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Apidays Singapore 2024 - Building with the Plan...

Apidays Singapore 2024 - Building with the Planet in Mind by Sandeep Joshi, Massivue

Building with the Planet in Mind: Accelerating Green Software Delivery using SustainAgility
Sandeep Joshi, Managing Director - Massivue

Apidays Singapore 2024: Connecting Customers, Business and Technology (April 17 & 18, 2024)


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May 04, 2024

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  1. Sandeep Joshi Managing Director [email protected] • 25+ years in Industry

    – Products, Consulting and Start-ups • 30+ Transformations Across Industries and Continents Building with the Planet in Mind: Accelerating Green Software Delivery using SustainAgility
  2. We need a structured approach that can help companies realize

    the desired future state without aiding to current risks and challenges. We all roughly know what shall be the desirable future for planet earth. 1 2 Beyond Net Zero - A positive shift
  3. The planet & nature are unforgiving We need better &

    faster ways 1 2 Traditional Approaches are limiting 75% Transformations Fail Over 98% sustainability programs fails https://assetmanagementassociates.com.au/thought-leadership/f/why-sustainability-initiatives-fail-and-how-to-avoid- it#:~:text=to%20support%20it.-,Not%20measuring%20performance,whether%20or%20not%20it's%20successful. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-98-sustainability-programs-fail-jaison-john/ Time in running out
  4. https://sustainagile.org SustainAgility refers to a set of core values and

    focus areas that combine sustainability and agility practices & principles to ensure a bright future for our people, planet and enterprises. It guides individuals, teams, leaders, and enterprises in navigating through the super volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous (VUCA) world. It's a way forward to ensure a future planet
  5. Sustainability by technology: Harnessing tech as a powerful force for

    green change Sustainability in technology: Making the tech your organization uses leaner and greener
  6. • Make decisions based solely on green initiatives—without considering the

    impact on other areas of business • Respond to requests from regulators with inefficient, manually gathered data • Seek out quick-fix solutions that treat sustainability as a one-time exercise—and put their companies at risk of greenwashing • Fail to connect sustainability strategies between IT and business, leading to poorly executed projects Silos create problems
  7. But, there are more challenges Cost Much of the technology

    associated with green living does provide benefits to the environment but often at a much higher cost than their traditional counterparts. Energy-efficient appliances are designed to use less electricity and water but they often come with a high price tag. The use of data centres established in cold places like North Pole region also causes in unnecessary cost due to high maintenance and high quality and high cost equipment. Payback period The time factor is also an issue in terms of the payback rate of certain green living investments. For example, replacing regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) can help the environment and save money, but it typically takes about four months for them to pay back the difference in their cost. Also for producing green IT products takes more cost while it unable to use for a long time. Rapid technology change With the rapid change in technology, world is innovating more consumer efficient product day by day. Because of that whether the product is sufficient with the need; consumers are willing to buy the same product with new features. So it causes in dump the previous version. It also affect in the green IT concept. People are inventing new environmental friendly IT product, but with the rapid technology change the product are not in use at the end. It increases the cost and wastage
  8. 1. Sustainable Finance covers financial reinvention + reimaging financial products

    with embedded sustainability view 2. Sustainable Business covers business model reinventions across all business areas like HR, Risk, Marketing and so on 3. Sustainable IT covers the integration of sustainability across the IT lifecycle 4. Sustainable Leadership covers the intervention of continuous learning and mind shifts towards sustainable culture 5. Sustainable Product Management covers the integration of core values across the product lifecycle Integrated Strategy is essential 5 Pillars of SustainAgility
  9. Green Software Delivery with SustainAgility Ideate Design Build Test Release

    Maintain Direct Impact • Maintainability • Efficiency Indirect Impact • Emission • Schedule / Cost Delays • Governance Efforts Common Goals •ESG Targets At every stage, choose the options that deliver outcomes without harming the planet. Sustainability mindset, metrics and governance: Inspiring change, establishing accountability and making your progress trackable
  10. Doing your part Join SUSTAINAGILTY COMMUNITY AT LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14120199/ https://sustainagile.org

    https://academy.massivue.com/courses/sustainagility-fundamentals ENROLL FOR SUSTAINAGILITY FUNDAMENTALS COURSE (FREE)
  11. How we can help with our Proven Expertise and Outcomes?

    Sustainability Consulting Work with our ESG and SustainAgility Experts to deliver transformational outcomes for your company. Structured Learning Hands-on specialized training through our structure learning pathways. Our in-house experiential learning and certifications through MASSIVUE Academy can provide economic and scalable training solution. 01 Consulting and Coaching Engage our experts and consultants to deliver exponential outcomes. 03 Get your employees enabled with hands-on pragmatic trainings Training and Certifications Implementation Ideate, design, build, measure, iterate and scale solutions seamlessly with our end-to-end framework that combines agility, customer centricity and technical excellence to deliver world class business outcomes. 02 Hire our Product Teams & Specialists to build and implement products faster Product Delivery