laws mandating data

    be open • Laws mandating real - time access to information • Laws funding interoperability or data exchange systems • Modernization of legacy systems • Internal business needs for data sharing or transactions • Agency policy • Executive orders (e.g. the Customer Experience EO) • May be industry - inspired or competitive with industry • Filling market gaps • Demand from constituent gov users, leading to shared service APIs hosted by parent government (e.g. Medicaid API) • Demand from users
  15. City 1 28 1. Water: Custom built system by big

    vendor 2. COVID: Custom ESRI dashboard 3. Vacant properties: SaaS product 4. Child services: Spreadsheets and paper City 2 1. Water: SaaS product 2. COVID: University -built dashboard 3. Vacant properties: Custom built by a small vendor 4. Child services: Salesforce
  16. City 1 29 1. Water: Cooperatively purchased SaaS product 2.

    COVID: Country -powered API with OSS reusable visualization tools 3. Vacant properties: OSS product built for and by cities 4. Child services: Baserow table connected to multiple internal APIs City 2 1. Water: Cooperatively purchased SaaS product 2. COVID: Country -powered API with OSS reusable visualization tools 3. Vacant properties: OSS product built for and by cities 4. Child services: Baserow table connected to multiple internal APIs
  17. City 1 30 1. Water: Custom built system by big

    vendor 2. COVID: Custom ESRI dashboard 3. Vacant properties: SaaS product 4. Child services: Spreadsheets and paper
  18. City 1 31 1. Water: Custom built system by big

    vendor 2. COVID: Custom ESRI dashboard 3. Vacant properties: SaaS product 4. Child services: Spreadsheets and paper
  19. About the Beeck Center. 32 The Beeck Center for Social

    Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University brings together students, expert practitioners, and extended networks to work on projects that solve societal challenges using data, design, technology, and policy. Our projects test new ways for public and private institutions to leverage data and analytics, digital technologies, and service design to help more people. Stay Connected With Us. @BeeckCenter /@BeeckCenter /Company/BeeckCenter